Products Sheet Music - Items tagged as "Medium voice and piano"
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- & cello (opt.)
- (alto-)flute And Percussion (2 Bongo Drums
- (basso Continuo Ad Libitum)
- (double Bass)-flute And One Stone
- (e-)bass And Percussion
- (e-)guitar
- (opt. cello or bassoon)
- (smeza) And Organ
- (tabor) Pipe
- ..) Piccolos And 4 Basel Drums (with 8 Whistles)
- 1 - 2 Cellos (piano Ad Libitum)
- 1 - 2 Drums
- 1 And 2 Cors Anglais / Oboe Da Caccia
- 1 And 2 Guitars
- 1 And 2 Oboes D’amore
- 1 And Flute)
- 1 Harp
- 1 Instrument/Continuo
- 1 Instrument/Piano
- 1 Or 2 Cellos
- 1 Or 2 Descant Recorders
- 1 Or 2 Descant Recorders (voice); Guitar And Percussion Ad Lib.
- 1 Or 2 Guitars
- 1 Or 2 Guitars With Voice
- 1 Or 2 String Quartets
- 1 Or 2 Trumpets And Piano
- 1 Or 2 Violins And Piano Or 2 Violins Alone
- 1 Percussion
- 1 Percussion)
- 1 Percussionist
- 1 Piano
- 1 Player And Audience
- 1 Recorder (s/a/t) And Piano
- 1 Recorder (s/a/t) Or Other Melodic Instruments And Basso Continuo
- 1 Soprano Recorder (solo)
- 1 Speakers
- 1 Spoken Voice And Soloflute
- 1 Strings
- 1 to 4 Trumpets
- 1 Trombone
- 1 Tuba)
- 1 Zither
- 1-2 Accordions
- 1-2 Accordions (m Ii)
- 1-2 Alto Saxophones
- 1-2 Alto Saxophones In Eb
- 1-2 Bassoons
- 1-2 Cellos
- 1-2 Clarinets
- 1-2 Clarinets In Bb
- 1-2 Descant Recorders
- 1-2 Flutes
- 1-2 Flutes And Piano
- 1-2 Guitars
- 1-2 Horns
- 1-2 Oboes
- 1-2 Soprano Recorders
- 1-2 Soprano Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
- 1-2 Treble Recorders
- 1-2 Trumpets
- 1-2 Trumpets And Piano
- 1-2 Trumpets In Bb
- 1-2 Violas
- 1-2 Violins
- 1-2 Violins And Piano; Double Bass Ad Libitum
- 1-2 Violoncello
- 1-2 Voices
- 1-2 Voices And Piano
- 1-3 French Harps (diat.)
- 1-3 Guitars
- 1-3 Guitars (melody Instruments In C Ad Lib.)
- 1-3 Guitars And Other Instruments
- 1-3 Horns
- 1-3 Treble Recorders
- 1-3stimmiger Youth Choir (soloistsstisch And Choirisch)
- 1-4 Actors
- 1-4 Descant Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
- 1-4 Flutes
- 1-4 Timpani (1 Or 2 Players)
- 1-4 Treble Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
- 1-4 Voices (soloists Or Choir) And Piano (organ)
- 1-4 Voices With And Without Accompaniment (piano)
- 1-5 Recorders (s/ss/sa/sat/ssa/sss/ssat/sssat)
- 10 Spoken Voices (5 S/a - 5 T/b) And Percussion (3 Players)
- 10 Wind Instruments
- 100 Metronoms
- 11 Solo Parts
- 12 Car Horns/6 Door Bells (3 Players)
- 12 Cellos
- 12 Choir Groups (ssaa/aabb/stb/aatb/sstt/sttb/ssbb/aab/aatt/attb/sab/ttbb)
- 12 Horns
- 12 Horns In 3 Choirs
- 12 Instruments (flute
- 12 Performers Or More
- 12 Saxophones
- 12 Strings And Piano; Bassoon Ad Libitum
- 12 Wind Instruments And Double Bass
- 13 Instrumentalists
- 13 Wind Instruments
- 14 Players
- 14 Players In 4 Groups
- 16 Minimum) And Organ Or Brass Instruments
- 16 Voices (ssssaaaattttbbbb)
- 18 Voices) And Orchestra
- 2
- 2 - 4 Recorders (satb) And Guitar
- 2 Accordeons
- 2 Accordions
- 2 Accordions (m Ii / Iii)
- 2 Accordions (m Ii)
- 2 Accordions (m Ii) Or For Accordion And One Various Melodic Instrument
- 2 Accordions (m Ii/m Iii)
- 2 Accordions (m Iii)
- 2 Accordions Mii
- 2 Alto (F) Recorders and Piano (Cello)
- 2 Alto Saxophones
- 2 Altosaxophones
- 2 Altovoices
- 2 B-flat Clarinets
- 2 B-flat Saxophones
- 2 Baritones
- 2 Bass Recorders
- 2 Bassclarinets In Bb
- 2 Basses
- 2 Basses)
- 2 Basses/Continuo
- 2 Bassoons
- 2 Bassoons (cellos)
- 2 Bassoons (trombone And Bassoon
- 2 Bassoons And 2 Horns
- 2 Bassoons And Timpani (tambourineo)
- 2 Bassoons or Cellos
- 2 Boy's Voices (sa) And Flute
- 2 Brass Ensembles And Congregational Singing Ad Lib.
