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DECEMBER'S FREE SHEET MUSIC: Get "Christmas Carol of the Birds (Le Noël des Oiseaux)" by Cécile Chaminade for FREE now through 12/31!
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- Items tagged as "4 hands"
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& cello (opt.)
(alto-)flute And Percussion (2 Bongo Drums
(basso Continuo Ad Libitum)
(double Bass)-flute And One Stone
(e-)bass And Percussion
(opt. cello or bassoon)
(smeza) And Organ
(tabor) Pipe
..) Piccolos And 4 Basel Drums (with 8 Whistles)
1 - 2 Cellos (piano Ad Libitum)
1 - 2 Drums
1 And 2 Cors Anglais / Oboe Da Caccia
1 And 2 Guitars
1 And 2 Oboes D’amore
1 And Flute)
1 Instrument/Continuo
1 Instrument/Piano
1 Or 2 Cellos
1 Or 2 Descant Recorders
1 Or 2 Descant Recorders (voice); Guitar And Percussion Ad Lib.
1 Or 2 Guitars
1 Or 2 Guitars With Voice
1 Or 2 String Quartets
1 Or 2 Trumpets And Piano
1 Or 2 Violins And Piano Or 2 Violins Alone
1 Percussion
1 Percussion)
1 Percussionist
1 Piano
1 Player And Audience
1 Recorder (s/a/t) And Piano
1 Recorder (s/a/t) Or Other Melodic Instruments And Basso Continuo
1 Soprano Recorder (solo)
1 Speakers
1 Spoken Voice And Soloflute
1 Strings
1 to 4 Trumpets
1 Trombone
1 Tuba)
1-2 Accordions
1-2 Accordions (m Ii)
1-2 Alto Saxophones
1-2 Alto Saxophones In Eb
1-2 Bassoons
1-2 Cellos
1-2 Clarinets
1-2 Clarinets In Bb
1-2 Descant Recorders
1-2 Flutes
1-2 Flutes And Piano
1-2 Guitars
1-2 Horns
1-2 Oboes
1-2 Soprano Recorders
1-2 Soprano Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
1-2 Treble Recorders
1-2 Trumpets
1-2 Trumpets And Piano
1-2 Trumpets In Bb
1-2 Violas
1-2 Violins
1-2 Violins And Piano; Double Bass Ad Libitum
1-2 Violoncello
1-2 Voices
1-2 Voices And Piano
1-3 French Harps (diat.)
1-3 Guitars
1-3 Guitars (melody Instruments In C Ad Lib.)
1-3 Guitars And Other Instruments
1-3 Horns
1-3 Treble Recorders
1-3stimmiger Youth Choir (soloistsstisch And Choirisch)
1-4 Actors
1-4 Descant Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
1-4 Flutes
1-4 Timpani (1 Or 2 Players)
1-4 Treble Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
1-4 Voices (soloists Or Choir) And Piano (organ)
1-4 Voices With And Without Accompaniment (piano)
1-5 Recorders (s/ss/sa/sat/ssa/sss/ssat/sssat)
10 Spoken Voices (5 S/a - 5 T/b) And Percussion (3 Players)
10 Wind Instruments
100 Metronoms
11 Solo Parts
12 Car Horns/6 Door Bells (3 Players)
12 Cellos
12 Choir Groups (ssaa/aabb/stb/aatb/sstt/sttb/ssbb/aab/aatt/attb/sab/ttbb)
12 Horns
12 Horns In 3 Choirs
12 Instruments (flute
12 Performers Or More
12 Saxophones
12 Strings And Piano; Bassoon Ad Libitum
12 Wind Instruments And Double Bass
13 Instrumentalists
13 Wind Instruments
14 Players
14 Players In 4 Groups
16 Minimum) And Organ Or Brass Instruments
16 Voices (ssssaaaattttbbbb)
18 Voices) And Orchestra
2 - 4 Recorders (satb) And Guitar
2 Accordeons
2 Accordions
2 Accordions (m Ii / Iii)
2 Accordions (m Ii)
2 Accordions (m Ii) Or For Accordion And One Various Melodic Instrument
2 Accordions (m Ii/m Iii)
2 Accordions (m Iii)
2 Accordions Mii
2 Alto (F) Recorders and Piano (Cello)
2 Alto Saxophones
2 Altosaxophones
2 Altovoices
2 B-flat Clarinets
2 B-flat Saxophones
2 Bass Recorders
2 Bassclarinets In Bb
2 Basses
2 Basses)
2 Basses/Continuo
2 Bassoons
2 Bassoons (cellos)
2 Bassoons (trombone And Bassoon
2 Bassoons And 2 Horns
2 Bassoons And Timpani (tambourineo)
2 Bassoons or Cellos
2 Boy's Voices (sa) And Flute
2 Brass Ensembles And Congregational Singing Ad Lib.
2 C/B-flat Trumpets/Trombone/Tuba
2 Cello
2 Cellos
2 Cellos (2 Bassoons)
2 Cellos (bassoons
2 Cellos (viol Da Gamba) And Basso Continuo
2 Cellos) And Basso Continuo
2 Cellos/Orchestra
2 Cellos/Piano
2 Children's Or Female Choirs (sa / Ssaa)
2 Choirs And 2 Orchestra
2 Choirs And 2 String Orchestra
2 Clarinet And Cello (ad Libitum)
2 Clarinets
2 Clarinets (2. Also Bass Clarinet)
2 Clarinets (b Or Eb)
2 Clarinets (b/a)
2 Clarinets (in C Or B) And Bassoon (+ 2. Voice In Eb)
2 Clarinets (in Eb And B)
2 Clarinets (percussion Instruments Ad Libitum)
2 Clarinets And 2 Bassoons
2 Clarinets And Bassoon
2 Clarinets And Cello (ad Libitum)
2 Clarinets And Hunting Horn (or Horn In F) Or 2 Violins And Viola
2 Clarinets And Piano
2 Clarinets And Rhythm Section Ad Libitum
2 Clarinets in A/B-flat and Bass Clarinet
2 Clarinets In Bb
2 Clarinets In Bb (or Clarinet In Bb And Bass Clarinet)
2 Clarinets In Bb-flat And Bass Clarinet
2 Clarinets In C
2 Clarinets Or 2 Melody Instruments
2 Clarinets or 2 Saxophones
2 Clarinets Or Other Melodieinstruments
2 Clarinets/ Bassoon
2 Clarinets/2 Bassoons/2 Horns
2 Clarinets/Accordion
2 Clavichords
2 Conga
2 Congas Drums
2 Cornets (zinken) Or 2 Violins Or Other Melody Instruments
2 Cymbal
2 Descant Recorders
2 Descant Recorders (violins)
2 Descant Recorders (violins) And Piano
2 Descant Recorders And Piano
2 E-flat Saxophones
2 Equal Voices
2 Equal Voices (mixed Choir Satb) And Piano (organ)
2 Equal Voices And Organ
2 Female Choirs Or Children's Choirs (smeza/mez) A Cappella
2 Female Voices And Bassflute
2 Flutes
2 Flutes (2. Also Piccolo)
2 Flutes (also Piccolo)
2 Flutes (alto-recorders) And Strings
2 Flutes (cello
2 Flutes (flute And Violin) And Generalbass
2 Flutes (oboes
2 Flutes (oboes)
2 Flutes (oboes) And Basso Continuo
2 Flutes (or Flute And Oboe) And Piano
2 Flutes (treble Recorders) And Strings
2 Flutes (violins
2 Flutes (violins)
2 Flutes (violins) And Basso Continuo
2 Flutes (violins) And Viola
2 Flutes And 2 Horns
2 Flutes And 3 Clarinets
2 Flutes And Alto-flute (cello/bassoon)
2 Flutes And Basso Continuo
2 Flutes And Basso Continuo; Cello Ad Libitum
2 Flutes And Bassoon (cello)
2 Flutes And Piano
2 Flutes And String Orchestra
2 Flutes And String Orchestra; 2 Oboes And 2 Horns Ad Libitum
2 Flutes And Strings
2 Flutes Or 2 Trumpets Or Xylophone And Piano
2 Flutes or 2 Violins
2 Flutes or Oboes or Violins
2 Flutes Or Other Melodic Instruments
2 Flutes or Violins
2 Flutes/2 A Clarinets/Bassoon
2 Flutes/Bassoon
2 Flutes/Piano
2 French Horns
2 French Horns And 2 Bassoons (2. Also Contrabassoo
2 Guitars
2 Guitars (1 Player) Or Multiples Of This
2 Guitars (also Guitar Ensemble)
2 Guitars (vihuelas)
2 Guitars Or Flute And Guitar
2 Guitars/Rhythm Guitar/Bass
2 Hackbretter
2 Harps
2 Harps And Percussion
2 Harpsichords
2 Harpsichords (pianos)
2 Harpsichords And Strings
2 High Sopranos And Ensemble
2 High Voices And Organ
2 Horns
2 Horns (e)
2 Horns (horn And Alto-trombone) And Orchestra
2 Horns Ad Libitum
2 Horns And 2 Bassoons
2 Horns And Bassoon
2 Horns And Harpsichord
2 Horns And String Orchestra
2 Horns And String Quartet
2 Horns And Strings
2 Horns And Strings; Harpsichord Ad Libitum
2 Horns In D And Strings
2 Horns In F
2 Horns In F And 2 Bassoons
2 Horns In F And Harp (piano)
2 Horns in F/4 Trb./Bass Trb./Tuba/Drums/Piano
2 Horns) And Double Bass
2 Horns/String Quartet
2 Horns/Strings
2 Instrumental Ensembles (a Instrumental Ensemble I - Strings / Instrumental Ensemble Ii - Brass Instruments / B Instrumental En
2 Instruments And Percussion
2 Instruments And Piano
2 Instruments Equalr Stimmung
2 Instruments/Continuo
2 Keyboards
2 Malletinstruments (vibraphone
2 Mandolines
2 Mandolines And Guitar
2 Mandolins or Violins/Mandola or Cello/Guitar
2 Mandolins/Mandola/Guitar
2 Marimbas
2 Marimbas or Vibraphones
2 Melody Instruments (flute
2 Melody Instruments In C Or In Bb And Percussion
2 Mixed Choirs
2 Mixed Choirs (each 24 Parts)
2 Mixed Choirs (satb)
2 Mixed Choirs (satb/satb)
2 Mixed Choirs (satb/satb) And Orchestra
2 Mixed Choirs (satb/satb) And Organ
2 Mixed Choirs (ssaatbb/saattb) A Cappella
2 Mixed Choirs A Cappella
2 Mixed Choirs And Large Wind Band
2 Natural Horns
2 Natural Horns In C
2 Oboes
2 Oboes (2. Also English Horn)
2 Oboes (flute
2 Oboes (flutes
2 Oboes (violins
2 Oboes 2 Clarinets
2 Oboes And 2 Horns
2 Oboes And 2 Horns In C
2 Oboes And Basso Continuo
2 Oboes And Bassoon Ad Libitum
2 Oboes And Cor Anglais
2 Oboes And Englisch Horn
2 Oboes And Orchestra
2 Oboes And Strings
2 Oboes And Strings; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
2 Oboes/2 Bassoons/2 Horns
2 Oboes/2 Clarinets/2 Bassoons/2 Horns
2 Oboes/2 Horns/Strings
2 Oboes/Bassoon/Continuo
2 Oboes/Cello/Continuo
2 Oboes/Continuo
2 Oboes/English Horn
2 Oboes/English Horn/2 Bassoons
2 Or 3 Guitars
2 Orchestra
2 Organs
2 Organs (keyboard Instruments) Or 2 Harps Or 1 Harp And 1 Keyboard Instrument
2 Part Children's Choir; Piano Ad Libitum
2 part choir
2 part unison choir
2 Pedal Harps
2 Percussionists (player I: Xylophone
2 Piano (8 Hands)
2 Pianos
2 Pianos (4 Hands)
2 Pianos (6 Hands)
2 Pianos (8 Hands)
2 Pianos (or Piano And Harp) And Percussion
2 Pianos 8-händig
2 Pianos And Orchestra
2 Pianos And Percussion
2 Pianos Or Organ And Harpsichord
2 Pianos/Strings
2 Piccolos And Wind Band
2 Recorders
2 Recorders (alto Or Soprano) And Piano (harpsichord); Cello Ad Libitum
2 Recorders (at)
2 Recorders (at) And Piano (harpsichord)
2 Recorders (s(s)a)
2 Recorders (s/a Or S/t)
2 Recorders (sa) And Piano
2 Recorders (sa) Or Other Melody Instruments
2 Recorders (ss/aa)
2 Recorders (ss/aa/at/tt) Or Other Melody Instruments
2 Recorders (ss/sa/aa) Or Flutes
2 Recorders (ss/tt)
2 Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
2 Saxophones
2 Saxophones (a/t)
2 Saxophones (alto Or Tenor)
2 Saxophones Or 2 Flutes
2 Side/snare Drums
2 Singers And Piano
2 Small Orchestras
2 Solo Parts
2 Solo-violins
2 Soloists
2 Soloists (sa) Ad Libitum
2 Soloists (soprano/alto) And Organ
2 Soprano Recorders
2 Soprano Recorders And Percussion
2 Soprano Saxophones
2 Soprano- (tenor-) Recorders And Piano
2 Soprano- And 1 Treble Recorder
2 Soprano- And 1 Treble Recorder Or 3 Other Melodic Instruments (violins
2 Sopranos
2 Sopranos (or Soprano And Clarinet)
2 Sopranos (soprano/alto) And Organ
2 Sopranos And Piano
2 Sopranos And Piano (organ)
2 Sopranos or 2 Tenors/Bass/Continuo
2 Sopranos or 2 Tenors/Continuo
2 Sopranos/Bass/2 Clarinets/Basset Horn
2 Sopranos/Bass/Continuo
2 Sopranos/Bass/Lute
2 Sopranos/Piano/Organ
2 Speakers
2 Speakers And Mixed Choir
2 String Instruments (or Soprano- And Treble Recorder)
2 String Orchestra
2 String Quartets And Double Bass
2 Suspended Cymbals
2 Tenor Trombones And Bass Trombone
2 Tenors
2 Tenors And 2 Basses)
2 Tenors And Baritone; Solo Voices Or Men's Choir
2 Tenors And Bass
2 Tenors And Bass) And Ensemble
2 Tenors/Bass/Continuo
2 Tenors/Continuo
2 Timpani (1 Player)
2 Treble Recorders
2 Treble Recorders (flutes
2 Treble Recorders (flutes)
2 Treble Recorders (flutes) And Basso Continuo
2 Treble Recorders (or Treble Recorder And Flute/violin) And Basso Continuo
2 Treble Recorders (solo) And Recorder Ensemble With Guitar
2 Treble Recorders (soprano Recorders
2 Treble Recorders (violins
2 Treble Recorders (violins) And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
2 Treble Recorders And Basso Continuo
2 Treble Recorders And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
2 Treble Recorders And Basso Continuo; Cello Ad Libitum
2 Treble Recorders And Cello (bass Recorder)
2 Treble Recorders And Harpsichord (piano) With Cello Ad Libitum
2 Treble Recorders And Harpsichord (piano); Viola Da Gamba (cello) Ad Libitum
2 Treble Recorders And Piano
2 Treble Recorders And Piano (harpsichord)
2 Treble Recorders And Piano (harpsichord); Cello Ad Libitum
2 Treble Recorders And Piano; Cello Ad Libitum
2 Treble Recorders And Violin
2 Treble Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
2 Trombones
2 Trombones (horns) And Tuba Ad Libitum
2 Trombones And Organ
2 Trombones)
2 Trombones; Timpani And Percussion Ad Libitum
2 Trumpets
2 Trumpets (b Flat)
2 Trumpets (b) And 2 Trombones
2 Trumpets (c)
2 Trumpets (cornets) In Bb And Piano
2 Trumpets (flugelhorns)
2 Trumpets (oboe And Trumpet)
2 Trumpets And 2 Trombones
2 Trumpets And 3 Trombones
2 Trumpets And Organ
2 Trumpets And Piano
2 Trumpets and Strings
2 Trumpets And Trombone
2 Trumpets And Wind Band
2 Trumpets In Bb
2 Trumpets In Bb And Strings
2 Trumpets Or 2 Piccolo Trumpets
2 Trumpets Or Horns
2 Trumpets/2 Trombones
2 Trumpets/2 Trombones/Organ
2 Trumpets/Organ
2 Trumpets; Piano Ad Libitum
2 Tubas
2 Various High Instruments And Basso Continuo
2 Ventil-horns In C
2 Ventil-trumpets In C
2 Vibraphones
2 Viola Da Braccio
2 Viola Da Gamba
2 Violas
2 Violas (or Violin And Viola)
2 Violas (viola And Cello)
2 Violas And 2 Cellos
2 Violas And 2 Violoncellos
2 Violas And Cello
2 Violas And Cello; 4 Gamben; 4 Trombones; Trumpet (c) And 3 Trombon
2 Violas And Cello; 4 Gamben; 4 Trombones; Trumpet (c) And 3 Trombones
2 Violas D'amore And Basso Continuo
2 Violins
2 Violins (1. Position)
2 Violins (ad Libitum Also Violin And Viola)
2 Violins (and Rhythmusgruppe)
2 Violins (cello Ad Libitum) And Piano
2 Violins (fiddles) And Cello (bass-fiddle)
2 Violins (flutes
2 Violins (flutes)
2 Violins (oboes) And Basso Continuo (piano
2 Violins (or Flute And Violin)
2 Violins (soloistic Or In Groups)
2 Violins (tenor Recorder) And Basso Continuo
2 Violins (vielles) And Cello (bass-vielle)
2 Violins (violins-ensemble)
2 Violins And Bass
2 Violins And Bass (cello)
2 Violins And Bass (cello); Piano Ad Libitum
2 Violins And Bass (violoncello)
2 Violins And Bass With Basso Continuo
2 Violins And Basso Continuo
2 Violins And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
2 Violins And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
2 Violins And Basso Continuo; Cello Ad Libitum
2 Violins And Cello
2 Violins And Cello (3. Violin
2 Violins And Cello (or 2 Violins And Viola)
2 Violins And Cello (soloistsstisch Or Choirisch)
2 Violins And Cello (viola)
2 Violins And Cello (viola) Or 3 Violins
2 Violins And Cello Ad Libitum
2 Violins And Cello Or 3 Violas (fiddles)
2 Violins And Cello Or 3 Violas (vielles)
2 Violins And Cello Or String Orchestra
2 Violins And Cello With Double Bass; Viola And Harpsichord (piano) Ad Libitum
2 Violins and Continuo
2 Violins And Double Bass (cello)
2 Violins And Orchestra
2 Violins and Piano
2 Violins And Piano; Cello Ad Libitum
2 Violins And Piano; Cello Ad Libitum (solo Or In Groups)
2 Violins And String Orchestra
2 Violins And Viola
2 Violins And Viola (cello)
2 Violins And Violoncello With Double-bass
2 Violins Obligatory
2 Violins Or 2-part Violin Choir With Accompanying 3rd Violin Or Viola
2 Violins Or 2-stimmigen Violinschoir
2 Violins) And Basso Continuo
2 Violins/2 Violas/Cello
2 Violins/Continuo
2 Violins/Double Bass
2 Violins/String Orchestra
2 Vl
2 Voice Parts
2 Voices
2 Voices (s/a) Or Children's Choir (female Choir) And Organ
2 Voices (sa/tbar)
2 Voices And Piano
2 Voices Or For Two Part Choir
2 Voices/Guitar
2 Voices/Organ
2 Voilins and Continuo
2 Wind Instruments In Bb Or Eb (clarinets
2 Wood Blockdrums
2 Woodwinds (flutes
2-3 Flutes (3. Flute Ad Libitum)
2-3 Melody Instruments In C Or B
2-3 Recorders (sa/saa)
2-3 Recorders (sa/t) And Piano
2-3 Recorders (sa/t); Piano Ad Libitum
2-3 Recorders (sat)
2-3 Recorders (ssa) And Small Percussion
2-3 Trumpets
2-4 Recorders (at/st/aat/aab/sat/satb/aaab/attb/saat/sttb)
2-4 Recorders (sa/att/sat/aat/stb/satt/attb/satb)
2-4 Recorders (ss/sss/ssa/sat/ssab)
2-4 Speakers And 2-4 Instrumentalists
2-4 Trumpets; In Parts With Timpani
2-4 Trumpets; Teilweise With Timpani
2-4 Violins
2-6 Recorders (aa/st/stt/sat/satb/attb/aatt/ssat/ssatb/ssattb)
2-6 Recorders (sa/sat/atb/aat/aab/stb/saat/satb/satt/aatb/ssatb/ssattb)
2-part Choir Or 2 Voices (high/low) And Keyboard
2-part Choir/Piano
2. Accordion And Rhythm-guitar Ad Libitum
2. Accordion And Rhythmus-guitar Ad Libitum
2. Cello Ad Lib
2. Trumpet Ad Libitum)
2. Violin "per Eco" And String Orchestra With Basso Continuo
20 Vocalists (5s/5a/5t/5b)
21 Solo-strings
24 Instruments
2vl And Piano
3 (2) Pianos And Percussion (5 Player)
3 (2) Pianos And Percussion (6 Player)
3 (4) Speakers And 3 (4) Instrumentalists - Conductor
3 Accordions
3 And 4 Trumpets
3 And 4 Violins
3 Cellos
3 Cellos And Orchestra
3 Choirs (satb) Or 2 Choirs (satb) And Organ
3 Clarinet (2 Clarinets And Viola)
3 Clarinets
3 Clarinets (b) And 1 Bassclarinet (b)
3 Clarinets (bb) And 1 Bassclarinet (bb)
3 Clarinets (bb/eb)
3 Clarinets And Bass Clarinet
3 Clarinets in B-flat
3 Descant Recorders
3 Descant Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
3 Different Ensembles
3 Equal Or Mixed Voices (saa Or Sat)
3 Equal Voices
3 Equal Voices (choir) And Organ
3 Equal Voices (high-medium-low)
3 Equal Voices (smeza)
3 Equal Voices (ssa) And Piano
3 Equal Voices And Instruments
3 Female Voices (s)
3 Female Voices (ssmez) Or Female Choir
3 Flutes
3 Flutes (2 Flutes In C And 1 Altoflute In G Or F)
3 Flutes (strings
3 Flutes (violins
3 Flutes (violins)
3 Flutes And Altoflute In G
3 Flutes And Pre-recorded Sequences
3 Flutes/Bassoon or Cello
3 Guitars
3 Guitars (2 Octave Guitars Ad Libitum)
3 Guitars (also In Groups)
3 Guitars (guitar Ensemble)
3 Guitars And Ensemble Of Plucked Instruments
3 Guitars Or Guitar Ensemble
3 Guitars Or Other Instruments
3 Guitars/Wind Quintet
3 Harpsichords And Strings
3 Horns In Eb And Bassoon
3 Instruments (strings Or Woodwinds Or Strings And Woodwinds)
3 Instruments/Continuo
3 Male Voices And 3 Boy's Voices With Piano
3 Male Voices And Organ
3 Mandolines
3 Marimbas/2 Percussions
3 Melodic Instruments (flutes
3 Melodic Instruments (violins
3 Mixed Choirs (satb)
3 Mixed Choirs (satb) And Orchestra
3 Mixed Choirs (satb/satb/satb) A Cappella
3 Mixed Choirs And Orchestra
3 Oboes
3 Or 4 Guitars
3 Or 5 Recorders) And Piano
3 Organs And 3 Trumpets
3 part vocal
3 Percussion
3 Percussionr (1. Player: Xylophone
3 Pianos
3 Pianos 12 Hands
3 Pianos And Percussion (6-9 Player)
3 Pianos And Percussion (8 Player)
3 Piccolos Or 3 Flutes (also Piccolo And Bassflute)
3 Player (wind Instruments/strings)
3 Recorder (sat)
3 Recorders
3 Recorders (att)
3 Recorders (s/a/t)
3 Recorders (saa Or Sat)
3 Recorders (saa) For 1 Player
3 Recorders (saa) Or Other Melodic Instruments
3 Recorders (sat)
3 Recorders (sat) And Piano
3 Recorders (sat/ssa/saa/sst)
3 Recorders (sat/ssa/sst/saa)
3 Recorders (sat/ssa/sst/sss/ssa)
3 Recorders (sat/sst/saa)
3 Recorders (ssa Or Sat)
3 Recorders (ssa)
3 Recorders (ssa) And Piano
3 Recorders (ssa) Or 3 Fiddles
3 Recorders (ssa) Or 3 Other Melodic Instruments (violins
3 Recorders (ssa); Percussion Ad Libitum
3 Recorders (ssa/saa/aaa)
3 Recorders (sss/sas/saa) And Basso Continuo (viola Da Gamba Or Cello Ad Libitum)
3 Recorders (sss/ttt/aat/ssa)
3 Recorders (stb)
3 Recorders And Tambourine
3 Saxophones (aat
3 Saxophones (atbar)
3 Saxophones (sat) Or Clarinet In Bb
3 Solo Parts
3 Solo Parts And Chamber Orchestra
3 Solo Parts And Orchestra
3 Soloists
3 Soloists (stb)
3 Soprano Recorders
3 Soprano- And 1 Alto-(tenor-)recorder
3 Sopranos
3 Sopranos or 3 Tenors/Continuo
3 Speakers And Orchestra
3 Tamtams
3 Tenors/Continuo
3 Tom-toms And Timpani
3 Treble Recorders
3 Treble Recorders (violins)
3 Treble Recorders (violins) And Piano (harpsichord
3 Trombones
3 Trombones And Basso Continuo
3 Trombones/Bass Tuba
3 Trumpets
3 Trumpets And 3 Trombones
3 Trumpets and Organ
3 Trumpets In Bb And 3 Trombones
3 Trumpets In C
3 Trumpets In C And String Orchestra
3 Trumpets/2 Horns/3 Trombones/Euphonium/Tuba
3 Trumpets/3 Trombones/ Euphonium/Tuba
3 Violas
3 Violins
3 Violins (1st Position)
3 Violins (2 Violins And Viola)
3 Violins (or Other Melody Instruments) And Bass
3 Violins (soloistic Or In Groups)
3 Violins (soloistsstisch And Choirisch)
3 Violins (soloistsstisch Or Choirisch)
3 Violins And Basso Continuo
3 Violins And Basso Continuo Or String Orchestra
3 Violins And Cello; Double Bass Ad Libitum
3 Violins And Chamber Orchestra
3 Violins And Piano
3 Violins/2 Violas/Continuo
3 Voices (s/s/a) Or Children's Choir (female Choir) And Organ
3 Voices (sabar) With Wind Instrumentsn Or Stringsn Ad Libitum
3 Voices (stb)
3 Voices Ad Libitum
3 Voices Or Choirs (smeza/tbarb) Or 6-parts Choir (smezatbarb)
3 Voices Or Choirs (smeza/tbarb) Or 6stg. Choir (smezatbarb); Organ Ad Libitum
3 Voices Or Female Choir (smeza) And Piano
3 Voices With Organaccompaniment
3 Wind Instruments
3-4 Guitars
3-4 Part Mixed Choir
3-4 Recorders (sat/ssat)
3-4 Recorders (sat/sst/ssa/sab/sss/satbb/ssat/satb)
3-4 Recorders (sat/sst/sstb/satb)
3-5 Guitars
3-5 Instruments
3-5 Part Mixed Choir
3-5 Recorders (sat/satb/ssat/saatb/sattb)
3-6 Flutes
3-6 Recorders (sat/att/aat/stb/atb/sst/satb/ssab/sattb/aattb/ssatb/saattb)
3-part Female or Male Choir
3-part Mixed Choir/Piano
4 Accordion Groups And Tape
4 B-flat Clarinets
4 Barock-trumpets And Timpani
4 Bass Clarinets In B Flat
4 Bassoons
4 Blechbläser
4 Brass Instruments
4 Brass Instruments (trumpets
4 Brass Instruments Or Blechwind Ensemble
4 Cellos
4 Cellos (4 Bassoons)
4 Cellos Or Cello Ensemble
4 Cellos/Orchestra
4 Chinese Cym
4 Clarinets
4 Clarinets (3 Clarinets In Bb And Bass Clarinet In Bb)
4 Cymbal
4 Equal Or Mixed Voices
4 Flutes
4 Flutes (1. Also Piccolo
4 Flutes (2 Flutes
4 Flutes (also Piccolo And Altoflute)
4 Flutes (and Altoflute In G Ad Libitum)
4 Flutes (violins)
4 Flutes And Basso Continuo
4 Flutes And Basso Continuo (or 5 Flutes)
4 Flutes And Drums Ad. Lib.
4 Flutes or4 Oboes or 4 Recorders
4 Gongs
4 Guitars
4 Guitars Or Guitarsensemble
4 Hands
4 Harps
4 Harpsichords and Strings
4 Holzdrums
4 Horns
4 Horns And 2 Bassoons)
4 Horns And 3 Trombones
4 Horns In F
4 Instruments (recorders-
4 Male Voices (ctenttbar)
4 Male Voices (ttbb) And Piano
4 Oboes
4 Pedal Drums (1 Player)
4 Performers Or 4 Groups
4 Pianos
4 Recorders
4 Recorders (aatt)
4 Recorders (attb)
4 Recorders (saat)
4 Recorders (satb Od. Aatb)
4 Recorders (satb Od. Attb) Or Other Melody Instruments (violas
4 Recorders (satb)
4 Recorders (satb) Or 3 Recorders (sat); Piano Ad Libitum
4 Recorders (satb) Or 4 Fiddles
4 Recorders (satb) Or Other Melody Instruments
4 Recorders (satb) Or Recorder Choir
4 Recorders (satb) Or Recorders-orchestra
4 Recorders (satb) Or Strings
4 Recorders (satb); Piano Ad Libitum
4 Recorders (satb); Voice (soprano) Ad Libitum
4 Recorders (satb/siaab/saab/ssab/sstb/sstt)
4 Recorders (ssaa)
4 Recorders (ssab)
4 Recorders (ssat Od. Sopranoino
4 Recorders (ssat)
4 Recorders (ssat) Or 4 Violins And Basso Continuo (bass Recorder Or Cello)
4 Recorders Or 4 Strings; Voice And Guitar Ad Libitum
4 Saxophones
4 Saxophones (aatbar)
4 Saxophones (aatbar/aaabar)
4 Saxophones (s/aatbar)
4 Saxophones (satbar)
4 Small Orchestras (je With 2 Hornsn And Stringsn)
4 Solo Parts
4 Solo Parts And Orchestra
4 Solo Parts And String Orchestra
4 Solo Voices
4 Soloists
4 Soloists (satb)
4 Trombones
4 Trombones (tenor Horns)
4 Trombones Or Brass Instruments
4 Trombones/Bass Tuba
4 Trombones/tenor Horns
4 Trumpets
4 Various Instruments (soprano-
4 Violas
4 Violas (or String Quartet)
4 Violins
4 Violins And Piano
4 Voice a capella
4 Voices (attb) And String Orchestra
4 Voices (countertenor
4 Voices (countertenor Or Alto
4 Voices (ctttb) And 3 Violas
4 Voices (satb)
4 Voices (satb) A Cappella (4 Soloists Or À8
4 Voices (satb) With Piano
4-10 Performers
4-5 Horns In F
4-5 Mixed Voices (soloists Or Ensemble) And Offstage Choir Ad Lib.
4-5 Recorders (satb/ssaat)
4-5 Trombones
4-6 Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
4-7 Player And Tape (ad Libitum; Produced By The Performers) (4-7 Wind Instruments Or 3-6 Wind Instruments And 1 Streichinstrume
4-part Female or Male Choir
4-part Mixed Chorus/Piano
4-part Violin Ensemble Or 4 Violins Solo
4. Also Altoflute In G Ad Libitum)
40 Recorders
40 Recorders / Synthesizer
5 Clarinets
5 Clarinets in B-flat
5 Female Voices And Orchestra
5 Flutes (or 4 Flutes And Altoflute In G)
5 Flutes In C
5 Guitars
5 Guitars (5 Wind Instruments In B Flat
5 Instruments (brass Instruments
5 Marimbaphones
5 Or 7 Instrumentalists
5 Percussionists (1 Xylophone · 1 Glockenspiel · 2 Marimbas · 1 Vibraphone · 1 Bass-marimba · Bongos · 5 Teponaztli [aztec Woode
5 Recorders (saatb)
5 Recorders (sattb/saatb)
5 Recorders (ssaat)
5 Recorders (ssatb Od. Ssaat); Piano Ad Libitum
5 Recorders (ssatb)
5 Saxophones (aaatbar)
5 Saxophones (s/aaatbar)
5 Saxophones (saatbar)
5 Solo Parts
5 Soloists
5 Soloists (ssatb)
5 Temple Blocks
5 Toms
5 Voices (sattb)
5 Wind Instruments
5 Wind Instruments In B Flat
5 Wood Blocks
5-9 Wind Instruments
5–12 Player (wind Instruments
6 Brass Instruments
6 Cellos
6 Cellos And Treble Recorder (or Flute
6 Dancers And Instrumental Ensemble
6 Double Basses
6 Female Voices
6 Flutes Or Flute Orchester
6 Flutes Or Fluteschoir
6 Flutes/Percussion
6 Guitars
6 Hands
6 Male Voices (aatbarbarb) A Cappella
6 Or More Violins
6 Pianos
6 Recorders (aattbb)
6 Recorders (sssaaa)
6 Saxophones (saattbar)
6 Solo Parts
6 Speakers And Instruments
6 Strings Or String Ensemble
6 Trombones/Bass Tuba
6 Trumpets
6 Viola
6 Violas
6 Violoncellos (or String Sextet)
6 Voices (smezatbarb) Or A Cappella Chamber Choir
6 Voices (soprano
7 Cellos
7 Equal Instruments (vocal Version: 7 Sopranos And 7 Basses)
7 Female Voices
7 Flutes And Tambourin (piccolo
7 Flutes/Piccolo
7 Instruments
7 Recorders (ssaattb); Basso Continuo And Cello Ad Libitum
7 Thail. Gongs
7 Vocal Groups (sab/at/st/tb/ab/as/stb
8 (16
8 Brass Instruments (3 Horns
8 Brass Quintets
8 Cellos
8 Clarinets And Piano
8 Congas Drums (4 Player)
8 Double Basses
8 Flutes (1. Also Piccolo)
8 Flutists With Additional Votes For Flute Ensembles At Any Size
8 Hands
8 Soloists
8 Soloists (ssaattbb)
8 Voices
8 Wind Instruments
8 Wind Instruments (2 Oboes
8 Wind Instruments (flute
9 Brass Instruments
9 Brass Instruments And Timpani
9 Clarinets
9 Flutes (2 Piccolo/6 Flutes/1 Altoflute)
9 Organs (8 Positivorgans And 1 Big Organ) And Percussion (3 Player: 2 Crotales
A And Eb
A Basset Horn
a capella
a cappella
A Clarinet/Cello/Piano
Accordion (2. Accordion Ad Libitum)
Accordion (m Ii / Iii)
Accordion (m Ii Or M Iii)
Accordion (m Ii)
Accordion (m Iii)
Accordion (m Iii) And Percussion
Accordion (m Iii) And Piano
Accordion (m Iii) And String Quartet
Accordion (mii)
Accordion (with 2. Voice Ad Libitum) (m Ii)
Accordion And Cello
Accordion And Clarinet
Accordion And Double-bass
Accordion And Orchestra
Accordion And Organ
Accordion And Piano
Accordion And String Quartet
Accordion And Violin
Accordion M Iii
Accordion Mii
Accordion Orchestra
Accordion Orchestra/Cello
Accordion Orchestra/Electric Bass
Accordion Solo
Accordion With 2. Voice Ad Libitum
Accordion-solo And Orchestra
Accordion/Easy Piano
Ad Libitum Men's Choir) A Cappella
Adapted Viola And Chromelodeon
Afro-Cuban Ensemble
Also A Cap.
Also Divided)
Also Female Choir Or Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano
Also Female Choir Or Men's Choir And Piano
Also With Piano
Alto (baritone)
Alto (baritone) And Piano
Alto (mezzo-soprano) And Piano
Alto (or Bass / Baritone) And Orchestra
Alto And 8 Instruments
Alto And Baritone Saxophone
Alto And Bass Solo
Alto And Chamber Orchestra
Alto And Chamber Orchestra Or Piano
Alto And Instrumentalensemble
Alto and Orchestra
Alto and Piano
Alto And Viola
Alto And Viola (piano)
Alto Clarinet
Alto Clef Instrumental Solo/Piano
Alto Flute And Percussion
Alto Flute In G
Alto Flute In G And Piccolo
Alto Flute In G)
Alto Flute Solo And Low Flute Ensemble
Alto Flute/Double Bass
Alto Horn In Eb (natural Horn Or Alto Saxophone) And Piano
Alto Or Baritone And Piano
Alto or Bass Solo/Choir/Piano
Alto or Bass/Organ or Harmonium
Alto or Bass/Piano
Alto or Bass/Piano or Harmonium
Alto or C Melody Sax/Piano
Alto or C Melody Saxophone/Piano
Alto recorder
Alto Recorder Ad Lib.
Alto Recorder/Flute
Alto Recorder/Guitar
Alto Sax
Alto Sax and Piano
Alto Sax/Piano
Alto Saxophone
Alto Saxophone (cor Anglais) And Organ
Alto Saxophone (cor Anglais) And Piano
Alto Saxophone (in Eb) And Piano
Alto Saxophone (or Other Saxophones) Solo
Alto Saxophone / Brass Quintet
Alto Saxophone And Bassclarinet
Alto Saxophone And Cello
Alto Saxophone And Organ
Alto Saxophone And Piano
Alto Saxophone In Eb (clarinet In Bb) And Piano
Alto Saxophone In Eb And Piano
Alto Saxophone Solo
Alto Saxophone) And Piano
Alto Saxophone/Accordion
Alto Saxophone/B-flat Clarinet/Piano
Alto Saxophone/Baritone Saxophone or Bass Clarinet
Alto Saxophone/Harp/Percussion
Alto Saxophone/Orchestra
Alto Saxophone/Piano
Alto Saxophone/Piano/Double Bass
Alto Saxophone/Piano/Percussion
Alto Solo and Piano
Alto solo/Piano
Alto Voice
Alto Voice And 5 Instruments (recorder
Alto Voice and Piano
Alto Voice With Flute
Alto- (bass-) Recorder And Piano
Alto- And Bass Recorder
Alto- And Tenor Recorder
Alto- And Tenor Recorder (violin)
Alto- Or Tenor Recorder
Alto- Or Tenor Saxophone (trumpet In Bb) And Piano
Alto-(soprano-)recorder And Basso Continuo (piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Alto-)recorder And Piano (harpsichord); 2 Violins And Cello Ad Libitum
Alto-flute (ad Libitum With Japanese Temple Bells Or Vibraphone)
Alto-trombone And Small Ensemble
Alto-xylophone And Glockenspiel
Alto-xylophone And Percussion
Alto/English Horn or Viola
Alto/Flute/English Horn
Alto/String Ensemble
Alto/Tenor solo/Piano
Altoflute (violin) And Piano
Altoflute And Bassflute (bassflute
Altoflute And Piano
Altoflute In G
Altoflute In G (violin
Altoflute In G And Bassflute In C
Altoflute In G And Bassflute In C)
Altoflute In G And Piano
Altorecorder (flute
Altorecorder (flute) And Piano (guitar/accordion)
Altorecorder And Piano (organ)
Altosaxophone Solo (cor Anglais) And Saxophone Quartet (satbar)
Altovoice And 8 Soloinstruments
Altovoice And Orchestra
And 2 Bassoons
And 9 Boys' Voices
and Bass
and opt. flute/violin
Ant. Cymbals
Ant. Cymbals - 2. Player: Marimba
Any 4 Instruments (consorts Of Fiddles
Any Instrument
Any Klezmer instrumentation
Archaic And Exotic Instruments (1 Wind Instruments
Assorted Instruments
ATTB Choir
B-flat Bass Clarinet
B-flat Bass Clarinet/Harp
B-flat Clarinet
B-flat Clarinet or Saxophone/Cello/Piano
B-flat Clarinet/Bassoon/Piano
B-flat Clarinet/Cello/Accordion
B-flat Clarinet/Ensemble
B-flat Clarinet/F Basset Horn
B-flat Clarinet/Harp
B-flat Clarinet/Percussion/Piano
B-flat Clarinet/Piano
B-flat Clarinet/Piano/Frequency
B-flat Clarinet/Viola/Cello/Piano
B-flat Clarinet/Violin/Percussion/Piano
B-flat Clarinet/Violin/Piano
B-flat Clarinet/Violin/Viola/Cello
B-flat Cornet/Piano
B-flat Instrument
B-flat Instrument/Piano
B-flat Instruments - Lead Sheet
B-flat Lead Sheet
B-flat Trumpet/2 B-flat Clarinets/2 Bassoons
B-flat Trumpet/Clarinet
B-flat Trumpet/Organ
B-flat Trumpet/Piano
B-flat Trumpet/Piano or Organ
B-flat Trumpet/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
Balalaika/C Trumpet/Piano
Banjo Tab
Banjo/Guitar Tab
Barbershop Quartet
Baritone (ad Libitum)
Baritone And 8 Instruments (clarinet In Bb
Baritone And Bassflute
Baritone And Chamber Orchestra
Baritone And Ensemble
Baritone And Orchestra
Baritone And Piano
Baritone And Piano (or Ensemble)
Baritone And Piano; Flute
Baritone And String Quartet
Baritone BC/Piano
Baritone Or Bass And Piano
Baritone or Bass Solo/Choir
Baritone Sax/Piano
Baritone Saxophone
Baritone Saxophone/Piano
Baritone Solo
Baritone Solo And Bass Solo
Baritone Solo And Organ Or Piano
Baritone Solo/Choir/Ensemble
Baritone Solo/Choir/Organ
Baritone T.C.