- 2 C/B-flat Trumpets/Trombone/Tuba
- 2 Cello
- 2 Cellos
- 2 Cellos (2 Bassoons)
- 2 Cellos (bassoons
- 2 Cellos (viol Da Gamba) And Basso Continuo
- 2 Cellos) And Basso Continuo
- 2 Cellos/Orchestra
- 2 Cellos/Piano
- 2 Children's Or Female Choirs (sa / Ssaa)
- 2 Choirs And 2 Orchestra
- 2 Choirs And 2 String Orchestra
- 2 Clarinet And Cello (ad Libitum)
- 2 Clarinets
- 2 Clarinets (2. Also Bass Clarinet)
- 2 Clarinets (b Or Eb)
- 2 Clarinets (b/a)
- 2 Clarinets (in C Or B) And Bassoon (+ 2. Voice In Eb)
- 2 Clarinets (in Eb And B)
- 2 Clarinets (percussion Instruments Ad Libitum)
- 2 Clarinets And 2 Bassoons
- 2 Clarinets And Bassoon
- 2 Clarinets And Cello (ad Libitum)
- 2 Clarinets And Hunting Horn (or Horn In F) Or 2 Violins And Viola
- 2 Clarinets And Piano
- 2 Clarinets And Rhythm Section Ad Libitum
- 2 Clarinets in A/B-flat and Bass Clarinet
- 2 Clarinets In Bb
- 2 Clarinets In Bb (or Clarinet In Bb And Bass Clarinet)
- 2 Clarinets In Bb-flat And Bass Clarinet
- 2 Clarinets In C
- 2 Clarinets Or 2 Melody Instruments
- 2 Clarinets or 2 Saxophones
- 2 Clarinets Or Other Melodieinstruments
- 2 Clarinets/ Bassoon
- 2 Clarinets/2 Bassoons/2 Horns
- 2 Clarinets/Accordion
- 2 Clavichords
- 2 Conga
- 2 Congas Drums
- 2 Cornets (zinken) Or 2 Violins Or Other Melody Instruments
- 2 Cymbal
- 2 Descant Recorders
- 2 Descant Recorders (violins)
- 2 Descant Recorders (violins) And Piano
- 2 Descant Recorders And Piano
- 2 E-flat Saxophones
- 2 Equal Voices
- 2 Equal Voices (mixed Choir Satb) And Piano (organ)
- 2 Equal Voices And Organ
- 2 Female Choirs Or Children's Choirs (smeza/mez) A Cappella
- 2 Female Voices And Bassflute
- 2 Flutes
- 2 Flutes (2. Also Piccolo)
- 2 Flutes (also Piccolo)
- 2 Flutes (alto-recorders) And Strings
- 2 Flutes (cello
- 2 Flutes (flute And Violin) And Generalbass
- 2 Flutes (oboes
- 2 Flutes (oboes)
- 2 Flutes (oboes) And Basso Continuo
- 2 Flutes (or Flute And Oboe) And Piano
- 2 Flutes (treble Recorders) And Strings
- 2 Flutes (violins
- 2 Flutes (violins)
- 2 Flutes (violins) And Basso Continuo
- 2 Flutes (violins) And Viola
- 2 Flutes And 2 Horns
- 2 Flutes And 3 Clarinets
- 2 Flutes And Alto-flute (cello/bassoon)
- 2 Flutes And Basso Continuo
- 2 Flutes And Basso Continuo; Cello Ad Libitum
- 2 Flutes And Bassoon (cello)
- 2 Flutes And Piano
- 2 Flutes And Piano Ad Libitum
- 2 Flutes And String Orchestra
- 2 Flutes And String Orchestra; 2 Oboes And 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- 2 Flutes And Strings
- 2 Flutes Or 2 Trumpets Or Xylophone And Piano
- 2 Flutes or 2 Violins
- 2 Flutes or Oboes or Violins
- 2 Flutes Or Other Melodic Instruments
- 2 Flutes or Violins
- 2 Flutes/2 A Clarinets/Bassoon
- 2 Flutes/Bassoon
- 2 Flutes/Piano
- 2 French Horns
- 2 French Horns And 2 Bassoons (2. Also Contrabassoo
- 2 Guitars
- 2 Guitars (1 Player) Or Multiples Of This
- 2 Guitars (also Guitar Ensemble)
- 2 Guitars (vihuelas)
- 2 Guitars Or Flute And Guitar
- 2 Guitars/Rhythm Guitar/Bass
- 2 Hackbretter
- 2 Harps
- 2 Harps And Percussion
- 2 Harpsichords
- 2 Harpsichords (pianos)
- 2 Harpsichords And Strings
- 2 High Sopranos And Ensemble
- 2 High Voices And Organ
- 2 Horns
- 2 Horns (e)
- 2 Horns (horn And Alto-trombone) And Orchestra
- 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- 2 Horns And 2 Bassoons
- 2 Horns And Bassoon
- 2 Horns And Harpsichord
- 2 Horns And String Orchestra
- 2 Horns And String Quartet
- 2 Horns And Strings
- 2 Horns And Strings; Harpsichord Ad Libitum
- 2 Horns In D And Strings
- 2 Horns In F
- 2 Horns In F And 2 Bassoons
- 2 Horns In F And Harp (piano)
- 2 Horns in F/4 Trb./Bass Trb./Tuba/Drums/Piano
- 2 Horns) And Double Bass
- 2 Horns/String Quartet
- 2 Horns/Strings
- 2 Instrumental Ensembles (a Instrumental Ensemble I - Strings / Instrumental Ensemble Ii - Brass Instruments / B Instrumental En
- 2 Instruments And Percussion
- 2 Instruments And Piano
- 2 Instruments Equalr Stimmung
- 2 Instruments/Continuo
- 2 Keyboards
- 2 Malletinstruments (vibraphone
- 2 Mandolines
- 2 Mandolines And Guitar
- 2 Mandolins or Violins/Mandola or Cello/Guitar
- 2 Mandolins/Mandola/Guitar
- 2 Marimbas
- 2 Marimbas or Vibraphones
- 2 Melody Instruments (flute
- 2 Melody Instruments In C Or In Bb And Percussion
- 2 Mixed Choirs
- 2 Mixed Choirs (each 24 Parts)
- 2 Mixed Choirs (satb)
- 2 Mixed Choirs (satb/satb)
- 2 Mixed Choirs (satb/satb) And Orchestra
- 2 Mixed Choirs (satb/satb) And Organ
- 2 Mixed Choirs (ssaatbb/saattb) A Cappella
- 2 Mixed Choirs A Cappella
- 2 Mixed Choirs And Large Wind Band
- 2 Natural Horns
- 2 Natural Horns In C
- 2 Oboes
- 2 Oboes (2. Also English Horn)
- 2 Oboes (flute
- 2 Oboes (flutes
- 2 Oboes (violins
- 2 Oboes 2 Clarinets
- 2 Oboes And 2 Horns
- 2 Oboes And 2 Horns In C
- 2 Oboes And Basso Continuo
- 2 Oboes And Bassoon Ad Libitum
- 2 Oboes And Cor Anglais
- 2 Oboes And Englisch Horn
- 2 Oboes And Orchestra
- 2 Oboes And Strings
- 2 Oboes And Strings; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- 2 Oboes/2 Bassoons/2 Horns
- 2 Oboes/2 Clarinets/2 Bassoons/2 Horns
- 2 Oboes/2 Horns/Strings
- 2 Oboes/Bassoon/Continuo
- 2 Oboes/Cello/Continuo
- 2 Oboes/Continuo
- 2 Oboes/English Horn
- 2 Oboes/English Horn/2 Bassoons
- 2 Or 3 Guitars
- 2 Orchestra
- 2 Organs
- 2 Organs (keyboard Instruments) Or 2 Harps Or 1 Harp And 1 Keyboard Instrument
- 2 Part Children's Choir; Piano Ad Libitum
- 2 part choir
- 2 part unison choir
- 2 Pedal Harps
- 2 Percussionists (player I: Xylophone
- 2 Piano (8 Hands)
- 2 Pianos
- 2 Pianos (4 Hands)
- 2 Pianos (6 Hands)
- 2 Pianos (8 Hands)
- 2 Pianos (or Piano And Harp) And Percussion
- 2 Pianos 8-händig
- 2 Pianos And Orchestra
- 2 Pianos And Percussion
- 2 Pianos Or Organ And Harpsichord
- 2 Pianos/Strings
- 2 Piccolos And Wind Band
- 2 Recorders
- 2 Recorders (alto Or Soprano) And Piano (harpsichord); Cello Ad Libitum
- 2 Recorders (at)
- 2 Recorders (at) And Piano (harpsichord)
- 2 Recorders (s(s)a)
- 2 Recorders (s/a Or S/t)
- 2 Recorders (sa) And Piano
- 2 Recorders (sa) Or Other Melody Instruments
- 2 Recorders (ss/aa)
- 2 Recorders (ss/aa/at/tt) Or Other Melody Instruments
- 2 Recorders (ss/sa/aa) Or Flutes
- 2 Recorders (ss/tt)
- 2 Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
- 2 Saxophones
- 2 Saxophones (a/t)
- 2 Saxophones (alto Or Tenor)
- 2 Saxophones Or 2 Flutes