Baritone Vocal/Piano
Baritone/Flute/Cello/Bass Clarinet/Piano
Baritone/Male Choir/Piano
Baritone/Organ or Piano
Baroque Guitar
Baryton (violin
Bass (baritone) And Piano
Bass Ad Libitum
Bass And Basso Continuo
Bass and Choir
Bass And Harpsichord
Bass And Harpsichord (piano)
Bass And Lute
Bass And Orchestra
Bass and Organ
Bass And Piano
Bass and Piono
Bass And Timpani
Bass Clarinet
Bass Clarinet (bassoon) And Piano
Bass Clarinet And Bassoon
Bass Clarinet And Cello
Bass Clarinet And Piano
Bass Clarinet And String Orchestra
Bass Clarinet In Bb
Bass Clarinet In Bb (or Cello) And Piano
Bass Clarinet In Bb And Orchestra
Bass Clarinet/Piano
Bass Clef Instrumental Solo/Piano
Bass Clef Instruments
Bass Drum
Bass Drum) (1 Player)
Bass Duo
Bass Flute
Bass Flute) And Percussion (1 Player): Xylophon
Bass Guitar
Bass Guitar And Strings
Bass or Alto/Piano
Bass Recorder
Bass Recorder And Piano
Bass Solo
Bass Solo And Choir (satb)
Bass Solo and Piano
Bass Solo/Choir
Bass Solo/Choir/Organ
Bass solo/Piano
Bass solo/Violin/Viola/Continuo
Bass Tab
Bass Tab/Vocal
Bass Trio
Bass Trombone
Bass Trombone And Orchestra
Bass Trombone And Organ
Bass trombone/Piano
Bass Trombone/Strings
Bass Trumpets (c)
Bass Tuba And Piano
Bass Tuba/Ensemble
Bass Vocal/Orchestra
Bass Vocal/Piano
Bass Voice and Continuo
Bass Voice And Ensemble
Bass Voice and Organ (Piano)
Bass-clarinet And Bassoon
Bass-instruments (cellos
Bass-instruments); Percussion Instruments Ad Li
Bass-lute And Organ
Bass-solo And Orchestra
Bass/2 Violins/Organ
Bass/Oboe d'amore/Piano or Organ
Bass/Piano or Organ
Bass; Harpsichord Ad Libitum
Bassbariton And Piano
Bassclarinet (in Bb)
Bassclarinet And Baritone Saxophone
Bassclarinet And Cello
Bassclarinet In B Flat
Bassclarinet In Bb
Basset Clarinet In A Or Clarinet In A And Piano
Basset Horn (or Bass Clarinet Or Bassoon) Solo
Basset Horn And Bass Clarinet In Bb
Basset Horn or Clarinet/Piano
Bassettclarinet In A
Bassflute (1 Player)
Bassflute (also Flute)
Bassflute In C
Bassflute In F
Bassflute Or Cello)
Bassi And Harpsichord
Bassi; Harpsichord Ad Libitum
Basso Ad Lib.
Basso Ad Libitum
Basso Continuo
Bassoon (alt-/bariton- Or Tenor Saxophon) And Piano
Bassoon (cello
Bassoon (cello) And Basso Continuo
Bassoon (cello) And Piano
Bassoon (or Bassclarinet) And Rototoms
Bassoon / Piano
Bassoon And 11 Strings (or Piano)
Bassoon And Basso Continuo
Bassoon and Cello
Bassoon And Chamber Orchestra
Bassoon and Continuo
Bassoon And Contrabassoon
Bassoon And Double Bass
Bassoon And Guitar
Bassoon And Harpsichord
Bassoon And Harpsichord/piano
Bassoon And Horn
Bassoon And Horn (also Alpenhorn)
Bassoon And Obligatory Harpsichord
Bassoon and Orchestra
Bassoon And Organ
Bassoon And Piano
Bassoon And Piano (basso Continuo)
Bassoon And String Orchestra
Bassoon And String Quartet
Bassoon And String Quintet
Bassoon And String Quintet Or String Orchestra
Bassoon And Strings
Bassoon or Alto Saxophone/Piano
Bassoon or Euphonium/Wind Ensemble
Bassoon or Tenor Saxophone/Piano
Bassoon Quartet
Bassoon Solo
Bassoon Trio
Bassoon) Ad Libitum
Bassoon) And Basso Continuo
Bassoon/Tuba Duet
Basstrombone And Tuba
Bb Bass Clarinet/Piano
Bb Clarinet
Bb Clarinet / Bass Clarinet
Bb Clarinet/Piano
Bb Cornet/Piano
Bb Instrumen
Bb Instrument
Bb Instrument Solo
Bb Instrumental Solo/Piano
Bb Tenor Sax/Piano
Bb Tenor Saxophone
Bb Trumpet
Bb Trumpet/Piano
Bc. Vcl. E Db.
Beat-percussion (bass Drum
Beginning Band
Beginning Concert Band
Bells And Percussion
Bells And Piano
Bewegliche Stimmen And Instruments In Polyphonen Räumen
Bewegliche Voices And Instruments
Big (parforc-) Hunting Horn Or French Horn
Big Note Piano
Big Note Piano/Vocal
Bombardon Sousaphon)
Bongo Drum
Book / MP3
Boy's Voice Or One-part Boys' Choir And 9 Solo Instruments
Boy's Voices And Orchestra
Boys' Choir
Boys' Choir (sa) With 2 Soprano Recorders
Boys' Choir (ssa) A Cappella
Boys’ Choir
Boys’ Choir And Orchestra
Brass And Strings With Solo Baritone
Brass and Timpani
Brass Band
Brass Choir
Brass Choir and Organ
Brass Choir/Timpani
Brass Duet
Brass Ensemble
Brass Ensemble and Guitar
Brass Ensemble/Timpani
Brass Instruments
Brass Instruments And Harps
Brass Instruments And Timpani
Brass Instruments-sextett
Brass Octet
Brass Octet/Percussion
Brass Quartet
Brass Quartet with Optional Descant
Brass Quartet/Organ
Brass Quartet/Organ/Percussion/Narrator
Brass Quartet/Timpani
Brass Quintet
Brass Quintet and Organ
Brass Quintet and Percussion
Brass Quintet with Optional Organ/Opt. Handbell Choir/Opt. SATB Chorus
Brass Quintet with Optional Percussion
Brass Quintet/Organ with optional Percussion
Brass Quintet/Timpani/Organ
Brass Quintet/Voice/Guitars or Organ
Brass Septet
Brass Sextet
Brass Trio
C (helikon
C And E Flat (5 Guitars) And Rhythm Section (bass-guitar
C And E Flat) And Rhythm Section (bass-guitar
C Flute/Piano
C Instrument
C Instrument/Piano
C Instrumental Solo/Piano
C Instruments - Lead Sheet
C Melody Sax/Piano
C or B-flat Trumpet/Piano
C or F Recorder/Guitar
C Pipe/Any Instrument
C Pipe/Tabor
C Recorder/Guitar
C Trumpet/Organ
C Trumpet/Piano
C Trumpet/Violin/Organ
Celesta (piano) And Percussion Ad Libitum
Celesta And Guitar
Celesta And Harp
Cello (1. Bis 4. Position) And Piano
Cello (1.-4. Position) And Piano
Cello (2. Cello Ad Libitum)
Cello (bass)
Cello (bassoon
Cello (bassoon)
Cello (bassoon) And Basso Continuo
Cello (bassoon) And Harpsichord (piano); 2. Cello Or Bassoon Ad Libitum
Cello (cello 2 Ad Lib)
Cello (cello 2 Ad Libitum)
Cello (statt Violin 4)
Cello (tenor Saxophone) And Orchestra
Cello (viola
Cello (viola Da Gamb
Cello (viola Da Gamba
Cello (viola Da Gamba)
Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Cello (viola Da Gamba) And Basso Continuo
Cello (viola Da Gamba) And Piano (basso Continuo)
Cello (viola Da Gamba) And Piano (harpsichord)
Cello (viola) And Piano
Cello (violin
Cello (violin / Clarinet / Alto Saxophone In Eb) And Piano
Cello (violin) And Organ (piano)
Cello (violin) And Piano
Cello / Piano Reduction
Cello / Trombone
Cello Ad Libitum
Cello And 13 Solo Strings
Cello And 13 Solo-strings
Cello And 2 Horns
Cello And Accordion
Cello And Basso Continuo
Cello And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
Cello And Basso Continuo (harpsichord/piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Cello And Bassoon)
Cello And Chamber Orchestra
Cello And Clarinet
Cello And D
Cello And Double Bass
Cello And Double Bass (soloistsstisch Or Choirisch)
Cello And Double Bass)
Cello And Ensemble
Cello And Guitar
Cello And Guitar (harpsichord)
Cello And Harp
Cello and Harpsichord
Cello And Harpsichord (piano)
Cello And He-drum
Cello And Orchestra
Cello and Organ
Cello And Organ (piano); Double Bass Ad Libitum
Cello And Percussion
Cello And Percussion (7 Player)
Cello and Piano
Cello And Piano (2. Cello)
Cello And Piano (cello 2 Ad Lib.)
Cello And Piano (harpsichord)
Cello And Piano (left Hand)
Cello And Piano (narrator Ad Libitum)
Cello And Piano (piano Trio)
Cello And Piano Or 2 Cellos
Cello and Piano or Organ
Cello And Piano)
Cello And Side/snare Drum
Cello And Small Orchestra
Cello And String Orchestra
Cello And String Orchestra Or String Quartet
Cello And String Orchestra; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
Cello And Viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
Cello Duet
Cello Duo
Cello Ensemble
Cello Obl.
Cello Obl. And Basso Continuo
Cello or Bassoon/Piano
Cello or Flugelhorn
Cello or Flute
Cello or String Trio
Cello Or Viola
Cello Or Viola And Piano And Optional Electric Guitar
Cello Or Viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
Cello Or Violin And Piano
Cello piccolo and Piano or Organ
Cello Quartet
Cello Quintet
Cello Sextet
Cello Solo
Cello Solo (and Speakers Ad Libitum)
Cello Studies
Cello With Accompaniment Durch 2. Cello
Cello) And Basso Continuo
Cello) And Concertant Harpsichord (piano)
Cello) And Piano
Cello) And String Orchestra
Cello) With Voice (medium Or High Voice) Ad Libitum
Cello/viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
Cembalo (piano)
Cencerro [kuhglocke]
Chamber Choir
Chamber Choir (ssaattbb
Chamber Choir (ssatb)
Chamber Choir And Small Instrumental-ensemble (oboe
Chamber Ensemble (8–10 Player)
Chamber Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra And Basso Continuo
Chamber winds with Timpani
Children and Youth Choir
Children and Youth Choir/Percussion/any Melody Instrument/Piano
Children and Youth Choir/Piano
Children and Youth or Female Choir
Children and Youth or Female Choir/Piano
Children Voice/Piano
Children's Choir
Children's Choir (1-3stg.) And Melody Instruments (violins
Children's Choir (female Choir
Children's Choir (female Choir) A Cappella
Children's Choir (for One Part) And Piano
Children's Choir (mez) (choirisch) With Instruments (recorders
Children's Choir (mez) And 3 Recorders (ssa)
Children's Choir (mez) And Instruments (bfl
Children's Choir (mez) Unisono (voice) With Recorders (c'' Or F') Or Violin And Piano Or Recorder
Children's Choir (mez) With Female Choir (ssaa) Or Men's Choir (ttbb)
Children's Choir (mez) With Instruments (combo)
Children's Choir (mez) With Men's Choir (tbarb)
Children's Choir (mez) With Men's Choir (ttbb)
Children's Choir (mez) With Recorders
Children's Choir (mezmezmez) With 2 Soprano Recorders
Children's Choir (s)
Children's Choir (s) And Organ
Children's Choir (sa) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Instruments (v I/fl
Children's Choir (smez)
Children's Choir (smez) Or Mixed Choir (unisiono) A Cap Or With Organ
Children's Choir (smez) With Instruments
Children's Choir (smez) With Instruments (2 Soprano Recorders
Children's Choir (smez) With Melody Instruments (high
Children's Choir (smez) With Men's Choir (ttbb)
Children's Choir (smez) With Mixed Choir (ssa/ttb) And Orchestra
Children's Choir (smez) With Orff-instruments Or Combo
Children's Choir (smez) With Piano
Children's Choir (smez) With Piano And Instruments
Children's Choir (smez) With Recorders
Children's Choir (smez) With Speakers And Instruments (2 Recorders Or Flutes
Children's Choir (smez) With Speakers And Instruments (recorder
Children's Choir (smez) With Speakers And Instrumentsn (recorder
Children's Choir (smeza)
Children's Choir (smeza) With 2 Soprano Recorders
Children's Choir (smeza) With 9 Soloists And 5 Speakers
Children's Choir (smeza) With Instruments (violins
Children's Choir (smeza) With Men's Choir (ttbb) And String Orchestra
Children's Choir (smeza) With Piano
Children's Choir (smeza) With Recorder
Children's Choir (smeza) With Soli
Children's Choir (smeza) With Sollists
Children's Choir (smeza) With Solo
Children's Choir (smeza) With Solo Parts
Children's Choir (smeza) With Solo Parts And Instruments
Children's Choir (smeza) With Speakers
Children's Choir (ss) And Piano
Children's Choir (ssa)
Children's Choir (ssa) And Percussion Instruments
Children's Choir 3-stimmig
Children's Choir Ad Libitum
Children's Choir And Chamber Orchestra
Children's Choir And Großeb Wind Band
Children's Choir And Instruments
Children's Choir And Orchestra
Children's Choir And Orchestra (or 2 Pianos And Percussion Or Großeb Wind Band)
Children's Choir And Orchestra (or 2 Pianos And Percussion Or Large Wind Band)
Children's Choir And Piano
Children's Choir And Strings
Children's Choir And Wind Band
Children's Choir Or Female Choir
Children's Choir Or Female Choir (smeza)
Children's Choir Or Female Choir (ssaa)
Children's Choir Or Women's Choir (ssaa)
Children's Choir Or Youth Choir
Children's Choir Or Youth Choir (smez) With Soloists And Instruments (wind Instruments
Children's Choir With Piano Or Instruments
Children's Choir With Speaker
Children's Choir With Speakers
Children's Choir) With Soloists (ssatbarb) And Organ (or Small Orchestra)
Children's Choir) With Soloists (ssatbarb) And Small Orchestra
Children's Choir/Cello
Children's Choir/Flute/Percussion
Children's Choir/Percussion
Children's Choir/Percussion/Piano
Children's Choir/Piano
Children's Choir/Recorder/Percussion/Piano
Children's Choir/Recorder/Tambourine/Piano
Children's Choir/Tambourine/Piano
Children's Or Girl's Choir (ssa)
Children's Voice
Children's Voices (ssa) And Piano
Children’s Choir (ssa) And Piano Or Organ (flute Ad Lib.)
Chinesisches Cymbal
Choir (1-3 Equal Voices)
Choir (3 Equal Voices) And Piano
Choir (3-4 Voices)
Choir (4 Voices)
Choir (mez) With Organ
Choir (mez/bar)
Choir (mezbar) With Flute And Strings
Choir (mezbar) With Flute And Stringsn
Choir (mezmez) With Instruments (strings)
Choir (sa Or Smez) With Flute
Choir (sa)
Choir (sa) And Organ
Choir (sa) With Soprano Solo Or Violin; Piano Ad Libitum
Choir (satb And Ttb) And Orchestra
Choir (satb)
Choir (satb) And Bassgambe
Choir (satb) And Organ
Choir (smez) With Instruments (recorders
Choir (smez/sat) With Solo
Choir (smezabar) And Instruments
Choir (smezabar) And Instruments (bfl.
Choir (ssaattbb)
Choir (unisono)
Choir (unisono) With Organ Or Orchestra Or Wind Band
Choir (unisono) With Organ Or Wind Band
Choir A Cappella
Choir A Cappella (satb)
Choir And 4 Soloists Ad. Lib.
Choir And Basso Continuo
Choir And Brass Instruments
Choir And Chamber Orchestra
Choir And Instruments
Choir And Orchestra
Choir And Organ
Choir And Organ Or Piano
Choir and Piano
Choir For One Part
Choir or Children's Choir
Choir or Male Choir
Choir Satb A Capella
Choir Unisono And Mixed Choir Or Soloistssten (ssatb) A Cappella
Choir Unisono With Organ Or Orchestra Or Wind Band
Choir With Instruments
Choir/2 Violins/Continuo
Choir/Brass Ensemble
Choir/Brass Quartet
Choir/Brass Quintet/Bells
Choir/Organ or Harmonium
Choir/Piano or Harp
Choir/Piano or Organ
Choir/String Quintet
Choirs (satb/sab/ssa/ttbb) A Cappella Or With Piano Accompaniment
Chorus (satb)
Chorus (satb) With Keyboard Or String Accompaniment
Chorus and Orchestra
Chorus and Piano
Chromatic Button Key Or Piano Accordion With Bariton Basses
Chromatic French Harp And Piano
Chromatic Harmonica And Piano
Chromatic Harmonica And Piano Or Accordion (m Ii)
Chromatic Harmonica-trio
Chromelodeon And Flexaton
Chromonika And Piano
Clarinet (a)
Clarinet (a) And Bassoon
Clarinet (a) And Cello
Clarinet (also Bass Clarinet)
Clarinet (also Bassclarinet)
Clarinet (b Or C) Or Others Melody Instrument
Clarinet (b)
Clarinet (b) And Organ
Clarinet (b) And Piano
Clarinet (b/eb) And String Quartet
Clarinet (bass Clarinet)
Clarinet (bassclarinet) In A And Orchestra
Clarinet (bb And Eb)
Clarinet (bb) And Piano
Clarinet (c Or B) And Strings; 2 Oboes And 2 Horns Ad Libitum
Clarinet (c Or Bb) And Strings; 2 Oboes And 2 Horns Ad Libitum
Clarinet (eb)
Clarinet (eb) And Piano
Clarinet (eb/d)
Clarinet (flute
Clarinet (flute)
Clarinet (in A And B)
Clarinet (in A And B) And Piano
Clarinet (in A) And Piano
Clarinet (in B) And Piano
Clarinet (in Bb) And Piano
Clarinet (in Bb/eb) And String Quartet
Clarinet (or Saxophone) And Piano (congas Drums Ad Libitum)
Clarinet (or Soprano Saxophone) And Piano
Clarinet (or Violin) And Cello
Clarinet (saxophone)
Clarinet (trumpet/flugelhorn) And Piano
Clarinet (viola) And Cello
Clarinet (violin
Clarinet (violin)
Clarinet (violin) And Piano
Clarinet 4/Piano
Clarinet 4/Saxophone 4/Piano
Clarinet 4/Trumpet 4/Piano
Clarinet 4/Trumpet4 /Trombone 4/Piano
Clarinet 5/Piano
Clarinet 5/Saxophone 5/Trumpet 5/Piano
Clarinet 5/Trombone 5/Piano
Clarinet 5/Trumpet 5/Piano
Clarinet And 13 Players
Clarinet And 4 Cellos
Clarinet And Accordion
Clarinet And Bassoon
Clarinet And Bassoon (cello)
Clarinet And Bourdun (violoncello And Double-bass / Organ Or Harmonium Or Voice Parts)
Clarinet And Cello
Clarinet And Double Bass (cello)
Clarinet And Horn
Clarinet And Orchestra
Clarinet And Percussion
Clarinet And Piano
Clarinet And Piano (guitar
Clarinet And Piano (harp
Clarinet And String Orchestra
Clarinet And String Orchestra With Trumpet In Bb
Clarinet And String Orchestra; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
Clarinet And String Quartet
Clarinet And String Trio
Clarinet And Strings
Clarinet And Viola
Clarinet Choir
Clarinet Duet
Clarinet Ensemble
Clarinet I In A
Clarinet In A
Clarinet In A And Harp
Clarinet In A And Orchestra
Clarinet In A And Piano
Clarinet In A And String Quartet
Clarinet In A Or B (viola) And Guitar
Clarinet In A Or B And Piano
Clarinet In B Flat
Clarinet In B Flat And Piano
Clarinet In B Flat And Violin
Clarinet In B Flat Or A And Piano
Clarinet In Bb
Clarinet In Bb (also Bassclarinet In Bb)
Clarinet In Bb (cor Anglais
Clarinet In Bb (or Violin) And Cello
Clarinet In Bb (viola) And Guitar
Clarinet In Bb (violin
Clarinet In Bb (violin) And Guitar
Clarinet In Bb (violin) And Organ
Clarinet In Bb (violin) And Piano
Clarinet In Bb And Accordion
Clarinet In Bb And Organ
Clarinet In Bb And Piano
Clarinet In Bb And String Quartet
Clarinet In Bb Or A
Clarinet In Bb Or A And Piano
Clarinet In Bb Solo
Clarinet In Bb) And Piano
Clarinet In Eb And Piano
Clarinet or Saxophone
Clarinet Quartet
Clarinet Solo
Clarinet Studies
Clarinet Trio
Clarinet) And Orchestra
Clarinet) And Piano
Clarinet/2 Violins/Viola/Cello/Double Bass
Clarinet/Basset Horn/Piano
Clarinet/Bassoon/Horn/Cello/Double Bass
Clarinet/String Quartet
Clarinet/Two Trumpets/Violin/Viola/Cello
Clarinets- Or Saxophone Ensemble
Clarinhorn And Piano
Classical Guitar Studies
Clavichord Or Organ)
Coloratura Soprano
Coloratura Soprano And Orchestra
Coloratura Soprano And Piano
Coloratura Soprano Solo
Complementary Wind Instruments Or Strings Ad Libitum
Complementary Wind Or Stringed Instruments Ad. Lib.