- 2 Side/snare Drums
- 2 Singers And Piano
- 2 Small Orchestras
- 2 Solo Parts
- 2 Solo-violins
- 2 Soloists
- 2 Soloists (sa) Ad Libitum
- 2 Soloists (soprano/alto) And Organ
- 2 Soprano Recorders
- 2 Soprano Recorders And Percussion
- 2 Soprano Saxophones
- 2 Soprano- (tenor-) Recorders And Piano
- 2 Soprano- And 1 Treble Recorder
- 2 Soprano- And 1 Treble Recorder Or 3 Other Melodic Instruments (violins
- 2 Sopranos
- 2 Sopranos (or Soprano And Clarinet)
- 2 Sopranos (soprano/alto) And Organ
- 2 Sopranos And Piano
- 2 Sopranos And Piano (organ)
- 2 Sopranos or 2 Tenors/Bass/Continuo
- 2 Sopranos or 2 Tenors/Continuo
- 2 Sopranos/Bass/2 Clarinets/Basset Horn
- 2 Sopranos/Bass/Continuo
- 2 Sopranos/Bass/Lute
- 2 Sopranos/Piano/Organ
- 2 Speakers
- 2 Speakers And Mixed Choir
- 2 String Instruments (or Soprano- And Treble Recorder)
- 2 String Orchestra
- 2 String Quartets And Double Bass
- 2 Suspended Cymbals
- 2 Tenor Trombones And Bass Trombone
- 2 Tenors
- 2 Tenors And 2 Basses)
- 2 Tenors And Baritone; Solo Voices Or Men's Choir
- 2 Tenors And Bass
- 2 Tenors And Bass) And Ensemble
- 2 Tenors/Bass/Continuo
- 2 Tenors/Continuo
- 2 Timpani (1 Player)
- 2 Treble Recorders
- 2 Treble Recorders (flutes
- 2 Treble Recorders (flutes)
- 2 Treble Recorders (flutes) And Basso Continuo
- 2 Treble Recorders (or Treble Recorder And Flute/violin) And Basso Continuo
- 2 Treble Recorders (solo) And Recorder Ensemble With Guitar
- 2 Treble Recorders (soprano Recorders
- 2 Treble Recorders (violins
- 2 Treble Recorders (violins) And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- 2 Treble Recorders And Basso Continuo
- 2 Treble Recorders And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- 2 Treble Recorders And Basso Continuo; Cello Ad Libitum
- 2 Treble Recorders And Cello (bass Recorder)
- 2 Treble Recorders And Harpsichord (piano) With Cello Ad Libitum
- 2 Treble Recorders And Harpsichord (piano); Viola Da Gamba (cello) Ad Libitum
- 2 Treble Recorders And Piano
- 2 Treble Recorders And Piano (harpsichord)
- 2 Treble Recorders And Piano (harpsichord); Cello Ad Libitum
- 2 Treble Recorders And Piano; Cello Ad Libitum
- 2 Treble Recorders And Violin
- 2 Treble Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
- 2 Trombones
- 2 Trombones (horns) And Tuba Ad Libitum
- 2 Trombones And Organ
- 2 Trombones)
- 2 Trombones; Timpani And Percussion Ad Libitum
- 2 Trumpets
- 2 Trumpets (b Flat)
- 2 Trumpets (b) And 2 Trombones
- 2 Trumpets (c)
- 2 Trumpets (cornets) In Bb And Piano
- 2 Trumpets (flugelhorns)
- 2 Trumpets (oboe And Trumpet)
- 2 Trumpets And 2 Trombones
- 2 Trumpets And 3 Trombones
- 2 Trumpets And Organ
- 2 Trumpets And Piano
- 2 Trumpets and Strings
- 2 Trumpets And Trombone
- 2 Trumpets And Wind Band
- 2 Trumpets In Bb
- 2 Trumpets In Bb And Strings
- 2 Trumpets Or 2 Piccolo Trumpets
- 2 Trumpets Or Horns
- 2 Trumpets/2 Trombones
- 2 Trumpets/2 Trombones/Organ
- 2 Trumpets/Organ
- 2 Trumpets; Piano Ad Libitum
- 2 Tubas
- 2 Various High Instruments And Basso Continuo
- 2 Ventil-horns In C
- 2 Ventil-trumpets In C
- 2 Vibraphones
- 2 Viola Da Braccio
- 2 Viola Da Gamba
- 2 Violas