Concert Band
Concert Trumpet And Chamber Orchestra
Concertina (40tönig
Conductor Score
Conga / Conga-ensemble
Congas Drums And Rhythmus- Instruments
Congregation Ad Libitum
Congregation And Choir (s/abar)
Congregational Singing
Contra-alto Or Bass And Organ
Contrabassoon (also 2. Bassoon
Contrabassoon And 2 Horns
Cor Anglais
Cor Anglais And Cello
Cor Anglais And Orchestra
Cor Anglais And Piano
Cor Anglais And String Orchestra
Cor Anglais And String Trio
Cor Anglais Solo
Cor Anglais) And Guitar
Cornet (Trumpet)
Cornet In Eb (also Flugelhorn In Bb)
Cornet or Trombone/Piano
Cornet or Trumpet
Cornet or Trumpet/Piano
Cornet Solo And Brass Band
Cornet À Pistons In Bb (or B-trumpet) And Piano
Cornet À Pistons)
Cornet/String Quartet
Counter Tenor Or Contralto
Countertenor (or Alto)
Countertenor (or Mezzo-soprano) And Piano
Countertenor And Naturhorn
Countertenor Or Alto And Piano
Cymbales Antiques
D Pipe or any Instrument
D Pipe/Tabor
Dance Orchestra
Dancers And Orchestra
Denatured Instruments
Descant and Piano
Descant And Treble Recorder
Descant And Treble Recorder Or Descant Recorder Solo
Descant Or Treble Recorder
Descant Recorder
Descant Recorder (flute
Descant Recorder (flute) And Guitar
Descant Recorder (oboe
Descant Recorder (tenor Recorder) And Basso Continuo
Descant Recorder (tenor Recorder) And Piano
Descant Recorder (treble Recorder/flute) And Recorder Quartet Or String Quartet (string Orchestra); Guitar Ad Libitum
Descant Recorder (violin) And Basso Continuo
Descant Recorder (violin) And Piano
Descant Recorder And Basso Continuo
Descant Recorder And Guitar
Descant Recorder And Orff-instruments
Descant Recorder And Percussion
Descant Recorder And Piano
Descant Recorder And Piano (guitar Ad Libitum)
Descant Recorder And Piano (guitar)
Descant Recorder And Piano Or Harpsichord
Descant Recorder And Strings
Descant Recorder Solo
Descant Recorder(n)
Descant Recorders
Developing Band
Diatonic French Harp
Diatonic Single-action Accordion
Diatonische And Steirische Single-action Accordion
Different Instruments (3 Violas And Basso Continuo; Violin
Dirigent Solo
Dixieland Band
Djembe & Co.
Double Bass
Double Bass (cello) And Piano
Double Bass (with 4 Strings)
Double Bass (with 5 Strings)
Double Bass Ad Lib)
Double Bass Ad Libitum
Double Bass And 2 Horns
Double Bass And Clarinet
Double Bass And Harp
Double Bass And Orchestra
Double Bass and Organ
Double Bass And Piano
Double Bass And String Orchestra
Double Bass And Timpani (also Violin I
Double Bass And Wind Quintet
Double Bass Clarinet Or Bass Clarinet Solo
Double Bass Ensemble (minimum 8 Players)
Double Bass Solo
Double Bass Solo/String Ensemble
Double Bass Studies
Double Bass Trios/Quartets
Double Bass)
Double Bass/Organ or Harmonium
Double Bass/Piano
Double Bassflute
Double Bassflute In F And Subdouble Bassflute)
Double Brass Choir
Double Brass Quintet
Double Choir
Double Choir/Organ
Double Chorus
Double Chorus (satb/satb)
Double Chorus/Piano
Double Reed Quartet
Double Reed Trio
Double-bass And Piano
Drei Equal Voices
Dreigesang Und Stubenmusik
Drum (trio)
Drum Set (tom
Duet and Piano
Dulcimer Method
E-bass And Percussion
E-bass Or Double Bass And Percussion
E-flat Cornet/Brass Band
E-flat Instruments - Lead Sheet
E-flat Lead Sheet
E-flat Saxophone/Piano
Early Intermediate Piano/Vocal
Easy 2 Pianos
Easy Guitar
Easy Guitar Tab
Easy Guitar Tab/Chords
Easy Guitar Tab/Vocal
Easy Guitar Tab/Vocal/Chords
Easy Guitar/Chords
Easy Guitar/Vocal
Easy Organ
Easy Organ/Vocal
Easy Piano
Easy Piano/Chords
Easy Piano/Vocal
Easy Piano/Vocal/Chords
Eb (helikon)
Eb Alto Clarinet/Piano
Eb Alto Sax/Piano
Eb Alto Saxophone
Eb AltoSaxophone/Piano
Eb Baritone Sax/Piano
Eb Instrumental Solo/Piano
Eb Or F
Eb Saxes / Eb Clarinets
Eb) And Piano
Eight-part Mixed Chorus
Eight-part Mixed Chorus/Piano
Electric Bass Or Double Bass
Electric Guitar
Electric Guitar And Accordion
Electric Guitar And Cello
Electric Organ
Elektrische Organ (harmonium) And Percussion (5 Player)
Elementary / Late ElementaryPiano
Elementary Piano Solo with Teacher Duet
English Horn
English Horn (viola) And Harp
English Horn and Piano or Organ
English Horn or Viola and Piano or Organ
English Horn/3 Bassoons
English Horn/Harp/Strings
English Horn/Percussion
English Horn/Piano
English Horn/String Quartet
English Horn/Strings
English Horn/Vibraphone/Harp
English Horn/Viola/Tuba
Ensemble (or Chamber Orchestra)
Ensemble In Flexibler Besetzung (flutes
Ensemble Of Flute (2 Große Flutes
Ensemble Of Flute (5 Flutes And Bassflute Or Flute In C)
Equal Voices
Equal Voices (1-2stg. Women- Or Youth Choir) And Piano
Equal Voices (smeza Or Tbarb)
Equal Voices (smeza)
Equal Voices (smeza) A Cappella
Equal Voices (smeza) With 2 Solo Parts
Equal Voices (smeza/ssaa)
Equal Voices (ssa) A Cappella
Equal Voices (ssa) With Accompaniment Ad Libitum
Equal Voices (ssaa)
Ethno Percussion
Euphonium / Tuba duet with Woodwind Ensemble
Euphonium Duet
Euphonium Duet/Piano
Euphonium Ensemble
Euphonium or Bassoon Duet
Euphonium or Trombone Duet
Euphonium or Trombone/Piano
Euphonium Quartet
Euphonium Solo
Euphonium Solo with Piano
Euphonium Solo with Tuba Quartet
Euphonium Solo/Brass Quintet
Euphonium Trio
Euphonium/Brass Ensemble
Euphonium/Piano or Organ
Euphonium/Trombone Duet
Euphonium/Trombone Studies
Euphonium/Tuba Duet
Euphonium/Tuba Quartet
Euphonium/Tuba Sextet
Euphonium/Tuba Solo with Piano
Euphonium/Tuba Trio
F - G Flat'') And Piano
F Horn
F Horn/Organ
F Horn/Piano
F Instrumental Solo/Piano
F Recorder and Piano
F Recorder/Guitar
Female and Boy Chorus
Female Choir
Female Choir (4 Equal Voices)
Female Choir (sa And Ssa) And Piano
Female Choir (sa) And Organ
Female Choir (sa) With Alto Solo And Kleinem Orchestra
Female Choir (sa) With Alto Solo And Orchestra
Female Choir (sa) With Organ
Female Choir (sa) With Soloists (sa)
Female Choir (sa) With Soloists (sa) And Organ
Female Choir (sa) With String Orchestra Or String Quintet
Female Choir (sa/smeza)
Female Choir (saa) A Cappella
Female Choir (saa/ssaa) A Cappella
Female Choir (smez) And Piano (or Harp)
Female Choir (smeza)
Female Choir (smeza) A Cappella Or With Organ
Female Choir (smeza) And Harp (or Piano)
Female Choir (smeza) And Piano
Female Choir (smeza) And Piano Ad Lib.
Female Choir (smeza) And String Orchestra
Female Choir (smeza) And Violin
Female Choir (smeza) Or 3 Female Voices With Piano
Female Choir (smeza) With 3 Solo-voices (smeza)
Female Choir (smeza) With Harp (piano)
Female Choir (smeza) With Piano
Female Choir (smeza) With Piano Or Streich- Or Zupforchestra
Female Choir (smeza) With Piano Or String Orchestra Or Zupforchestra
Female Choir (smeza) With Solo Voice
Female Choir (smeza) With Solovoice
Female Choir (smeza) With Soprano Solo
Female Choir (smeza) With Soprano-solo
Female Choir (smeza) With Soprano-solo And Piano
Female Choir (smeza/ssaa)
Female Choir (ssa Or Ssaa) And Piano
Female Choir (ssa)
Female Choir (ssa) A Cappella
Female Choir (ssa) And Piano
Female Choir (ssa) And Piano Or Organ Accompaniment
Female Choir (ssa) And Strings; Piano Ad Libitum
Female Choir (ssa) Or 3 Solo Parts And Organ
Female Choir (ssa) Or Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella
Female Choir (ssa) With Children's Choir (smeza)
Female Choir (ssa) With Piano Or String Orchestra
Female Choir (ssaa)
Female Choir (ssaa) A Capella
Female Choir (ssaa) A Cappella
Female Choir (ssaa) And Piano
Female Choir (ssaa) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) With Alto- Or Baritone-solo And Piano
Female Choir (ssaa) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) With Solo A Cappella Or With 4 Hornsn In F
Female Choir (ssaa) Or Mixed Choir (satb)
Female Choir (ssaa) With Piano (4 Hands)
Female Choir (ssaa) With Solo A Cappella Or With 4 Hornsn In F
Female Choir (ssaa) With Soprano-solo And String Quintet
Female Choir (ssaa); Piano Ad Libitum
Female Choir (ssaaa) A Cappella
Female Choir (ssmeza)
Female Choir (ssmezaa)
Female Choir (sssaa)
Female Choir (sssaa) A Cappella
Female Choir (sssaaa)
Female Choir (sssmezaa)
Female Choir (ssssaaa) And Water-tuned Wine Glasses
Female Choir (ssssaaaa)
Female Choir (ssssaaaa) And Oboe
Female Choir A Cappella
Female Choir A Cappella (smeza)
Female Choir A Cappella (sssaaa)
Female Choir And Children's Choir (smeza)
Female Choir And Men's Choir
Female Choir And Men's Choir (sa/tb)
Female Choir And Men's Choir (sa/tbb)
Female Choir And Men's Choir (saa/tbb)
Female Choir And Men's Choir (ssa/ttb)
Female Choir And Orchestra
Female Choir And Piano
Female Choir And Youth Choir
Female Choir And Youth Choir (ssaa) With 2 Solo Parts (ss)
Female Choir Or 3 Solo Parts (ssa) And Organ
Female Choir Or Children's Choir
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (mezmezmez)
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (s Or Mez) With Organ
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smez) With Piano
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza)
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) A Cappella Or With Accompaniment (melody Instruments
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) A Cappella Or With Guitar And Percussion
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) A Cappella Or With Piano
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) With Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) With Piano
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) With Piano Or Instrumentsn Ad Libitum
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (ssa) With Piano
Female Choir Or Children's Choir (ssaa)
Female Choir Or Girlschoir And Organ
Female Choir Or Youth Choir
Female Choir Or Youth Choir (mezmezmez)
Female Choir Or Youth Choir (smeza)
Female Choir Or Youth Choir (smeza) With Soprano Solo Ad Libitum
Female Choir Or Youth Choir With 2 Recorders Or Other Instruments
Female Choir/children's Choir
Female Choirs
Female Chorus
Female Chorus/2 Saxophones/Piano 4 Hands
Female Chorus/B-flat Clarinet/Violin/Cello/Piano
Female Chorus/Narrator/Piano
Female Chorus/Oboe/Strings
Female Chorus/Orchestra
Female Chorus/Organ
Female Chorus/Organ/Piano
Female Chorus/Piano
Female Chorus/Strings
Female Chorus/Strings/Organ
Female Or Children's Choir Or 2 Solo Parts (sa) With Piano Or Organ
Female Or Girl's Choir (ssa) A Cappella
Female Or Girl's Choir (ssaa) And Organ
Female or Male Choir
Female Voice
Female Voice (soprano Or Mezzosoprano) And Piano
Female Voice And Ensemble
Female Voice And Piano
Female Voice And Violin
Female Voices (ssaa Bis Sssaaa); Piano Ad Libitum
Female Voices (ssaa); Piano Ad Libitum
Female Voices (sssaa); Piano Ad Libitum
Female Voices (sssaaa)
Female Voices (sssaaa); Piano Ad Libitum
Female Voices/Piano
Fiddle and Piano
First Plus Band
Five Finger Piano
Five Finger Piano Duet
Five Finger Piano/Vocal
Five-part Mixed Chorus
Five-part Mixed Chorus or Vocal Quintet
Five-part Mixed Chorus/Harpsichord
Flautino (recorder)
Flexible Ensemble
Flugelhorn (b Flat)
Flugelhorn or Trumpet/Piano
Flugelhorn or Trumpet/Vibraphone
Flute & Chamber Ensemble
Flute (2. Flute Or Violin Ad Libitum)
Flute (also Alto Flute) And 12 Strings Or String Orchestra
Flute (also Alto Flute) Solo
Flute (also Altoflute)
Flute (also Altoflute) And Harp
Flute (also Bassflute) And Piano
Flute (also Piccolo)
Flute (alto Flute)
Flute (alto- Or Tenor Recorder)
Flute (clarinet
Flute (clarinet In Bb) And Piano
Flute (clarinet)
Flute (clarinet) And Chamber Orchestra
Flute (descant Recorder) And Piano
Flute (doubling Bassflute) Baritone Saxophone (or Bass Clarinet) And String Trio
Flute (oboe
Flute (oboe)
Flute (oboe) And Basso Continuo
Flute (oboe) And Piano
Flute (oboe/violin)
Flute (oboe/violin) And Guitar
Flute (or Subbass Flute
Flute (or Violin)/Piano
Flute (piccolo
Flute (piccolo)
Flute (piccolo) And Bassoon
Flute (recorder
Flute (recorder)
Flute (recorder) Solo
Flute (tenor Recorder
Flute (treble Recorder)
Flute (treble Recorder) And Piano
Flute (treble Recorder/txistu) And Piano
Flute (txistu In F) And Piano
Flute (violin
Flute (violin Or Oboe) And Piano; Cello (bassoon) Ad Libitum
Flute (violin)
Flute (violin) And Basso Continuo
Flute (violin) And Guitar
Flute (violin) And Harp
Flute (violin) And Harp (piano)
Flute (violin) And Harpsichord
Flute (violin) And Obligatoryeb Harpsichord
Flute (violin) And Obligatoryes Harpsichord (piano)
Flute (violin) And Piano
Flute (violin) And Piano (harpsichord)
Flute (with Obligatoryer Bassflute And Gong)
Flute / Guitar Tab
Flute / Piccolo
Flute 1 & 2 and ( Alto Voice and ( Organ and Continuo ))
Flute And 4 Horns (piano/harmonium)
Flute And Accordion (m Iii)
Flute And Alto Flute
Flute And Altoflute
Flute And Bassclarinet
Flute And Basso Continuo
Flute And Basso Continuo (guitar)
Flute And Basso Continuo (harpsichord/pianoforte)
Flute And Basso Continuo (piano)
Flute And Bassoon
Flute And Cello
Flute And Chamber Orchestra
Flute And Clarinet
Flute And Clarinet In Bb
Flute And Double Bass
Flute And Guitar
Flute And Guitar (voice Ad Libitum)
Flute And Harp
Flute And Harp (piano)
Flute And Harpsichord (piano)
Flute And Harpsichord Obligatory Or Flute
Flute And Keyboard Instrument
Flute And Obligatory Harpsichord (piano)
Flute And Oboe Ad Lib. And Strings
Flute And Orchestra
Flute And Organ
Flute And Organ (or Harmonium Ad Libitum)
Flute And Other Instruments Ad Libitum
Flute And Percussion
Flute and Piano
Flute And Piano (flute Solo)
Flute And Piano (harp)
Flute And Piano (harpsichord With Cello)
Flute And Piano (harpsichord)
Flute And Piano (organ)
Flute and Piano or Organ
Flute And Piano Solo
Flute And String Orchestra
Flute And String Trio
Flute And Stringsensemble
Flute and Trumpet
Flute And Vibraphone
Flute And Viola
Flute And Viola Or Gambe
Flute And Violin
Flute And Violin (flute)
Flute And Zheng
Flute Duet
Flute Duet or Oboe Duet
Flute Ensemble
Flute or Alto Flute
Flute Or Cello Or Harpsichord
Flute or Oboe
Flute or Oboe Duet
Flute or Oboe or Clarinet or Violin/Piano
Flute or Oboe or Violin/Piano
Flute or Oboe/Clarinet/Piano
Flute or Oboe/Organ
Flute or Oboe/Piano
Flute or Oboe/Violin/Continuo
Flute Or Other Melodic Instruments In Bb And C) And Piano
Flute or Recorder and Continuo
Flute or Tinwhistle
Flute Or Violin (fiddle) And Piano; Guitar Ad Libitum
Flute or Violin and Piano or Organ
Flute or Violin or Viola/Piano
Flute or Violin/Guitar
Flute or Violin/Piano
Flute or Violin/Viola/Guitar
Flute Quartet
Flute Solo
Flute Solo And Flute Choir
Flute Solo Or With Piano
Flute Solo w/Piano Accomp.