- 2 Violas (or Violin And Viola)
- 2 Violas (viola And Cello)
- 2 Violas And 2 Cellos
- 2 Violas And 2 Violoncellos
- 2 Violas And Cello
- 2 Violas And Cello; 4 Gamben; 4 Trombones; Trumpet (c) And 3 Trombon
- 2 Violas And Cello; 4 Gamben; 4 Trombones; Trumpet (c) And 3 Trombones
- 2 Violas D'amore And Basso Continuo
- 2 Violins
- 2 Violins (1. Position)
- 2 Violins (ad Libitum Also Violin And Viola)
- 2 Violins (and Rhythmusgruppe)
- 2 Violins (cello Ad Libitum) And Piano
- 2 Violins (fiddles) And Cello (bass-fiddle)
- 2 Violins (flutes
- 2 Violins (flutes)
- 2 Violins (oboes) And Basso Continuo (piano
- 2 Violins (or Flute And Violin)
- 2 Violins (soloistic Or In Groups)
- 2 Violins (tenor Recorder) And Basso Continuo
- 2 Violins (vielles) And Cello (bass-vielle)
- 2 Violins (violins-ensemble)
- 2 Violins And Bass
- 2 Violins And Bass (cello)
- 2 Violins And Bass (cello); Piano Ad Libitum
- 2 Violins And Bass (violoncello)
- 2 Violins And Bass With Basso Continuo
- 2 Violins And Basso Continuo
- 2 Violins And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
- 2 Violins And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- 2 Violins And Basso Continuo; Cello Ad Libitum
- 2 Violins And Cello
- 2 Violins And Cello (3. Violin
- 2 Violins And Cello (or 2 Violins And Viola)
- 2 Violins And Cello (soloistsstisch Or Choirisch)
- 2 Violins And Cello (viola)
- 2 Violins And Cello (viola) Or 3 Violins
- 2 Violins And Cello Ad Libitum
- 2 Violins And Cello Or 3 Violas (fiddles)
- 2 Violins And Cello Or 3 Violas (vielles)
- 2 Violins And Cello Or String Orchestra
- 2 Violins And Cello With Double Bass; Viola And Harpsichord (piano) Ad Libitum
- 2 Violins and Continuo
- 2 Violins And Double Bass (cello)
- 2 Violins And Orchestra
- 2 Violins and Piano
- 2 Violins And Piano; Cello Ad Libitum
- 2 Violins And Piano; Cello Ad Libitum (solo Or In Groups)
- 2 Violins And String Orchestra
- 2 Violins And Viola
- 2 Violins And Viola (cello)
- 2 Violins And Violoncello With Double-bass
- 2 Violins Obligatory
- 2 Violins Or 2-part Violin Choir With Accompanying 3rd Violin Or Viola
- 2 Violins Or 2-stimmigen Violinschoir
- 2 Violins) And Basso Continuo
- 2 Violins/2 Violas/Cello
- 2 Violins/Continuo
- 2 Violins/Double Bass
- 2 Violins/String Orchestra
- 2 Vl
- 2 Voice Parts
- 2 Voices
- 2 Voices (s/a) Or Children's Choir (female Choir) And Organ
- 2 Voices (sa/tbar)
- 2 Voices And Piano
- 2 Voices Or For Two Part Choir
- 2 Voices/Guitar
- 2 Voices/Organ
- 2 Voilins and Continuo
- 2 Wind Instruments In Bb Or Eb (clarinets
- 2 Wood Blockdrums
- 2 Woodwinds (flutes
- 2-3 Flutes (3. Flute Ad Libitum)
- 2-3 Melody Instruments In C Or B
- 2-3 Recorders (sa/saa)
- 2-3 Recorders (sa/t) And Piano
- 2-3 Recorders (sa/t); Piano Ad Libitum
- 2-3 Recorders (sat)
- 2-3 Recorders (ssa) And Small Percussion
- 2-3 Trumpets
- 2-4 Recorders (at/st/aat/aab/sat/satb/aaab/attb/saat/sttb)
- 2-4 Recorders (sa/att/sat/aat/stb/satt/attb/satb)
- 2-4 Recorders (ss/sss/ssa/sat/ssab)
- 2-4 Speakers And 2-4 Instrumentalists
- 2-4 Trumpets; In Parts With Timpani
- 2-4 Trumpets; Teilweise With Timpani
- 2-4 Violins
- 2-6 Recorders (aa/st/stt/sat/satb/attb/aatt/ssat/ssatb/ssattb)
- 2-6 Recorders (sa/sat/atb/aat/aab/stb/saat/satb/satt/aatb/ssatb/ssattb)
- 2-part Choir Or 2 Voices (high/low) And Keyboard
- 2-part Choir/Piano
- 2. Accordion And Rhythm-guitar Ad Libitum
- 2. Accordion And Rhythmus-guitar Ad Libitum
- 2. Cello Ad Lib
- 2. Trumpet Ad Libitum)
- 2. Violin "per Eco" And String Orchestra With Basso Continuo
- 20 Vocalists (5s/5a/5t/5b)
- 21 Solo-strings
- 24
- 24 Instruments
- 2bong
- 2cong
- 2vl And Piano
- 3
- 3 (2) Pianos And Percussion (5 Player)
- 3 (2) Pianos And Percussion (6 Player)
- 3 (4) Speakers And 3 (4) Instrumentalists - Conductor
- 3 Accordions
- 3 And 4 Trumpets
- 3 And 4 Violins
- 3 Cellos
- 3 Cellos And Orchestra
- 3 Choirs (satb) Or 2 Choirs (satb) And Organ
- 3 Clarinet (2 Clarinets And Viola)
- 3 Clarinets
- 3 Clarinets (b) And 1 Bassclarinet (b)
- 3 Clarinets (bb) And 1 Bassclarinet (bb)
- 3 Clarinets (bb/eb)
- 3 Clarinets And Bass Clarinet
- 3 Clarinets in B-flat
- 3 Descant Recorders
- 3 Descant Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
- 3 Different Ensembles
- 3 Equal Or Mixed Voices (saa Or Sat)
- 3 Equal Voices
- 3 Equal Voices (choir) And Organ
- 3 Equal Voices (high-medium-low)
- 3 Equal Voices (smeza)
- 3 Equal Voices (ssa) And Piano
- 3 Equal Voices And Instruments
- 3 Equal Voices Or Mixed Choir And Organ (instruments Ad Libitum)
- 3 Female Voices (s)
- 3 Female Voices (ssmez) Or Female Choir
- 3 Flutes
- 3 Flutes (2 Flutes In C And 1 Altoflute In G Or F)
- 3 Flutes (strings
- 3 Flutes (violins
- 3 Flutes (violins)
- 3 Flutes And Altoflute In G
- 3 Flutes And Pre-recorded Sequences
- 3 Flutes/Bassoon or Cello
- 3 Guitars
- 3 Guitars (2 Octave Guitars Ad Libitum)
- 3 Guitars (also In Groups)
- 3 Guitars (guitar Ensemble)
- 3 Guitars And Ensemble Of Plucked Instruments
- 3 Guitars Or Guitar Ensemble
- 3 Guitars Or Other Instruments
- 3 Guitars/Wind Quintet
- 3 Harpsichords And Strings
- 3 Horns In Eb And Bassoon
- 3 Instruments (strings Or Woodwinds Or Strings And Woodwinds)
- 3 Instruments/Continuo
- 3 Male Voices And 3 Boy's Voices With Piano
- 3 Male Voices And Organ
- 3 Mandolines
- 3 Marimbas/2 Percussions
- 3 Melodic Instruments (flutes
- 3 Melodic Instruments (violins
- 3 Mixed Choirs (satb)
- 3 Mixed Choirs (satb) And Orchestra
- 3 Mixed Choirs (satb/satb/satb) A Cappella
- 3 Mixed Choirs And Orchestra
- 3 Oboes
- 3 Or 4 Guitars
- 3 Or 5 Recorders) And Piano
- 3 Organs And 3 Trumpets
- 3 part vocal
- 3 Percussion
- 3 Percussionr (1. Player: Xylophone
- 3 Pianos
- 3 Pianos 12 Hands
- 3 Pianos And Percussion (6-9 Player)
- 3 Pianos And Percussion (8 Player)
- 3 Piccolos Or 3 Flutes (also Piccolo And Bassflute)
- 3 Player (wind Instruments/strings)
- 3 Recorder (sat)
- 3 Recorders
- 3 Recorders (att)
- 3 Recorders (s/a/t)
- 3 Recorders (saa Or Sat)
- 3 Recorders (saa) For 1 Player
- 3 Recorders (saa) Or Other Melodic Instruments
- 3 Recorders (sat)
- 3 Recorders (sat) And Piano
- 3 Recorders (sat/ssa/saa/sst)
- 3 Recorders (sat/ssa/sst/saa)
- 3 Recorders (sat/ssa/sst/sss/ssa)
- 3 Recorders (sat/sst/saa)
- 3 Recorders (ssa Or Sat)
- 3 Recorders (ssa)
- 3 Recorders (ssa) And Piano
- 3 Recorders (ssa) Or 3 Fiddles