Flute Studies
Flute Trio
Flute(s) Or Recorder(s) And Accompaniment Ad Libitum (sting Instrument Or Keyboard/organ/accordion)
Flute(s) Or Recorder(s) And Accompaniment Ad Libitum (string Instrument Or Keyboard/organ/accordion)
Flute) And Basso Continuo
Flute) And Basso Continuo (cello
Flute) And Basso Continuo (piano)
Flute) And Basso Continuo; Cello/viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
Flute) And Guitar
Flute/2 Marimbas
Flute/A Clarinet/Piano
Flute/Alto Flute/Frequency
Flute/Alto Saxophone/F Horn/ Double Bass/Piano
Flute/Alto Saxophone/Piano
Flute/B-flat Clarinet/Bassoon/Percussion/Piano/Viola/Cello/Double Bass
Flute/B-flat Clarinet/Piano
Flute/B-flat Clarinet/Strings
Flute/bassflute (or Clarinet)
Flute/Clarinet/Bassoon/Viola/Cello/Double Bass
Flute/Clarinet/Harp/String Quartet
Flute/Double Bass
Flute/English Horn/Guitar
Flute/Guitar Tab
Flute/Harp and Orchestra
Flute/Oboe/B-flat Clarinet
Flute/Oboe/B-flat Clarinet/Piano
Flute/Oboe/Viola/Cello/Glass Harmonica or Piano
Flute/Piano or Harp
Flute/String Quartet
Flute/String Trio
Flute/String Trio/Piano
Flute/Viola or Cello/Harp
Flute/Viola or Cello/Piano
Flute/Violin/Viola da Gamba/Continuo
Flute/Wind Octet/Percussion
Flute; Piano Ad Libitum
Flutes And Oboes
Flutes) And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Flutes); Percussion Ad Libitum
Folk Choir
Folk Harp Solo
Folk Harp/Vocal
For Eight Part Mixed Choir And Organ
For One Part Choir
For Percussion Quartet And Tape
For Piano
For Three Part Mixed Choir (sabar) A Cappella
For Two Part Choir And Piano
Four Female Voices
Four Flutes
Four Sopranos
Four To Eight Part Mixed Choir A Cappella
Four Trombones
Four Violins/Piano/Continuo
Four Voices
Four-part Choir Of Equal Voices (ssaa) And Organ
Four-part Chorus
Four-part Female Chorus
Four-part Female Chorus/Piano
Four-part Female Chorus/Two Horns/Harp
Four-part Male Chorus
Four-part Male Chorus/Piano
Four-part Mixed Chorus
Four-part Mixed Chorus/Continuo
Four-part Mixed Chorus/Lute/Piano
Four-part Mixed Chorus/Orchestra
Four-part Mixed Chorus/Organ
Four-part Mixed Chorus/Piano
Four-part Mixed Chorus/Strings
Four-part Mixed Chorus/Strings/Continuo
Four-part Mixed Chorus/Strings/Organ
Free Bass Accordion
Free Bass Or Standard Bass Accordion
Free Instrumentation
French Harp
French Harp (chrom.)
French Harp (diat./chrom.)
French Harp And Kazoo (1 Player)
French Harp-ensemble
French Horn
French Horn And Basso Continuo
French Horn And Bassoon
French Horn In F
French Horn/Piano
Full Concert Band
Full Orchestra
Full Score
Further Instruments Ad Libitum
Further Mallet Per
G Pipe or any Instrument
G Pipe/Tabor
Gemischtem Choir (ssatbb) And Small Orchestra
Girl's Choir (ssmezaa) A Cappella
Girl's Or Female Choir (sssaaa) A Cappella
Girl's Or Women's Choir (ssaa) A Cappella
Girls Choir (smeza) And Instruments (or Piano/keyboard)
Girls' Choir
Glass Harmonica
Glockenspiel (lyra)
Glockenspiel [also Metallophon Or Vibra Senza Motor]
Gr. Flute
Großbass And Piano
Große Castanets
Guitar (7 String)
Guitar (lute)
Guitar Ad Lib.
Guitar Ad Libitum
Guitar And 15 Soloinstruments
Guitar And 8 Solo Instruments
Guitar And Bass Ad Libitum
Guitar And Cello
Guitar And Chamber Orchestra
Guitar And Double Bass Ad Libitum
Guitar And Harpsichord
Guitar And Harpsichord (piano)
Guitar And Orchestra
Guitar And Organ
Guitar And Percussion
Guitar And Piano
Guitar And Piano (harpsichord)
Guitar And String Quartet
Guitar And Strings
Guitar And Tambourine
Guitar And Treble Recorder (partly Changing Between Treble Recorder And Bass Recorder)
Guitar And Violin
Guitar And Voice Ad Libitum)
Guitar Chord Chart
Guitar Duo
Guitar Ensemble
Guitar Method
Guitar Or Bass-xylophone
Guitar Or Bass-xylophone A
Guitar Or Electric Guita
Guitar Or Lute
Guitar Or Melody Instruments Ad Libitum
Guitar Or Timpani
Guitar Quartet
Guitar Solo
Guitar Solo ("tentos") And For Vocal And Guitar ("fragmente")
Guitar Solo (unaccompanied)
Guitar Solo (with optional accompaniment)
Guitar Solo And 15 Solo Instruments
Guitar Studies
Guitar Tab
Guitar Tab (2)
Guitar Tab (3)
Guitar Tab Legend
Guitar Tab/2 Violins
Guitar Tab/Bass
Guitar Tab/Bass Tab/Vocal
Guitar Tab/Bass/Vocal
Guitar Tab/Chords
Guitar Tab/Fingerstyle
Guitar Tab/Flute
Guitar Tab/Organ
Guitar Tab/Piano
Guitar Tab/Piano/Vocal/Chords
Guitar Tab/Violin
Guitar Tab/Voca
Guitar Tab/Vocal
Guitar Tab/Vocal and Piano/Vocal/Chords
Guitar Tab/Vocal/Chords
Guitar/Rhythm Guitar
Guitar/Rythm Guitar/Bass/Drums
Guitar/Rythm Guitar/Keyboard/Bass/Drum
Guitar/String Ensemble
Guitar/Ukulele Lead Sheet
Hackbrett (or 2 Other Melody Instruments) And Guitar
Hammond-organ And Orchestra
Harmonic Canon Ii And Bass Marimba
Harmonica (violin) And Piano
Harmonica And Piano
Harmonika And Piano
Harmonium (organ)
Harmonium (organ/piano)
Harmonium (with Text)
Harmonium Ad Libitum
Harmonium And Piano
Harmonium Or Accordion
Harmonium Or Electric Organ (1 Manual)
Harmonium Or Organ (pedal Ad Libitum)
Harmonium Or Piano
Harmonium With Lyrics
Harp And 2 Violas
Harp And 4 Cellos
Harp And Cello
Harp And Flute
Harp And Marimba
Harp And Orchestra
Harp And Percussion (1 Player)
Harp And Piano
Harp And String Orchestra
Harp And String Quartet
Harp And Strings
Harp And Vibraphone
Harp Or Piano
Harp Quartet
Harp Solo
Harp/Wind Quintet
Harp; Violin Ad Libitum
Harpsichord (organ)
Harpsichord (organ) And Strings
Harpsichord (piano)
Harpsichord (piano) And Orchestra
Harpsichord (piano) And String Orchestra
Harpsichord And Double Bass
Harpsichord And Kleine Stringsbebetzung
Harpsichord And Large String Ensemble
Harpsichord And Organ (or 2 Positive Or 2 Pianos)
Harpsichord And Piano
Harpsichord And Strings
Harpsichord Concertanto And Strings
Harpsichord Obligatory And Basso Continuo
Harpsichord Or Flute Or Cello And Strings
Harpsichord or Organ
Harpsichord Or Other Tasten-instruments
Harpsichord Or Piano
Harpsichord Or Piano (4 Hands)
Harpsichord Or Piano)
Harpsichord Or Spinet
Harpsichord) Ad Libitum
Harpsichord); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Harpsichord); Cello Ad Libitum
Harpsichord); Cello/double Bass Ad Libitum
Harpsichord.); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Hawaiian Guitar
Heckelphone (tenor Saxophon) And Piano
High Baritone And Piano
High Male Voice (tenor) And Piano
High Or Medium Voice And Piano
High Solo-voice And Orchestra
High Soprano
High Tenor And Piano
High Voice
High Voice (male) With Piano
High Voice (orig.) And Guitar
High Voice (original) And Guitar
High Voice (original) And Piano
High Voice And 8 Instrumentalisten
High Voice And Guitar
High Voice And Guitar Or Piano
High Voice And Jazz-combo
High Voice And Organ
High Voice And Piano
High Voice And Piano (organ)
High Voice And Piano (organ/harmonium)
High Voice And Piano; Violin (cello) Ad Libitum
High Voice And String Quartet
High Voice Part And Piano
High Voice Soprano And Piano
High Voice With Piano-accompaniment
High Voice(n) And Piano
Horn (cello) And Piano
Horn (cello) And Piano (with Small Bells In C Ad Libitum)
Horn (eb) And Piano
Horn (f)
Horn (f/b) And Piano
Horn (in F)
Horn Ad Libitum)
Horn And Basso Continuo
Horn And Bassoon
Horn And Bassoon)
Horn And Cello
Horn And Harp
Horn And Orchestra
Horn And Piano
Horn And Soprano-solo
Horn And String Orchestra
Horn And String Orchestra; 2 Flutes And 2 Horns
Horn And Strings
Horn Duet
Horn Ensemble
Horn In Eb
Horn In Eb And Piano
Horn in F
Horn In F And Bassoon
Horn In F And Piano
Horn in F and Tuba
Horn In F Or Cello And Piano
Horn in F/Piano
Horn Octet
Horn or Cello/Piano
Horn Quartet
Horn solo
Horn Solo And Chamber Orchestra (with 2 Basset Horns And 4 Obligatory Natural Horns)
Horn Solo And Chamber Orchestra (with 2 Basset Hornsn And 4 Obligatoryen Naturhornsn)
Horn Studies
Horn Trio
Horn/Brass Band
Horn/Brass Ensemble
Horn/String Quartet
Horn/Violin/Two Violas/Cello
Horns) And Piano; Harmony- And Rhythm Accompanimen
Hunting Horn
I: Mixed Choir - Ii: Choir And Orchestra - Iii: Women's Choir - Iv: Double Choir And Orchestra
Ii Saatb)
Instrument Studies
Instrumental duet
Instrumental or vocal solo with wind band
Instrumental Quartet
Instrumental Trio
Instrumentalvoice Zu Ausgabe A
Intermediate Piano Solo
Intermediate-Avanced Piano
Ischter Choir (satb)
Jazz Band
Jazz Combo
Jazz Ensemble
Jazz Method
Jazz Trumpet And Orchestra
Kch (smezsa) And Wind Band
Keyboard Instrument (piano
Keyboard Instrument Or Harp
Keyboard Instrument Or Melodic Instruments
Keyboard Instrument Or Various Instruments
Keyboard Or Guitar (melody Instrument Ad Lib.)
Kindergarten Flute (also Soprano Recorder)
Kleinem Percussion And Piano
Kleiner Choir (ttbb) And Speakers
Komplementäre Wind Instruments Or Strings Ad Libitum
Korean Buk
Large Orchestra
Large Orchestra And Choir (ad Libitum)
Large Orchestra And Organ
Large Orchestra And Turkish Instruments
Large Wind Band
Large Xylophone
Late Elementary Piano
Lead Sheet
Lead Sheet with Guitar Grids
Lever Harp
Low Alto
Low Brass Duet
Low Brass Trio
Low Brass/Piano
Low Female Voice
Low Female Voice And Piano
Low Female Voice And String Quartet
Low Male Voice And Orchestra
Low Male Voice And Piano
Low Voice
Low Voice (original
Low Voice And Orchestra
Low Voice And Piano
Low Voice And Piano (organ)
Low Voice And Piano With Viola (or Violin) Accompaniment
Low Voice And Piano; Violin (cello) Ad Libitum
Low Voice And String Quartet
Low Voice Part And Piano
Low Voice Part And Piano (c Major
Low Voice/Piano
Low) And Small Percussion
Lower Voice
Lows Wind Instrument In C (bassoon
Lute Solo
Lyric Baritone
Löwengebrüll (soprano
Male Choir
Male Choir (attb)
Male Choir (attbb)
Male Choir (attbb) And Piano
Male Choir (atttb)
Male Choir (satb)
Male Choir (ssa) And Piano Or Organ Accompaniment
Male Choir (ttbb
Male Choir and Piano
Male Choir And Recorder
Male Chorus/Cello
Male Chorus/Harp/Harmonium or Organ
Male Chorus/Organ
Male Chorus/Piano
Male or Female Chorus
Mallet Percussion
Mallet Percussion A
Mallet Percussion And Percussion
Mallet Percussion/Piano
Mallets (glockenspiel
Mandola And Guitar (piano Ad Libitum)
Mandolin Orchestra
Mandolin Orchestra (mandolin I
Mandoline And Guitar
Mandoline And Piano
Mandoline Quartet
Mandoline Quartet Or Mandolin Orchestras
Mandoline) And Guitar
Mandolines-quartett Or Mandolin Orchestras
Manuscript Paper
Marimba (5 Octaves) And Harp
Marimba [evtl. Xylophone] - Player
Marimba And 3 Cymbal
Marimba And Organ
Marimba And Percussion (2 Player)
Marimba And Piano
Marimba And String Orchestra
Marimba And Vibraphone
Marimba) And Percussion
Marimba) And Piano
Marimba/6 Percussions
Marimba/Brass Ensemble
Marimba/Timpani/5 Percussions
Mch Or Fch) Ad Libitum
Mechanical Organ
Mechanical Piano
Medium (low) Voice And Piano
Medium (low) Voice And Piano (organ/harmonium)
Medium / Low Voice And Piano
Medium Female Voice
Medium Female Voice And Piano
Medium Or High Voice With Piano-accompaniment
Medium or Low Voice/Piano
Medium Voice
Medium Voice And Clarinet
Medium Voice And Guitar
Medium Voice And One Chord Instrument And/or One Low Melody Instrument
Medium Voice And Orchestra
Medium Voice And Organ
Medium Voice And Piano
Medium Voice And Piano Or Harpsichord
Medium Voice And Piano With Violin (flute
Medium Voice And Piano; Violin (cello) Ad Libitum
Medium Voice And Recorders (satb)
Medium Voice And String Quartet
Medium Voice Part (or 1stg. Choir) And 3 Instrumentalists (strings Od. Wind Instruments)
Medium Voice Part And Piano
Melodic Instrument (violin
Melodic Instrument And Congregation
Melodie And Accompaniment (voice And Instrument
Melody Bass Accordion
Melody Instrument (flute
Melody Instrument And Guitar
Melody Instrument And Instrument Or Singing Instrumentalist)
Melody Instruments
Melody Instruments (piano/keyboard/guitar/vibraphone)
Melody Instruments And Percussion
Men's Choir
Men's Choir (4 Voices)
Men's Choir (6 Parts)
Men's Choir (attbarbb)
Men's Choir (bar Solo
Men's Choir (bar) And Piano
Men's Choir (or 4 Male Voices) And Piano
Men's Choir (s Or T Solo
Men's Choir (s Solo
Men's Choir (sort Solo
Men's Choir (t Solo
Men's Choir (tb And Tbarb) And Horn In F Ad Libitum
Men's Choir (tbarb)
Men's Choir (tbarb) And Organ
Men's Choir (tbarb) And Piano
Men's Choir (tbarb/ttb)
Men's Choir (tbb)
Men's Choir (tbb) (cello
Men's Choir (tbb) And Children's Choir (smez)
Men's Choir (tt(b)b)
Men's Choir (ttb)
Men's Choir (ttb) And Piano
Men's Choir (ttb) Or Mixed Choir (atb) With Organ
Men's Choir (ttb/ttbb) A Cappella
Men's Choir (ttbarb)
Men's Choir (ttbarbarbb A Cappella)
Men's Choir (ttbarbarbb) And Organ
Men's Choir (ttbb A Cappella)
Men's Choir (ttbb)
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cap. Or With Organ Or 4 Various Instruments
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella And Horn-quartett Or Piano
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With 2 Trumpets Ad Libitum
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Brass (2 Trp
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments (2 Trumpets
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments Or Piano
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments Or Wind Band
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Piano
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Piano Or Brass ( - Pk)
Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Rhythm Section
Men's Choir (ttbb) And 3 Horns In F
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Brass Instruments
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Children's Choir (sa)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Children's Choir (smez) Or Female Choir (sa)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Children's Choir (ss)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Female Choir Or Children's Choir (sa)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Instruments
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Orchestra
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Orchestra Or Piano (4 Hands)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Organ
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano (4 Hands)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano (volksmusikinstruments)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano Or Combo
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Precentors
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Small Orchestra
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Small Orchestra Or Accordion Orchestra
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Solo (b)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Solo (bar)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Solo (t)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Solo-quartett (kanonischer Echighor)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Soloists (tb)
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Tenor Solo
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Violin
Men's Choir (ttbb) And Wind Band
Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Female Choir (smeza) With Piano Or Instruments (flute
Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Female Choir (smeza) With Piano Or Instrumentsn (flute
Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Men's Choir With Youth Choir (sa) Or Mixed Choir (sattbb)
Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments (4-2-3-1) Or Piano (organ)
Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Wind Band
Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Mixed Choir (sattbb) A Cappella Or With Piano Or Brass ( - Pk)
Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Mixed Choir (sattbb) A Cappella Or With Piano Or Brass Instruments ( - Pk)
Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Women's Choir (smeza) With Piano Or Instruments (flute
Men's Choir (ttbb) Percussion And Piano
Men's Choir (ttbb) With 4 Instruments (wind Instruments
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Brass Instruments (4-2-3-1) Or Piano (organ)
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Children's Choir (mez)
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Children's Choir (smez)
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Double Bass And Tamb Ad Libitum
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Female Choir Or Children's Choir (sa)
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Guitars-accompaniment
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Hand Drum Ad Libitum
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Oberchoir (sa) Or 2 Instruments Ad Libitum
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Piano Or Brass Instruments ( And Timpani
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Solo (bar)
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Solo (t)
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Solo (t) And Small Orchestra
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Solo-soprano Or Children's Choir/female Choir A Cappella Or With Instrumentsn (oboe
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Soloists (tbar) And Piano Or Orchestra
Men's Choir (ttbb) With Soloists (tbar) With Piano Or Differents Orchestra Types
Men's Choir (ttbb); Accordion Ad Libitum
Men's Choir (ttbb); Organ Ad Libitum
Men's Choir (ttbb/tb) And Orchestra
Men's Choir (ttbb/ttb)
Men's Choir (ttbb/ttbb)
Men's Choir (ttbb/ttbb); Organ Ad Libitum
Men's Choir (ttbbb Or Ttbb) With Alto-solo
Men's Choir (ttbbbb)
Men's Choir (ttbbbb) And Soloists (tb)
Men's Choir (tttbb)
Men's Choir (tttbb) And Solo (t)
Men's Choir (tttbbb)
Men's Choir (tttbbb) A Cappella
Men's Choir (tttbbb) And Solo (t)
Men's Choir (tttbbb) And Soloists (tbarb)
Men's Choir (ttttbarbb)
Men's Choir (ttttbbbb) With Soloists (tt)
Men's Choir / Mixed Choir
Men's Choir A Cappella
Men's Choir Ad Libitum And Small Orchestra
Men's Choir And 2 Trumpets
Men's Choir And 7 Brass Instruments (organ)
Men's Choir And Blas- Or String Orchestra
Men's Choir And Children's Choir
Men's Choir And Guitar
Men's Choir And Orchestra
Men's Choir And Organ
Men's Choir And Piano
Men's Choir And Piano Ad Libitum
Men's Choir And Piano Or Orchestra
Men's Choir And Piano Or Wind Instruments
Men's Choir And Solo (t)
Men's Choir And Youth Choir
Men's Choir Unisono And Organ Or Orchestra
Men's Choir Unisono And Piano (4 Hands) Or Orchestra
Men's Choir With Tenor- Or Baritone-solo
Men's Choir; Piano Ad Libitum
Men's Chorus
Metallmallet Percussion
Metallophone (s/a) And Glockenspiel (s/a)
Method book
Mezzo Soprano And 4 Percussionists
Mezzo Soprano And Organ Or Synthesizer/accordion
Mezzo Soprano And Small Ensemble
Mezzo-soprano (baritone)
Mezzo-soprano (baritone) And Piano
Mezzo-soprano (baritone) And Piano; Choir (gch
Mezzo-soprano And 8 Instruments
Mezzo-soprano And Guitar
Mezzo-soprano And Orchestra
Mezzo-soprano And Organ
Mezzo-soprano And Piano
Mezzo-soprano And Piano Or Orchestra
Mezzo-soprano And Wind Quintet
Mezzo-soprano or Baritone
Mezzo-soprano Or Baritone And Piano
Mezzo-soprano or Baritone/Flute
Mezzo-soprano or Baritone/Flute or Cello/Piano
Mezzo-soprano or Baritone/Guitar
Mezzo-soprano or Baritone/Piano
Mezzo-soprano or Baritone/Piano or Organ
Mezzo-soprano Solo
Mezzo-soprano/Piano or Organ
Mezzo-soprano/TTBasrB Male Chorus/Viola/Organ
Mezzosoprano And Piano
Minimum 12 Voices
Minimum 8 Voices)
Mixed Brass Quartet
Mixed Choir
Mixed Choir (1-2pts)
Mixed Choir (2 Equal Or 4 Mixed Voices) With Wind Instruments Or Organ
Mixed Choir (3 Female Voices
Mixed Choir (3-6 Voices) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (6 Parts)
Mixed Choir (6s 6a 6t 6b) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (and Instruments)
Mixed Choir (attbb/ssaab)
Mixed Choir (each 4 Satb)
Mixed Choir (for 8 Parts)
Mixed Choir (for Four Part) And 5 Brass Instruments (2 Trumpets And 3 Trombones)
Mixed Choir (kanon)
Mixed Choir (mezbar)
Mixed Choir (s(s)atb) And Piano
Mixed Choir (s[s]atb[b])
Mixed Choir (saab/atbb/tbbb)
Mixed Choir (saabar)
Mixed Choir (saat/atbb/attb/sttb)
Mixed Choir (saat/attb)
Mixed Choir (saatb)
Mixed Choir (saatb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (saatb) And Organ
Mixed Choir (saatb) With Baritone Solo
Mixed Choir (saatbarb)
Mixed Choir (saatbarb) Or 6 Solo Parts
Mixed Choir (saatbb)
Mixed Choir (saatbb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (saatbb) And 2 Pianos
Mixed Choir (saatbb) Or 6 Solo Parts
Mixed Choir (saatbb); Piano Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (saattb)
Mixed Choir (saattb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (saattbb)
Mixed Choir (saattbb) And Lightly Amplified Double Bass (sempre Pizz.)
Mixed Choir (sab And Satb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (sab)
Mixed Choir (sab) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (sab) And Piano
Mixed Choir (sab) With Brass (2 Trumpets
Mixed Choir (sab/ssattb)
Mixed Choir (sabar)
Mixed Choir (sabar) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (sabar) A Cappella An Organ
Mixed Choir (sabar) A Cappella And Organ
Mixed Choir (sabar) An 2 Violins
Mixed Choir (sabar) And Instruments (for Four Part)
Mixed Choir (sabar) And Organ
Mixed Choir (sabar) And Piano
Mixed Choir (sabar) And Piano Ad Lib.
Mixed Choir (sabar) Or Children's Choir (smeza) With String Quartet Or Other Melody Instruments
Mixed Choir (sabarb) And Piano (4 Hands)
Mixed Choir (samst)
Mixed Choir (sat)
Mixed Choir (satb
Mixed Choir (satb Div.) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (satb Div./saatbb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (satb Or Tratb) And Organ
Mixed Choir (satb Or Unisono) A Cappella Or With Organ/piano (combo)
Mixed Choir (satb Up To Ssaattbb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (satb)
Mixed Choir (satb) (female Choir
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella (and 1 Percussion Ad Libitum)
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella And Balsodrum (ad Libitum)
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella And Interlude For Organ Or String Quintet
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Basso Continuo
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Blechwind Instrumentsn (4-2-3-1) Or Piano (organ)
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Blechwind Instrumentsn Or Wind Band
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Flute And Piano Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Organ
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With String Quartet Or 4 Woodwinds Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella; Instruments Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella; String Orchestra Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb) And 2 Pianos
Mixed Choir (satb) And 4 Instruments (wind Instruments
Mixed Choir (satb) And 8 Soloists (ssaattbb)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Basso Continuo
Mixed Choir (satb) And Bell
Mixed Choir (satb) And Clarinet
Mixed Choir (satb) And Claves
Mixed Choir (satb) And Combo
Mixed Choir (satb) And Female Choir (smeza) With Piano (4 Hands)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Flute
Mixed Choir (satb) And Generalbass (organ
Mixed Choir (satb) And Instruments
Mixed Choir (satb) And Instruments (ad Libitum)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Instruments (clarinet
Mixed Choir (satb) And Kinder- Or Youth Choir With Small Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) And Men's Choir (ttbb)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) And Orchestra Or Organ
Mixed Choir (satb) And Organ
Mixed Choir (satb) And Organ (2. Organ Ad Libitum)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Organ (ad Libitum)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Organ Or Strings
Mixed Choir (satb) And Percussion
Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano
Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano (4 Hands)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano (4 Hands) Or Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano (ad Libitum)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano (harp)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano (organ)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano Or Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano; Percussion Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb) And Schola
Mixed Choir (satb) And Small Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) And Small Orchestra Or Piano
Mixed Choir (satb) And Soloistic Organ
Mixed Choir (satb) And Soloists (stb)
Mixed Choir (satb) And Soprano Solo
Mixed Choir (satb) And String Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) And String Orchestra Or Organ
Mixed Choir (satb) And Strings
Mixed Choir (satb) And Strings; Timpani Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb) And Tango Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) And Vibraphone
Mixed Choir (satb) And Wind Instruments; Organ Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb) Or 4 Solo Parts
Mixed Choir (satb) Or Female Choir (s/sa) And Organ Or Orchestra Or Wind Band
Mixed Choir (satb) Or Female Choir (smeza) With Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) Or Female Choir (smeza) With Piano (organ) Or Strings With Flute
Mixed Choir (satb) Or Men's Choir (ttbb)
Mixed Choir (satb) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) With Boys' Choir (mez) And Organ (piano) Or Brass (
Mixed Choir (satb) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) With Boys’ Choir (mez) And Organ (piano) Or Brass (
Mixed Choir (satb) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) With Piano Or Brass Instruments ( And Timpani
Mixed Choir (satb) Or Men's Choir (ttbb/tb) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) Or Women's Choir (smeza) With Piano (organ) Or Strings With Flute
Mixed Choir (satb) Unisono
Mixed Choir (satb) With 2 Soloists (ss)
Mixed Choir (satb) With 2 Trumpets And 2 Trombones Or Organ
Mixed Choir (satb) With 3 Trumpets And 2 Trombones Or Piano (4 Hands)
Mixed Choir (satb) With 9 Instrumentalists
Mixed Choir (satb) With Alto Or Bass Solo
Mixed Choir (satb) With Brass Instruments
Mixed Choir (satb) With Children's Choir
Mixed Choir (satb) With Children's Choir (mez)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Children's Choir (sa)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Combo (guitar
Mixed Choir (satb) With Combo (piano
Mixed Choir (satb) With Echo Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb) With Flute
Mixed Choir (satb) With Men's Choir (ttbb)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Optional Organ
Mixed Choir (satb) With Organ
Mixed Choir (satb) With Organ Ad Libitum Or Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) With Organ Or 2 Trumpets
Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano
Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano (4 Hands)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano Accompaniment
Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano And Rhythm Group
Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano Or Blechwind Instruments ( And Timpani
Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano Or Differents Orchestra Types
Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano Or String Orchestra And Harp
Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano Or Wind Instruments ( And Timpani
Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo (a)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo (bar) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo (mez)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo (t) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo And Piano Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo Parts (ssatb) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (ab)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (at)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (mezbar)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (mezbar) And Combo
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (mezbar) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (satb)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (sb)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (sbar) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (smeztb)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (ssatb)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (st)
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (st) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (st) And Small Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (stb) And String Orchestra; Flute And Harpsichord Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (stbar) Ad Libitum And Piano
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soprano Solo And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) With Soprano Solo And Piano
Mixed Choir (satb) With Tenor Solo
Mixed Choir (satb) With Tenor-solo And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (satb) With Trumpet In D
Mixed Choir (satb); Hand Drum Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb); Organ Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb); Saxophone Or Clarinet Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb/atbb)
Mixed Choir (satb/atbb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (satb/sab)
Mixed Choir (satb/sab) And Basso Continuo
Mixed Choir (satb/sab))
Mixed Choir (satb/satb)
Mixed Choir (satb/satb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (satb/satb) And Basso Continuo
Mixed Choir (satb/satb) With Soloists (satb)
Mixed Choir (satb/satb) With Soloists (satb/satb)
Mixed Choir (satb/satb); Basso Continuo And/or Instruments Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (satb/satb/satb)
Mixed Choir (satb/satb/satb/satb)
Mixed Choir (satb/ssaattbb)
Mixed Choir (satbarb)
Mixed Choir (satbarb) And 2 Oboes
Mixed Choir (satbarb) And Piano
Mixed Choir (satbarbarb)
Mixed Choir (satbb)
Mixed Choir (satbb) With Tenor-solo
Mixed Choir (satbb/ssatbb)
Mixed Choir (sattb)
Mixed Choir (sattb) A Cappella And Organ
Mixed Choir (sattb) Or 5 Solo Parts
Mixed Choir (sattb/sattb)
Mixed Choir (sattbb)
Mixed Choir (sattbb) With Piano Or Differentn Orchestratypen
Mixed Choir (sattbb) With Soloists (sattbb); Harmonium Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (smezab)
Mixed Choir (smezabar)
Mixed Choir (smezatb)
Mixed Choir (smezatb) And Piano
Mixed Choir (smezatbarb)
Mixed Choir (smezatbarb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (smezatbarb) And Piano
Mixed Choir (smezatbarb) Or 6 Solo Parts
Mixed Choir (smezattbb)
Mixed Choir (smezattbb) With Tenor-solo
Mixed Choir (smsatb)
Mixed Choir (smsatbarb)
Mixed Choir (smwatbarb)
Mixed Choir (ss(a)a) And Male Voice
Mixed Choir (ssa
Mixed Choir (ssa/satb Or Sat/attb)
Mixed Choir (ssa/satb) With Flute
Mixed Choir (ssa/ttbb)
Mixed Choir (ssaa)
Mixed Choir (ssaa/ttbb)
Mixed Choir (ssaaattbbb)
Mixed Choir (ssaaattbbb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssaat/sttb/attbb)
Mixed Choir (ssaatb)
Mixed Choir (ssaatb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssaatb) And Basso Continuo
Mixed Choir (ssaatbarb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssaatbb)
Mixed Choir (ssaatbb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssaattb)
Mixed Choir (ssaattb); Organ Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb)
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella And Soloisits
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella And Soloists (satb)
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella Or With Kleinem Orchestra
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella Or With Orchestra
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) And Orchestra Or 2 Pianos And Percussion
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) And Organ
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) And Soprano Solo A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) With Baritone Solo And Organ
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) With Children's Choir (mez)
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) With Solo (bar)
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) With Soloists (sbar)
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb); Instruments Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (ssaattbb); Organ Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (ssab)
Mixed Choir (ssab/sattb)
Mixed Choir (ssab/ssab)
Mixed Choir (ssabar)
Mixed Choir (ssat(t)bb)
Mixed Choir (ssat/atbb)
Mixed Choir (ssat/satb/atbb)
Mixed Choir (ssat/satb/ttbarb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssatb)
Mixed Choir (ssatb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssatb) And Basso Continuo
Mixed Choir (ssatb) And Basso Continuo; Instruments Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (ssatb) And Keyboard Instrument
Mixed Choir (ssatb) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (ssatb) And Piano
Mixed Choir (ssatb) Or 5 Solo Parts
Mixed Choir (ssatb) With Brass (
Mixed Choir (ssatb) With Soloists (st) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (ssatb) With Strings
Mixed Choir (ssatb); Organ Ad Lib
Mixed Choir (ssatb/satbb)
Mixed Choir (ssatb/ssaattbb)
Mixed Choir (ssatb/ssatb)
Mixed Choir (ssatb/ssatb) And Cantus-firmus-choir A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssatbarb)
Mixed Choir (ssatbb
Mixed Choir (ssatbb)
Mixed Choir (ssatbb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssatbb) A Cappella Or With Organ Or Brass Instruments
Mixed Choir (ssatbb) And 2 Ambosse
Mixed Choir (ssatbb) And Piano (4 Hands)
Mixed Choir (ssatbb) And Small Orchestra
Mixed Choir (ssatbb) With Orchestra
Mixed Choir (ssatbb) With Soloists (sa) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (ssatbb) With Soloists (sssa) And Organ
Mixed Choir (ssatbb) With Soprano Solo; Organ Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir (ssatbb) With Tenor-solo
Mixed Choir (ssattb)
Mixed Choir (ssattb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (ssattbar)
Mixed Choir (ssattbb)
Mixed Choir (ssb/stb) And Piano
Mixed Choir (ssmezatbb)
Mixed Choir (sssaaattbb)
Mixed Choir (sssaaatttbbb)
Mixed Choir (sssaaatttbbb) With Soloists (sssa)
Mixed Choir (sssaatbbb)
Mixed Choir (sssaattbb) A Cappella Or With Organ Or Different Orchestratyps (strings
Mixed Choir (sssaattbbb)
Mixed Choir (sssatb)
Mixed Choir (sssatb) And Basso Continuo
Mixed Choir (sssatttb)
Mixed Choir (ssssaaaattttbbbb
Mixed Choir (ssssaaaattttbbbb)
Mixed Choir (ssssaaaattttbbbb/ssssaaaattttbbbb) With Percussion
Mixed Choir (ssssaaatttbb)
Mixed Choir (sssssaaaaatttttbbbbb) And Orchestra
Mixed Choir (stb - Satb) A Cappella
Mixed Choir (stb)
Mixed Choir (stb) And Organ
Mixed Choir (stbar) And Instruments
Mixed Choir (stbbbb/sattbb)
Mixed Choir (unisono) And Organ
Mixed Choir (vv/ssa)
Mixed Choir (women's-/children's Choir) With Piano Or 3 Violins
Mixed Choir 12 Voices
Mixed Choir A Capella
Mixed Choir A Cappella
Mixed Choir A Cappella (i And Iii Satb
Mixed Choir A Cappella (satb / Ssatb / Ssattb)
Mixed Choir A Cappella (satb Or Sabar)
Mixed Choir A Cappella (satb) Or With Instrumental-ensemble (flute
Mixed Choir A Cappella (satb); Flute Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments; Timpani Ad. Lib.
Mixed Choir A Cappella With Bass-solo
Mixed Choir A Cappella With Soloists (satbar)
Mixed Choir A Cappella; Piano Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir And 5 Woodwinds Or Harmonium
Mixed Choir And 8 Wind Instruments
Mixed Choir And Bass Drum Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir And Bassoon
Mixed Choir And Brass Instruments
Mixed Choir And Chamber Ensemble
Mixed Choir And Chamber Orchestra
Mixed Choir And Instruments
Mixed Choir And Keyboard Instrument
Mixed Choir And Large Orchestra
Mixed Choir And Melody Instrument Ad Lib.
Mixed Choir And Men's Choir
Mixed Choir And Orchestr
Mixed Choir And Orchestra
Mixed Choir And Orchestra (flute
Mixed Choir And Organ
Mixed Choir And Organ (piano)
Mixed Choir And Organ Or Orchestra
Mixed Choir And Piano
Mixed Choir And Piano (organ)
Mixed Choir And Piano Or Salon Orchestra
Mixed Choir And Soloistic Organ
Mixed Choir And Soprano Solo
Mixed Choir And Wind Instruments
Mixed Choir Or Equal Voices (ssa/ttb)
Mixed Choir Or Soloists (satb) And Organ
Mixed Choir Or Soloists (sttbarb)
Mixed Choir Or Vocal Quartet (satb) And Piano (4 Hands)
Mixed Choir Satb
Mixed Choir Satb With 4 Soloists (satb)
Mixed Choir Unisono And Organ / Wind Band
Mixed Choir With Accordion
Mixed Choir With Guitar And Drum Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir With Organ Or Piano Or Cello
Mixed Choir With Piano Or Organ Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir)
Mixed Choir/Piano
Mixed Choir; Basso Continuo Ad Libitum
Mixed Choir; Piano Ad Libitum
Mixed Chor (saatbb)
Mixed Chor (sabar)
Mixed Chor (smezatbarb) And Piano
Mixed Chorus
Mixed Chorus (ssaattbb) With Soloists
Mixed Chorus (ssaatttbbb) With Soloists And 3 Boys’ Voices (ssa)
Mixed Chorus And Orchestra
Mixed Chorus/Organ
Mixed Chorus/Piano
Mixed Trio
Mixed Voices (stttbarb)
Mixed Voices A Cappella
Mixed Voices/Organ
Mixed Wi
Männer-doppelchoir And Orchestra
Narrator And Orchestra
Narrator And Organ
Narrator And Piano
Narrator And String Quartet
Natural Horn
Natural Horn And Bassoon
Natural Horn And Orchestra
Natural Horn In Eb And Trombone (baritone)
Natured Singing Voices
Ney Flute (or Alto Flute/recorder)
Nonett (flute
Northumbrian Pipes
not transposable
Obligatory Harpsichord And Basso Continuo
Obligatory Piano And 12 Solo Instruments
Oboe "baroque" And Percussion
Oboe (2 Violins/2 Treble Recorders) And Basso Continuo
Oboe (2. Flute) And String Orchestra
Oboe (2. Flute/2. Violin) And Piano
Oboe (also Oboe D'amore And Cor Anglais) And Harp (individual Pieces Also For Flute/alto Flute
Oboe (clarinet) And Guitar
Oboe (cor Anglais)
Oboe (cor Anglais) And Piano
Oboe (flute
Oboe (flute)
Oboe (flute) And Basso Continuo (piano Or Harpsichord)
Oboe (flute) And Guitar
Oboe (flute) And Piano
Oboe (flute) And String Orchestra
Oboe (flute/violin) And Basso Continuo
Oboe (flute/violin) And Guitar
Oboe (or Soprano) And Cor Anglais
Oboe (tenor Recorder
Oboe (violin
Oboe (violin)
Oboe (violin) And Basso Continuo
Oboe (violin) And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Oboe / Piano
Oboe and ( Soprano and ( Organ and Continuo ))
Oboe And 3 Magnetophones (or Live Electronics) (1 Player)
Oboe And Basso Continuo
Oboe and Bassoon
Oboe And Clarinet
Oboe And Cor Anglais
Oboe And Harp
Oboe And Harpsichord
Oboe And Harpsichord (piano
Oboe And Harpsichord Or Piano
Oboe and Orchestra
Oboe And Organ
Oboe And Percussion
Oboe And Piano
Oboe And Piano (harpsichord)
Oboe and Piano or Organ
Oboe And Small Orchestra
Oboe And String Orchestra
Oboe and String Quartet
Oboe And String Trio
Oboe And Strings (violin
Oboe d'amore
Oboe d'amore and Piano or Organ
Oboe d'amore or Violin and Piano or Organ
Oboe da caccia (English Horn) and Piano or Organ
Oboe Duo
Oboe Duo/English Horn
Oboe Duo/English Horn/BassoonDuo or Trio
Oboe or C Clarinet/C Clarinet/Bassoon or Bass Clarinet
Oboe or Clarinet/Clarinet/Basoon or Bass Clarinet
Oboe or Clarinet/Piano
Oboe or English Horn/Crystal Glasses/B-Flat Clarinet or E-flat Clarinet/Bassoon/Tambourine
Oboe or Flute and Piano or Organ
Oboe or Soprano Saxophone/Piano
Oboe or Violin and Piano or Organ
Oboe or Violin/Piano
Oboe Quartet
Oboe Solo
Oboe Solo Or 2 Oboes (ad Libitum Also Oboe Solo With A Bordun Of 2 Horns Or 2 Clarinets Or 2 Strings)
Oboe Studies
Oboe With 2. Oboe Als Begleitvoice
Oboe) And Basso Continuo
Oboe) And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
Oboe) And Basso Continuo (piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Oboe) And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Oboe) And Basso Continuo; Cello And Viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
Oboe) And Piano
Oboe) And Piano; Cello (bassoon) Ad Libitum
Oboe/B-flat Clarinet/Bassoon
Oboe/Bass Clarinet/Horn
Oboe/Bassoon/String Ensemble
Oboe/Chamber Orchestra
Oboe/Clarinet/French Horn/Percussion/String Quartet
Oboe/Clarinet/Violin/Viola/Double Bass
Oboe/English Horn/Bassoon
Oboe/Opt. Bassoon
Oboe/Prepared Piano/Frequency
Oboe/Viola/Bass Clarinet/Harp
Oboes Or Other Melodic Instruments
Oboes) And Basso Continuo
Oboes) And Basso Continuo (cello)
Oboes) Or Mixed Instrumentation
Oboes) Or String Orchestra And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
Oboes) Or String Orchestra And Basso Continuo; Harpsichord (piano)
Old Instruments
Ondes Martenot
Ondes Martenot/Orchestra
One Or More Melodic Instruments (recorders
Optional 3 Part Bass Chorus And Chamber Orchestra
Optional Handbell and Trumpet
Orchestra / Chamber Orchestra
Orchestra And Organ
Orchestra And Organ (ad Libitum)
Orchestra And Speakers
Orchestra And Wind Band
Orchestra And Wind Band; Organ Ad Libitum
Orchestra Or String Orchestra
Orchestra With Choir (ad Libitum)
Orchestra/ Alto Soloist
Orchestra/Bass Soloist
Orchestra/Contralto Soloist
Orchestra/Soprano soloist
Orchestra/Tenor Soloist
Orchestra; Children's Choir (2 Equal Voices) And Speakers Ad Libitum
Orchestration Studies
Orff-instruments And Cello; Recorder
Orff-instruments And Organ; Strings Ad Libitum
Orff-instruments And String Orchestra
Organ (2 Player)
Organ (4 Hands)
Organ (4 Hands) (2 Player)
Organ (harmonium)
Organ (harp)
Organ (harpsichord
Organ (harpsichord)
Organ (harpsichord); 2 Horns In A Ad Libitum
Organ (piano
Organ (piano)
Organ (piano) Ad Libitum
Organ (without Pedal)
Organ And 2 Percussion Instruments
Organ And Brass Instruments-quintett
Organ And Cello
Organ And Chamber Orchestra
Organ And Djembé
Organ And Harp
Organ And Mixed Choir (satb)
Organ And Mixed Choir (satbarb) Ad Libitum
Organ and Orchestra
Organ and Percussion
Organ And Percussion ( Triangles
Organ And Percussion (2 Player) Ad Libitum
Organ And Percussion (side/snare Drum
Organ and Piano
Organ and Piano Duet
Organ And Piano Or Piano 4hd.