- 3 Recorders (ssa) Or 3 Other Melodic Instruments (violins
- 3 Recorders (ssa); Percussion Ad Libitum
- 3 Recorders (ssa/saa/aaa)
- 3 Recorders (sss/sas/saa) And Basso Continuo (viola Da Gamba Or Cello Ad Libitum)
- 3 Recorders (sss/ttt/aat/ssa)
- 3 Recorders (stb)
- 3 Recorders And Tambourine
- 3 Saxophones (aat
- 3 Saxophones (atbar)
- 3 Saxophones (sat) Or Clarinet In Bb
- 3 Solo Parts
- 3 Solo Parts And Chamber Orchestra
- 3 Solo Parts And Orchestra
- 3 Soloists
- 3 Soloists (stb)
- 3 Soprano Recorders
- 3 Soprano- And 1 Alto-(tenor-)recorder
- 3 Sopranos
- 3 Sopranos or 3 Tenors/Continuo
- 3 Speakers And Orchestra
- 3 Tamtams
- 3 Tenors/Continuo
- 3 Tom-toms And Timpani
- 3 Treble Recorders
- 3 Treble Recorders (violins)
- 3 Treble Recorders (violins) And Piano (harpsichord
- 3 Trombones
- 3 Trombones And Basso Continuo
- 3 Trombones/Bass Tuba
- 3 Trumpets
- 3 Trumpets And 3 Trombones
- 3 Trumpets and Organ
- 3 Trumpets In Bb And 3 Trombones
- 3 Trumpets In C
- 3 Trumpets In C And String Orchestra
- 3 Trumpets/2 Horns/3 Trombones/Euphonium/Tuba
- 3 Trumpets/3 Trombones/ Euphonium/Tuba
- 3 Violas
- 3 Violins
- 3 Violins (1st Position)
- 3 Violins (2 Violins And Viola)
- 3 Violins (or Other Melody Instruments) And Bass
- 3 Violins (soloistic Or In Groups)
- 3 Violins (soloistsstisch And Choirisch)
- 3 Violins (soloistsstisch Or Choirisch)
- 3 Violins And Basso Continuo
- 3 Violins And Basso Continuo Or String Orchestra
- 3 Violins And Cello; Double Bass Ad Libitum
- 3 Violins And Chamber Orchestra
- 3 Violins And Piano
- 3 Violins/2 Violas/Continuo
- 3 Voices (s/s/a) Or Children's Choir (female Choir) And Organ
- 3 Voices (sabar) With Wind Instrumentsn Or Stringsn Ad Libitum
- 3 Voices (stb)
- 3 Voices Ad Libitum
- 3 Voices Or Choirs (smeza/tbarb) Or 6-parts Choir (smezatbarb)
- 3 Voices Or Choirs (smeza/tbarb) Or 6stg. Choir (smezatbarb); Organ Ad Libitum
- 3 Voices Or Female Choir (smeza) And Piano
- 3 Voices With Organaccompaniment
- 3 Wind Instruments
- 3-4 Guitars
- 3-4 Part Mixed Choir
- 3-4 Recorders (sat/ssat)
- 3-4 Recorders (sat/sst/ssa/sab/sss/satbb/ssat/satb)
- 3-4 Recorders (sat/sst/sstb/satb)
- 3-5 Guitars
- 3-5 Instruments
- 3-5 Part Mixed Choir
- 3-5 Recorders (sat/satb/ssat/saatb/sattb)
- 3-6 Flutes
- 3-6 Recorders (sat/att/aat/stb/atb/sst/satb/ssab/sattb/aattb/ssatb/saattb)
- 3-part Female or Male Choir
- 3-part Mixed Choir/Piano
- 32
- 4 Accordion Groups And Tape
- 4 B-flat Clarinets
- 4 Barock-trumpets And Timpani
- 4 Bass Clarinets In B Flat
- 4 Bassoons
- 4 Blechbläser
- 4 Brass Instruments
- 4 Brass Instruments (trumpets
- 4 Brass Instruments Or Blechwind Ensemble
- 4 Brass Instruments; Tuba Ad Libitum
- 4 Cellos
- 4 Cellos (4 Bassoons)
- 4 Cellos Or Cello Ensemble
- 4 Cellos/Orchestra
- 4 Chinese Cym
- 4 Clarinets
- 4 Clarinets (3 Clarinets In Bb And Bass Clarinet In Bb)
- 4 Cymbal
- 4 Equal Or Mixed Voices
- 4 Flutes
- 4 Flutes (1. Also Piccolo
- 4 Flutes (2 Flutes
- 4 Flutes (also Piccolo And Altoflute)
- 4 Flutes (and Altoflute In G Ad Libitum)
- 4 Flutes (violins)
- 4 Flutes And Basso Continuo
- 4 Flutes And Basso Continuo (or 5 Flutes)
- 4 Flutes And Drums Ad. Lib.