Organ And Radios
Organ And Speakers
Organ And Strings
Organ And Violin
Organ Obl.
Organ Or 2 Melody Instruments
Organ or Harmonium
Organ or Harpsichord
Organ Or Harpsichord And Strings
Organ or Piano
Organ or Piano Solo
Organ Or Various Instruments
Organ Or Wind- And String Instruments And Other In
Organ Or Woodwinds And Strings Ad Libitum
Organ Solo
Organ Solo/Choir
Organ Vocal
Organ With 2 Players
Organ); Bass Ad Libitum (bass Recorder
Organ); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Organ); Violoncello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Organ-positiv And Church Organ
Organ/String Ensemble
Organ; Timpani Ad Libitum
Organd and Piano
Organl And Orchestra
Other Acoustic Sources And Audience
Other Melodieinstruments And Begleitinstruments (guitar O.a.)
Other String Instruments
Pan Pipe
Pan Pipe And Organ
Pedal Harp Solo
Percussion (1 Player)
Percussion (1-3 Player And Groups)
Percussion (2 Tom Toms
Percussion (3 Player)
Percussion (3 Player) (drum-set And Latin Percussion)
Percussion (4 Player)
Percussion (4-19 Player)
Percussion (6 Player)
Percussion (ad Libitum)
Percussion (b.d
Percussion (marimba
Percussion (trio)
Percussion Ad Libitum
Percussion Ad Libitum ( Triangles
Percussion And Cello
Percussion And Orchestra
Percussion And Organ
Percussion And Piano
Percussion And Piano (harpsichord); Guitar Ad Libitum
Percussion And Piano Duet
Percussion And String Orchestra
Percussion And Strings
Percussion And Synthesizers
Percussion And Timpani
Percussion Duo
Percussion Ensemble
Percussion Instruments
Percussion Instruments (3 Player)
Percussion Instruments (4 Or More Player)
Percussion Instruments And Piano
Percussion Quartet
Percussion Sextet
Percussion Solo
Percussion Solo (bass Drum
Percussion Solo And Chamber Orchestra
Percussion Solo And Piano
Percussion Trio (wood Blockdrum
Percussion With 2 Players
Percussion With 3 Players
Percussion With 3 Players (1. Player: Schlagstäbe
Percussion With 3 Players (temple Blocks
Percussion With 3 Players And Piano
Percussion With 4 Players
Percussion With 6 Players (1. Player: 4 Chin. Cymbal
Percussion With 6 Players (1. Player: Vibraphone Without Motor
Percussion-ensemble (4 Player)
piano & cello (opt.)
Piano (2 And 4 Hands)
Piano (2 Pieces For 2 Pianos)
Piano (2+4 Hands)
Piano (2- And 4-hands)
Piano (4 Hands)
Piano (4 Hands) And Percussion
Piano (6 Hands)
Piano (also 4-hd.) Or Keyboard
Piano (also For Harpsichord Or Organ)
Piano (cembalo)
Piano (clavichord
Piano (harp) And Cello
Piano (harpsichord
Piano (harpsichord Or Organ)
Piano (harpsichord)
Piano (harpsichord) And Orchestra
Piano (harpsichord) And String Orchestra
Piano (harpsichord) And Strings; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
Piano (keyboard)
Piano (left Hand)
Piano (organ
Piano (organ)
Piano (organ) And Flute
Piano (organ) And Flute (violin
Piano (organ) And Melody Instrument (flute
Piano (piano Trio)
Piano (Rgiht hand)
Piano (synthesizer/electric Organ)
Piano (with Lyrics)
Piano (with Text)
Piano / Keyboard
Piano 2- And 4-händig
Piano 4 Hands
Piano Accompaniment
Piano Ad Libitum
Piano And Bass; Flute And Percussion Ad Libitum
Piano And Basso
Piano and Cello
piano and cello (opt.)
Piano and chords
Piano And Congas Drums
Piano And Ensemble
Piano And Guitar
Piano And Marimba
Piano And Melody Instrument
Piano And Melody Instrument (flute
piano and oboe (or violin)
piano and opt. instruments
Piano and Orchestra
Piano And Organ
Piano And Organ (harmonium)
Piano and Organ Duet
Piano And Other Instruments
Piano And Percussion
Piano And Percussion (bar Chimes
Piano And String Orchestra
Piano And String Orchestra With Flute Or Violin
Piano And String Quartet
Piano And String Quintet (2 Violins
Piano And Strings
Piano And Strings Ad Libitum
Piano And Violin
piano and violin (oboe or flute)
Piano And Voice
Piano Duet
Piano Four Hands
Piano Left Hand And Orchestra
Piano Or 2 Pianos (4 Hands)
Piano Or Accordion And Andere Instruments Ad Libitum (2 Melodic Instruments
Piano Or Accordion And Other Instruments Ad Libitum (2 Melodic Instruments
Piano Or Accordion And Other Instruments Ad Libitum (2 Melody Instruments
Piano or Celeste
Piano Or Clavichord
Piano Or Harp
Piano Or Harpsichord
Piano Or Keyboard
Piano Or Organ
Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
Piano Or Other Keyboard Instruments
Piano Or Piano (4 Hands)
Piano Quartet
Piano Quartet (violin
Piano Quintet
Piano Score
Piano Solo
Piano Solo Or For A Melody Instrument (c
Piano Solo or Guitar
Piano Solo Or With 2 Voices (instruments) Ad Libitum
Piano Solo Or With Voice
Piano Solo/opt.duet
Piano Studies
Piano Trio
Piano With 2 Oboes
Piano With Lyrics
Piano With Text
Piano With Text; 1 Or 2 Violins
Piano); Cello (viola Da Gamb
Piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitu
Piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Piano); Cello Ad Libitum
Piano); Viola Da Gamba (cello) Ad Libitu
Piano/Alto Saxophone
Piano/Alto Saxophone/Drums
Piano/Brass Band
Piano/Chamber Orchestra
Piano/Piano Reduction
Piano/String Orchestra
Piano/Vocal Chords
Piano/Vocal Duet/Chords
Piano/Vocal with String Quartet
Piano/Vocal/Chords and Guitar Tab/Vocal
Piano/Vocal/Chords and Violin
Piano/Vocal/Chords with Fiddle
Piano/Vocal/opt. flute
Piano; Violin And Cello Ad Libitum
Piccolo (also Alto-flute)
Piccolo Flute (clarinet/soprano Saxophone)
Piccolo Flute/Frequency
Piccolo Flute/G Flute/Bass Trombone
Piccolo Recorder (treble Recorder)
Piccolo Trumpet or Cornet/Brass Ensemble
Piccolo Trumpet/Brass Ensemble
Piccolo Trumpet/Harpsichord/Cello
Piccoloflute (trumpet)
Player Piano
Positive Organ
Possible Ensemble Variations
Querflute And Bassoon
Recorder (also Alto And Bass) And Accordion (m Iii)
Recorder (alternate Sopranino
Recorder (alto
Recorder (alto Or Soprano)
Recorder (alto Recorder
Recorder (alto/soprano)
Recorder (flute
Recorder (flute)
Recorder (flute) Solo
Recorder (s/a/t/b) And Guitar
Recorder (s/t)
Recorder (s/t) And Piano
Recorder (s/t) And Piano; 2 Violins And Cello Ad Libitum
Recorder (sopranoino-
Recorder Ad Libitum And Children Instruments
Recorder And Guitar
Recorder And Percussion
Recorder And Violin
Recorder Or Tin Whistle
Recorder Quartet
Recorder Quartet (attb)
Recorder Quartet (changing Instrumentation S/a/t/b)
Recorder Quartet (satb)
Recorder Quartet (string Quartet) And Voice
Recorder Quartet (variously S/a/t/b)
Recorder Quartet Or Other Melodic Instruments
Recorder Solo
Recorder Solo Or Other Melodieinstruments (flute
Recorder(n) (s/ss) And Drum
Recorder(s) (s/ss) And Drum
Recorders (sat
Recorders (satb)-
Recorders (ssaa) And Percussion Instruments
Recorders (ssat/ssaa) And Side/snare Drum
Recorders And Orff-instruments
Recorders And Orff-instruments; Organ (piano
Recorders And Percussion
Recorders And Weitere Melodieinstruments In C Sowie In Bb
Recorders-choir And Small Percussion (orff-instrumentarium)
Recorders-quartett Or Other Melodic Instruments
Rhythm Method
Rhythm Section
Räumliche Voices Variable Besetzung (mindestens 10 Vokalisten)
S/a) And Orchestra
SA / Piano
SAA Female Chorus
SAB Choir
SABarMTB Choir
Salon Orchestra
SAT Choir
SAT or SAA Choir
SATB and piano
SATB Choir
Satb Choir And Organ
SATB Choir and Piano
Satb Choir And String Orchestra
Satb Choir Or 4 Solo Voices
SATB Choir/Piano
SATB Choir/Piano (or organ)
SATB Choir/Piano/Chords
SATB Choir/Strings
SATB Chorus
SATB Chorus (a capella)
SATB Chorus/2 Pianos
SATB Chorus/Lute
SATB Chorus/Organ
SATB Chorus/Organ/Orchestra
SATB or Piano/Vocal
SATB Quartet
SATB Quartet/Harp
SATB/Oboe (C instrument)/Piano
SATTBarB Choir
Saxophone (in Eb) And Piano
Saxophone (or Clarinet)
Saxophone / Piano
Saxophone 4/Piano
Saxophone 5/Piano
Saxophone And Percussion
Saxophone and Piano
Saxophone Ensemble
Saxophone In Bb
Saxophone In Bb And Piano
Saxophone In Eb And Piano
Saxophone or Clarinet Quartet
Saxophone Orchestra And Organ
Saxophone Quartet
Saxophone Quartet (satbar)
Saxophone Quartet And 2 Percussion
Saxophone Quartet And Piano
Saxophone Quartet/Percussion
Saxophone Quintet
Saxophone Quintet/Rhythm Section
Saxophone Sextet
Saxophone Solo
Saxophone Studies
Saxophone Trio
Saxophone-quartett (satbar) And Organ
Saxophone-trio (atbar)
SB and Orchestra
Schlgazeug(1-2 Player))
School Choir
School Orchestra
School Orchestra/Children's Choir
School Orchestra: 2 Flutes (treble Recorders)
Seven-part Mixed Chorus
Shakuhachi And Guitar
Shawm And Accompaniment
Sheng And Piano
Side/snare Drum
Singers And Orchestra
Single-action Accordion
Six Sopranos
Six Trumpets
Six-part Mixed Chorus
Small Choir Or Soloists (satb)
Small Mixed Choir (satb) And 11 Solo Instruments
Small Mixed Choir And Instruments (1) - Flute And Small Orchestra (2) - Speaker
Small Orchestra
Small Percussion
SMATBarB Choir
SMTBar Quartet/Piano
Snare Drum
Snare Drum/Piano
Soli And Orchestra
Soli/TBarB Male Chorus/Organ
Soli/TTB Male Chorus/Flute/Organ
Soli/TTB Male Chorus/Orchestra
Soli/TTB Male Chorus/Organ
Solo (bar) And Children's Choir (sa)
Solo (bar) And Orchestra
Solo (mezzo) And Piano (organ)
Solo (s Or T)
Solo (s)
Solo (s) And Piano Or Strings Accompaniment
Solo (soprano)
Solo (t) And 3 Speakers
Solo (t) And Piano
Solo (t) And Small Orchestra
Solo a cappella
Solo And Mixed Choir (satb) (organ)
Solo Cello or Euphonium and Orchestra
Solo Double Bass
Solo Euphonium
Solo Euphonium and Brass Ensemble
Solo Instrument
Solo Instrument/Piano
Solo Or Choral
Solo Parts
Solo Parts (stbar)
Solo Parts And Orchestra
Solo Saxophone
Solo Snare Drum
Solo Soprano And Piano/organ
Solo To Group (melody- And Keyboard Instruments
Solo Transposable
Solo Trombone
Solo Tuba
Solo Tuba or Euphonium
Solo Tuba/Tuba Quartet
Solo Viola And Large Chamber Orchestra
Solo Violin
Solo Violin & String Orchestra
Solo-cello/double Bass
Solo-flute And 7 Flutes
Solo-instrument (violin Or Flute) And Organ Or Ensemble (strings)
Solo-trumpet (c Or B)
Solo-trumpet In C Or Koloratursoprano And Chamber Orchestra
Solo-trumpet In C Or Koloratursoprano And Orchestra
Solo-violin And String Orchestra
Soloist And 2-part Children's Choir; 2 Instruments (a-bfl
Soloists (abar) And Instruments
Soloists (atb)
Soloists (countertenor
Soloists (ctttbb)
Soloists (mezbarb)
Soloists (sa)
Soloists (saab) And Orchestra
Soloists (saatbb) And Orchestra
Soloists (sab)
Soloists (sat)
Soloists (sat/saa) And 3 Recorders (sst/stt/sat)
Soloists (satb)
Soloists (satb) And Combo (trumpet
Soloists (satb) And Mixed Choir (satb)
Soloists (satb) And Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella
Soloists (satb) And Orchestra
Soloists (satbb)
Soloists (sb)
Soloists (sb) And Orchestra
Soloists (sbar) And Orchestra
Soloists (smez)
Soloists (smezatb)
Soloists (ss/tt)
Soloists (ssaatb)
Soloists (ssaattbb) And Orchestra
Soloists (ssab)
Soloists (ssattb) And Orchestra
Soloists (ssb)
Soloists (sstb)
Soloists (st)
Soloists (st) And Piano
Soloists (stbar)
Soloists (tb
Soloists (tb)
Soloists (tb); Piano Ad Libitum
Soloists (ttb Or Ssb)
Soloists And Orchestra
Soloists With Accompaniment Einer Combo
Soloists With Accompaniment Einer Combo-bebetzung
Soloistss (satb)
Solovoice And Orchestra
Sopranino Recorder
Sopranino Recorder (treble Recorder/flute)
Sopranino Saxophone
Sopranino- (soprano-
Soprano (cis-moll) And Piano
Soprano (mezzo-soprano) And Piano
soprano (opt.)
Soprano (or Tenor) And Piano
Soprano (or Tenor) Solo
Soprano (or Violin/viola)
Soprano (tenor)
Soprano (tenor) And 2 Instruments (in C) Or 3 Instruments
Soprano (tenor) And Organ
Soprano (tenor) And Piano
Soprano (tenor) And Piano (organ)
Soprano (tenor) And Piano; Choir (gch
Soprano (tenor) Or Alto (baritone) And Piano
Soprano (voc.)
Soprano And 5 Instruments
Soprano And 6 Singers (sopranos)
Soprano And Alto And Organ
Soprano And Alto Or Female Choir (children's Choir) With Piano
Soprano And Alto Solo
Soprano And Baritone With Piano
Soprano And Chamber Orchestra
Soprano And Ensemble
Soprano And Female Choir (smeza)
Soprano And Guitar
Soprano And Harp
Soprano And Harp (piano)
Soprano And Large Orchestra
Soprano And Mixed Choir
Soprano And Orchestra
Soprano And Orchestra Or Piano
Soprano And Organ
Soprano And Organ (piano)
Soprano And Piano
Soprano And Piano (3 Instruments Ad Libitum)
Soprano And Piano (organ)
Soprano And Piano Or Orchestra
Soprano And String Orchestra
Soprano And String Orchestra With Percussion
Soprano And String Quartet
Soprano And String Quintet
Soprano And Tenor Recorder
Soprano And Treble Recorder
Soprano And Violin
Soprano Duet and Piano
Soprano Or Alto Saxophone Solo
Soprano or Alto/Guitar
Soprano Or Mezzo-soprano And Piano Quintet
Soprano or Mezzo-soprano/Mezzo-soprano or Alto/Piano
Soprano or Mezzo-soprano/Mezzo-soprano/Baritone/B-flat Trumpet
Soprano Or Mezzosoprano And Piano
Soprano Or Tenor
Soprano or Tenor /Piano
Soprano Or Tenor And Piano
Soprano Or Tenor Solo
Soprano or Tenor/Bass/Continuo
Soprano or Tenor/Choir
Soprano or Tenor/Choir/Orchestra
Soprano or Tenor/Choir/Organ
Soprano or Tenor/Guitar
Soprano or Tenor/Oboe
Soprano or Tenor/Organ
Soprano or Tenor/Piano
Soprano or Tenor/Piano or Organ
Soprano or Tenor/Piano/Organ
Soprano or Tenor/Recorder
Soprano or Tenor/Strings/Chime
Soprano or Tenor/Violin/Cello/Piano
Soprano Recorder
Soprano Recorder (flute
Soprano Recorder (tenor Recorder) And Piano
Soprano Recorder (treble Recorder/flute) And Recorder Quartet Or String Quartet (string Orchestra); Guitar Ad Libitum
Soprano Recorder (violin) And Piano
Soprano Recorder And Basso Continuo
Soprano Recorder And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
Soprano Recorder And Guitar (also For Tenor Recorder And Partly Treble Recorder)
Soprano Recorder And Piano
Soprano Recorder And Piano (harpsichord)
Soprano Recorder And Violin (recorder)
Soprano Saxophone
Soprano Saxophone (clarinet) And Piano
Soprano Saxophone (clarinet) Solo
Soprano Saxophone And Percussion
Soprano Saxophone And Piano
Soprano Saxophone Or Clarinet And Percussion
Soprano Saxophone) And Organ
Soprano Saxophone) And Piano
Soprano Saxophone/clarinet In Bb
Soprano Saxophone/Piano
Soprano Solo
Soprano Solo And 3 Sopranos
Soprano Solo And Chorus (satb) With Keyboard Or String Accompaniment
Soprano Solo And Combo
Soprano Solo And Mixed Choir (satb)
Soprano Solo And Mixed Choir (ssaattbb)
Soprano Solo And Orchestra
Soprano Solo/Choir
Soprano Solo/Choir/Oboe/Organ
Soprano Solo/Choir/Organ
Soprano Solo/Choir/Piano
Soprano Solo/Female Choir/Children and Youth Choir/ Horn or Flugelhorn/Harp
Soprano Solo/Male Choir/Organ
Soprano solo/Piano
Soprano Solo/Tenor Solo/Female Chorus/Lute/Hurdy-Gurdy/Percussion
Soprano Voice and ( Violin 1 & 2 and ( Viola and ( Organ and Continuo )))
Soprano- (alto/tenor) Recorder Or Violin/oboe/flute And Basso Continuo
Soprano- (tenor-) Recorder And Piano
Soprano- And Alto- (tenor-)recorder Or Violin
Soprano- And Altorecorder
Soprano- And Baritone-solo And Orchestra
Soprano- And Treble Recorder
Soprano- And Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo
Soprano- And Treble Recorder And Piano
Soprano- And Treble Recorder And Piano Or 3 Recorders (sat) And Piano Ad Libitum
Soprano- And Treble Recorder With Piano (harpsichord)
Soprano- And Treble Recorder; Guitar Ad Libitum
Soprano- And Treble Recorder; Voice And Piano Ad Libitum
Soprano- Or Altosaxophone Solo
Soprano- Or Bass Recorder)
Soprano- Or Tenor Recorder
Soprano- Or Tenor Recorder (or Other Melodic Instruments) And Basso Continuo
Soprano- Or Tenor Recorder (or Other Melody Instruments) And Guitar
Soprano- Or Tenor Recorder And Piano
Soprano- Or Treble Recorder
Soprano- Or Treble Recorder And Guitar
Soprano- Or Treble Recorder And Orff-instruments
Soprano-instrument (recorder
Soprano-solo And Organ
Soprano/2 Pianos
Soprano/6 to 12 Cellos
Soprano/Alto/2 Pianos
Soprano/Alto/Recorder/Violin/Female Choir/Piano or Lute
Soprano/alto/tenor Sax
Soprano/Baritone/Narrator/Chamber Orchestra
Soprano/Choir/Accordion or Organ
Soprano/English Horn
Soprano/Male Choir/Chamber Orchestra
Soprano/Male Choir/Piano
Soprano/Mezzo-soprano/ Tenor/Orchestra
Soprano/Oboe/Horn/Two Violins/Viola/Continuo
Soprano/Piano (reduction)
Soprano/SAATBB Chorus/Piano
Soprano/Soprano or Tenor/Piano
Soprano/SSA/Four Horns/Two Bassoons
Sopranoino And Bass) And String Orchestra
Sopranoino And Piano
Sopranoino- Or Bass Recorder
Sopranoino- Or Treble Recorder
Sopranoino- Or Treble Recorder And Piano
Sopranorecorder (tenorrecorder) And Piano
Sopranosaxophone In Bb) And Piano
Speakerchoir And Percussion
Speakers And 5 Percussionists
Speakers And 5 Percussionr
Speakers And Bassflute
Speakers And Instruments
Speakers And Instruments (3 Violins
Speakers And Mixed Choir (ssattb) A Cappella
Speakers And Orchestra
Speakers And Organ
Speakers And Piano Or Orchestra
Speakers And Small Orchestra
Speakers And Small Orchestra Or 2 Pianos And Percussion
Speakers And String Orchestra
Speaking Choir)
Speaking Chorus And Percussion
Speaking Voice And Piano
Speech Song And Orchestra
Spoken Voice
Spoken Voice And Ensemble
Spoken Voice And Piano (4 Hands)
Spreaking Choir
SSA / Piano
SSA Choir
SSA Choir and Continuo
SSA Choir and Piano
SSA Choir/Organ or Piano
SSA Choir/Piano
SSA Female Chorus
SSA Female Chorus/Harp
SSA/Piano or Organ/Strings (ad lib.)
SSAA Female Chorus
SSAATTBB Choir/Piano
SSB and Three Basset Horns
SSTT and Piano
SSTTBB Choir and Piano
Stabsp. And Schlgz.)
STB Choir
STB Choir/Violin/Cello/Piano
String And Wind Instruments
String Duo
String Ensemble
String Ensemble (string Quartet)
String Ensemble (string Quintet)
String Octet
String Orchestra
String Orchestra (2 Violins And Bass)
String Orchestra (viola Also Solo)
String Orchestra (wind Instruments Ad Lib) And Basso Continuo
String Orchestra And 2 Horns In D Ad Libitum
String Orchestra And 3 Trumpets Ad Libitum
String Orchestra And B.c.
String Orchestra And Basso Continuo
String Orchestra And Basso Continuo (harpsichord Or Organ)
String Orchestra And Basso Continuo (harpsichord/piano)
String Orchestra And Basso Continuo; Woodwinds Ad Libitum
String Orchestra And Harpsichord
String Orchestra And Harpsichord (organ)
String Orchestra And Harpsichord (piano)
String Orchestra And Organ
String Orchestra And Piano
String Orchestra and Rhythm Section
String Orchestra And Wind Instruments
String Orchestra And Wind Instruments (2 Oboes And Bassoon) Ad Libitum
String Orchestra or Quartet
String Orchestra Or Recorder Ensemble With Percussion; Cello/bass Or Guitar/bassguitar Ad Libitum
String Orchestra Or String Quintet
String Orchestra With 2 Obligatory Violins
String Orchestra With 4 Obligatory Violins
String Orchestra With Piano And Percussion
String Orchestra Without Basses
String Orchestra/Percussion
String Orchestra; Wind Instruments Ad Libitum And B.c.; Harpsichord (piano)
String Quartet
String Quartet (and Double Bass Ad Lib.)
String Quartet (double Bass Ad Lib.)
String Quartet (double Bass Ad Libitum)
String Quartet (double Bass Ad Libitum) Or String Orchestra
String Quartet And Marimba
String Quartet And Percussion (1-2 Player)
String Quartet And Piano
String Quartet And String Orchestra
String Quartet or String Orchestra
String Quartet Or String Orchestra (violin 3 / Viola Ad Lib.)
String Quartet Or String Quintet (string Orchestra)
String Quartet/Piano
String Quartet; Double Bass Ad Libitum
String Quintet
String Quintet (Variable Instrumentation)
String Quintet And String Orchestra
String Quintet Or String Orchestra
String Sextet
String Trio
String Trio (violin
String Trio Or Other Instruments
Strings [accordion]
Strings Ad Libitum
Strings and 2 Horns
Strings And Basso Continuo
Strings And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
Strings And Basso Continuo (harpsichord/organ); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Strings And Harpsichord
Strings And Harpsichord (piano)
strings and opt. piano
Strings And Organ
Strings And Other Instruments Ad Libitum
Strings And Piano
Strings And Wind Instruments
Strings) Or Organ
Strings) Or Organ (piano)
Study Score
Suspended Cymbal
Symphonic Band
Symphonic Orchestra
Symphony Orchestra
Tambourine And Castanets)
Temple Blocks
Tenor (soprano)
Tenor And Guitar
Tenor And Orchestra
Tenor And Piano
Tenor And String Quartet
Tenor Horn
Tenor or Baritone/Soprano/Flute or Piccolo/Violin/Bassoon/Piano
Tenor or Baritone/Tenor Saxophone/Piano/Percussion
Tenor or Baritone/Violin/Flute/F Basset Horn/Piano
Tenor Recorder
Tenor Recorders)
Tenor Sax/Piano
Tenor Saxophone
Tenor Saxophone And Piano
Tenor Saxophone In Bb And Piano
Tenor Saxophone or Basset Horn/Piano
Tenor Saxophone/Piano
Tenor Solo
Tenor Solo and Piano
Tenor Solo/Children's Choir/Chamber Orchestra
Tenor Solo/Choir
Tenor solo/Piano
Tenor Voice and Organ (Piano)
Tenor- And Bass Recorder Or Fiddles
Tenor/Baritone/TTB Male Choir/Organ
Tenor/Bass/ATTB Chorus/Orchestra
Tenor/Female Chorus/Piano
Text Document
Three Guitars
Three Voices/Piano
Three Women's Voices/Piano
Three-part Female Chorus
Three-part Mixed Chorus
Three-part Mixed Chorus/Piano
timpani (opt.)
Timpani And Basso Continuo
Timpani And Cymbal
Timpani And Organ
Timpani And Percussion
Timpani And Percussion (10-12 Player)
Timpani/Percussion Quintet
Timpanis And Basso Continuo
Tin Whistle)
Transverse Flute or Flute/Harpsichord or Piano
Treble Recorder
Treble Recorder (flute
Treble Recorder (flute)
Treble Recorder (flute) And Basso Continuo
Treble Recorder (flute) And Piano
Treble Recorder (oboe
Treble Recorder (violin
Treble Recorder And Accordion
Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo
Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo (piano)
Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo (piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo; Cello Ad Libitum
Treble Recorder And Guitar
Treble Recorder And Harpsichord (piano)
Treble Recorder And Piano
Treble Recorder And Piano (harpsichord)
Treble Recorder And String Trio
Treble Recorders Or Flute And Oboe) And String Orchestra
Trio Sonata
Triple Choir/Piano
Triple Harp
Trombone (bassoon) And Piano
Trombone 4/Piano
Trombone 5/Piano
Trombone And Organ
Trombone And Piano
Trombone And Tenor Tuba
Trombone And Tuba
Trombone Choir
Trombone Duet
Trombone Ensemble
Trombone Octet
Trombone or Baritone/Piano
Trombone or Euphonium/Piano
Trombone or Tenor Saxophone or Bass Clarinet/Piano
Trombone Quartet
Trombone Quartet and Piano
Trombone Quartet/Piano
Trombone Quintet
Trombone Sextet
Trombone Solo
Trombone Trio
Trombone/Euphonium Duet with Piano
Trombone/Organ or Piano
Trombone/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
Trombone/Tuba Duet with Piano
Trumpet (bb) And Piano
Trumpet (c)
Trumpet (flugelhorn/cornet)
Trumpet (in Bb Or In C) And Basso Continuo
Trumpet (in Bb) And Piano
Trumpet (oboe)
trumpet (or flute)
Trumpet 4/Piano
Trumpet 5/Piano
Trumpet And Orchestra
Trumpet And Organ
Trumpet and Piano
Trumpet and Piano or Organ
Trumpet And String Orchestra
Trumpet Choir
Trumpet Duet
Trumpet Duet/Piano
Trumpet Ensemble
Trumpet In Bb
Trumpet In Bb And Piano
Trumpet In Bb And Timpani Or Brass Instruments
Trumpet In C
Trumpet In C And Piano
Trumpet In D
Trumpet Octet
Trumpet Or Clarinet And Strings (high
Trumpet or Cornet/Brass Ensemble
Trumpet or Cornet/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
Trumpet or Euphonium & Tuba
Trumpet or Flute or Violin/2 Guitars
Trumpet Quartet
Trumpet Quintet
Trumpet Septet
Trumpet Sextet
Trumpet Solo
Trumpet Solo with Brass Quintet
Trumpet Studies
Trumpet Trio
Trumpet Trio and Piano
Trumpet Trio/Piano
Trumpet/Brass Band
Trumpet/Chamber Orchestra
Trumpet/Concert Band
Trumpet/Cornet and Piano
Trumpet/Double Wind Quintet/Bass
Trumpet/Euphonium Solo with Brass Band
Trumpet/Euphonium Solo with Concert Band
Trumpet/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
TTB Male Chorus
TTB Male Chorus/Orchestra
TTB Male Chorus/Organ
Ttbb A Cappella)
TTBB Choir and Four Horns
TTBB Choir/Piano
TTBB Male Chorus
Ttbb) And Piano
Ttttbbbb A Cappella)
Tuba Ad Libitum)
Tuba and Orchestra
Tuba and Piano
Tuba Duet
Tuba Ensemble
Tuba Quartet
Tuba Quartet with optional Chimes
Tuba Quartet with optional Drums
Tuba Quartet/Piano/Drums
Tuba Quintet
Tuba Solo
Tuba Solo with Brass Choir
Tuba Studies
Tuba Trio
Tuba/Euphonium Choir
Tuba/Euphonium Quartet
Tuba/Euphonium Sextet
Tuba/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
Tubular Bells) And Timpani
Two Euphoniums/Piano
Two Flutes
Two Flutes or Two Violins/Continuo
Two Flutes/Cello
Two Flutes/Piano
Two Flutes/Violin/String Orchestra
Two Horns
Two Oboes and Piano or Organ
Two Piccolos/Piano
Two Recorders/Piano
Two Sopranos/Piano
Two Trumpets in C and Organ
Two Violas
Two Violins
Two Violins and Piano or Organ
Two Violins/Cello
Two Violins/Piano
Two Violins/Two Violas/Continuo
Two Violins/Viola
Two Voices
Two Voices/Piano
Two-part Chorus/Piano
Two-part Mixed Chorus
Unaccompanied Violin
V Ii/va
V) Ad Libitum
Various Instruments (3 Violas And Basso Continuo; Violin
Various Instruments (satb); Basso Continuo Ad Libitum
Various Options For Instrumentation
Vibraphone And Marimba (1 Player) And String Orchestra
Vioin and Piano
Viola (cello
Viola (violin
Viola Ad Libitum)
Viola And Bassi
Viola And Basso Continuo
Viola And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Viola And Basso Continuo; Harpsichord (piano)
Viola And Bigger Chamber Orchestra
Viola and Cello
Viola And Chamber Orchestra
Viola And Guitar
Viola And Harp
Viola And Orchestra
Viola And Organ
Viola and Piano
Viola And Piano (harpsichord)
Viola and Piano or Organ
Viola And Small Orchestra
Viola And String Orchestra
Viola And Strings With Harpsichord; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
Viola and violin ensemble
Viola And Violoncello
Viola d'Amore/Harpsichord
Viola Da Gamba (cello
Viola Da Gamba (cello) And Basso Continuo
Viola Da Gamba (viola
Viola Da Gamba)
Viola Da Gamba) And Basso Continuo
Viola da Gamba/Piano
Viola ensemble
Viola or Violin/Piano
Viola Quartet
Viola Solo
Viola Studies
Viola/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord or Harp
Violas Da Gamba
Violin (2. Flute
Violin (cello) And Piano
Violin (flute
Violin (flute)
Violin (flute) And Basso Continuo
Violin (flute) And Piano
Violin (oboe
Violin (oboe) And Basso Continuo
violin (opt.)
Violin (or Cello) And Piano
Violin (piano Ad Libitum)
Violin (tenor Recorder
Violin (viola) And Piano
Violin And Accordion
Violin And Amplified Narrator
Violin and Basso Continuo
Violin And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
Violin And Basso Continuo (piano
Violin And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Violin And Basso Continuo; Cello Ad Libitum
Violin And Basso Continuo; Harpsichord (piano)
Violin and Cello
Violin And Chamber Orchestra
Violin And Double Bass
Violin And Guitar
Violin And Harp
Violin And Harpsichord
Violin And Harpsichord (piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Lib.
Violin And Harpsichord (piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Violin And Harpsichord (pianoforte)
Violin And Men's Choir
Violin And Obligatory Harpsichord
Violin And Orchestra
Violin And Organ
Violin And Organ; Timpani Ad Libitum
Violin and Piano
Violin and Piano or Organ
Violin And Piano; Cello Ad Libitum
Violin and String Orchestra
Violin And String Orchestra; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
Violin And String Orchestra; 2 Horns In F Ad Libitum
Violin And String Orchestra; 2 Oboes And 2 Horns Ad Libitum
Violin And Strings
violin and viola
Violin Duet
Violin I
Violin Or Cello And Chamber Orchestra
Violin or Cello and Piano or Organ
Violin or Flute and Piano or Organ
Violin or Flute/Cello/Piano
Violin or Oboe d'amore and Piano or Organ
Violin or Viola and Piano or Organ
Violin Quartet
Violin Solo
Violin Solo And Large Chamber Orchestra
Violin Solo And String Quartet (with Double Bass Ad Libitum) Or String Orchestra
Violin Solo With Flute
Violin Studies
Violin With Oboe
Violin) And Basso Continuo
Violin) And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
Violin) And Basso Continuo; Cello/viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
Violin) And Piano
Violin-ensemble (3-4 Violins)
Violin/2 Violas/Continuo
Violin/B-flat Clarinet/Piano
Violin/Piano or Organ
Violin/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
Violin/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord or Harp
Violin/Piano/Suspended Cymbal
Violin/Trumpet/Double Bass
Violin/Viola or Violin/Guitar
Violin/Viola/Cello/Double Bass/Piano
Violin/Viola/Oboe/Clarinet/Double Bass
Violins And Percussion
Violins) And Basso Continuo
Violins) And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
Violoncello (tenor Saxophon) And Orchestra
Violoncello And Double Bass
Violoncello And Double-bass
Violoncello And Orchestra
Violoncello And Piano
Violoncello And Strings
Violoncello Obl.
Violoncello Obl. And Basso Continuo
Violoncello Obligatory
Violoncello Solo
Violone (double Bass)
Violone (double Bass) And String Orchestra
Vocal Duet
Vocal Duet & Piano
Vocal duet and piano
Vocal Duet/Piano
Vocal Method
Vocal Method (Voice and Piano)
Vocal or Choir/Piano or Organ
Vocal Quintet or Chamber Choir (SMATBar)
Vocal Score
Vocal Solo
Vocal Studies
Vocals/Flute/Alto Flute/Percussion/Guitar Ensemble/Frequency
Voice (baritone)
Voice (baritone) And Piano
Voice (bass)
Voice (choir)
Voice (female Choir
Voice (mezzo-soprano)
Voice (mezzosoprano)
Voice (middle Range) And Ensemble
Voice (s/t) And Piano
Voice (soprano Or Tenor) And Organ
Voice (soprano)
Voice And Breath(ad Libitum Amplified)
Voice And Ensemble
Voice And Guitar
Voice And Instruments
Voice and Orchestra
Voice And Orff-instruments
Voice And Organ
Voice and Piano
Voice And Piano (or Orchestra)
Voice And Piano (organ)
Voice And String Quartet
Voice And String Trio
Voice And Strings (string Quartet With Double Bass Ad Libitum Or String Orchestra)
Voice Part And Orchestra Or Piano
Voice Part And Piano
Voice With Piano
Voice(s) and organ or string quartet
Voice/2 Recorders/Guitar
Voice/Chamber Orchestra
Voice/Guitar or Piano
Voice/Lute or Organ
Voice/Male Choir/Piano
Voice/Piano or Organ
Voice/Piano Trio
Voices And Instruments
Voices/Flutes/1 or more Guitars/Percussion/Freqency
Wind and String Ensemble
Wind Band
Wind Band Or Wind Instrumentsensemble
Wind Bands
Wind Bands (8-27 Parts)
Wind Bands (8-27 Stimmen)
Wind Ensemble
Wind Instruments
Wind Instruments Ad Libitum And Organ
Wind Instruments And Percussion
Wind Instruments And Percussion Ad Libitum
Wind Instruments And Piano
Wind Instrumentssextett
Wind Octet
Wind Quartet
Wind Quartet (oboe/Clarinet/French Horn/Bassoon)
Wind Quartet/Piano
Wind Quintet
Wind Quintet/Orchestra
Wind Quintet/String Quintet
Wind Quintet/Xylophone
Wind Trio
With Soloists Ad Libitum
Womans Voice With 2 Violas And 2 Violoncellos
Women's And Men's Choir (saa/tbb)
Women's Choir (smeza)
Women's Choir (smeza) With Piano
Women's Choir (smeza) With Piano Or String Orchestra Or Plucked Orchestra
Women's Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza)
Woodwind Ensemble
Woodwind Ensemble/Harpsichord
Woodwind Quartet
Woodwind Quintet
Woodwind Trio
Woodwind Trio/Piano
Woodwinds And Harpsichord (lute Ad Libitum)
Xylophone (vibraphone
Xylophone And Piano
Young Band
Youth Choir (mez/smeza) With String Orchestra And Organ (piano) Or Wind Band Or With Piano 2- Or 4-hands
Youth Choir (mez/smeza) With String Orchestra And Organ Or With Piano 2- Or 4 Hands
Youth Choir (smez) With Flute Or Treble Recorder And 2 Violins
Youth Choir (smeza) With Instruments (flute [treble Recorder]
Youth Choir And Wind Instruments Or Piano
Youth Choir Or Female Choir (smeza) With Flute And String Orchestra
A Frightful Night
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Gentle Ocean Breeze
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Mysterious Adventure
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Mysterious Moment
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Night At The Soaps (Medley)
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Sentimental Journey (An Wien)
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Sentimental Journey (An Wien) - Piano 1
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Sentimental Journey (An Wien) - Piano 2
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Song Of India (Chanson Indoue)
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Spoonful Of Sugar
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Suspenseful Situation
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Treasured Friendship
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Whole New World
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Whole New World
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Winsome Waltz
Scored For: 2 Pianos, 4 Hands
A Winsome Waltz
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
A Winter Tale
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
Abendlied, No. 12 from "12 Klavierstücke für kleine und grosse Kinder" (Op. 85)
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
Abide With Me
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
Above All
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
Acuto pianissimo
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
Scored For: 1 Piano, 4 Hands
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