- 4 Flutes or4 Oboes or 4 Recorders
- 4 Gongs
- 4 Guitars
- 4 Guitars Or Guitarsensemble
- 4 Hands
- 4 Harps
- 4 Harpsichords and Strings
- 4 Holzdrums
- 4 Horns
- 4 Horns And 2 Bassoons)
- 4 Horns And 3 Trombones
- 4 Horns In F
- 4 Instruments (recorders-
- 4 Male Voices (ctenttbar)
- 4 Male Voices (ttbb) And Piano
- 4 Oboes
- 4 Pedal Drums (1 Player)
- 4 Performers Or 4 Groups
- 4 Pianos
- 4 Recorders
- 4 Recorders (aatt)
- 4 Recorders (attb)
- 4 Recorders (saat)
- 4 Recorders (satb Od. Aatb)
- 4 Recorders (satb Od. Attb) Or Other Melody Instruments (violas
- 4 Recorders (satb)
- 4 Recorders (satb) Or 3 Recorders (sat); Piano Ad Libitum
- 4 Recorders (satb) Or 4 Fiddles
- 4 Recorders (satb) Or Other Melody Instruments
- 4 Recorders (satb) Or Recorder Choir
- 4 Recorders (satb) Or Recorders-orchestra
- 4 Recorders (satb) Or Strings
- 4 Recorders (satb); Piano Ad Libitum
- 4 Recorders (satb); Voice (soprano) Ad Libitum
- 4 Recorders (satb/siaab/saab/ssab/sstb/sstt)
- 4 Recorders (ssaa)
- 4 Recorders (ssab)
- 4 Recorders (ssat Od. Sopranoino
- 4 Recorders (ssat)
- 4 Recorders (ssat) Or 4 Violins And Basso Continuo (bass Recorder Or Cello)
- 4 Recorders Or 4 Strings; Voice And Guitar Ad Libitum
- 4 Saxophones
- 4 Saxophones (aatbar)
- 4 Saxophones (aatbar/aaabar)
- 4 Saxophones (s/aatbar)
- 4 Saxophones (satbar)
- 4 Small Orchestras (je With 2 Hornsn And Stringsn)
- 4 Solo Parts
- 4 Solo Parts And Orchestra
- 4 Solo Parts And String Orchestra
- 4 Solo Voices
- 4 Soloists
- 4 Soloists (satb)
- 4 Trombones
- 4 Trombones (tenor Horns)
- 4 Trombones Or Brass Instruments
- 4 Trombones/Bass Tuba
- 4 Trombones/tenor Horns
- 4 Trumpets
- 4 Various Instruments (soprano-
- 4 Violas
- 4 Violas (or String Quartet)
- 4 Violins
- 4 Violins And Piano
- 4 Voice a capella
- 4 Voices (attb) And String Orchestra
- 4 Voices (countertenor
- 4 Voices (countertenor Or Alto
- 4 Voices (ctttb) And 3 Violas
- 4 Voices (satb)
- 4 Voices (satb) A Cappella (4 Soloists Or À8
- 4 Voices (satb) With Piano
- 4-10 Performers
- 4-5 Horns In F
- 4-5 Mixed Voices (soloists Or Ensemble) And Offstage Choir Ad Lib.
- 4-5 Recorders (satb/ssaat)
- 4-5 Trombones
- 4-6 Recorders Or Other Melody Instruments
- 4-7 Player And Tape (ad Libitum; Produced By The Performers) (4-7 Wind Instruments Or 3-6 Wind Instruments And 1 Streichinstrume
- 4-part Female or Male Choir
- 4-part Mixed Chorus/Piano
- 4-part Violin Ensemble Or 4 Violins Solo
- 4. Also Altoflute In G Ad Libitum)
- 40 Recorders
- 40 Recorders / Synthesizer
- 5 Clarinets
- 5 Clarinets in B-flat
- 5 Female Voices And Orchestra
- 5 Flutes (or 4 Flutes And Altoflute In G)
- 5 Flutes In C
- 5 Guitars
- 5 Guitars (5 Wind Instruments In B Flat
- 5 Instruments (brass Instruments
- 5 Marimbaphones
- 5 Or 7 Instrumentalists
- 5 Percussionists (1 Xylophone · 1 Glockenspiel · 2 Marimbas · 1 Vibraphone · 1 Bass-marimba · Bongos · 5 Teponaztli [aztec Woode
- 5 Recorders (saatb)
- 5 Recorders (sattb/saatb)
- 5 Recorders (ssaat)
- 5 Recorders (ssatb Od. Ssaat); Piano Ad Libitum
- 5 Recorders (ssatb)
- 5 Saxophones (aaatbar)
- 5 Saxophones (s/aaatbar)
- 5 Saxophones (saatbar)
- 5 Solo Parts
- 5 Soloists
- 5 Soloists (ssatb)
- 5 Temple Blocks
- 5 Toms
- 5 Voices (sattb)
- 5 Wind Instruments
- 5 Wind Instruments In B Flat
- 5 Wood Blocks
- 5-9 Wind Instruments
- 5–12 Player (wind Instruments
- 6 Brass Instruments
- 6 Cellos
- 6 Cellos And Treble Recorder (or Flute
- 6 Dancers And Instrumental Ensemble
- 6 Double Basses
- 6 Female Voices
- 6 Flutes Or Flute Orchester
- 6 Flutes Or Fluteschoir
- 6 Flutes/Percussion
- 6 Guitars
- 6 Hands
- 6 Male Voices (aatbarbarb) A Cappella
- 6 Or More Violins
- 6 Pianos
- 6 Recorders (aattbb)
- 6 Recorders (sssaaa)
- 6 Saxophones (saattbar)
- 6 Sleigh Bells
- 6 Solo Parts
- 6 Speakers And Instruments
- 6 Strings Or String Ensemble
- 6 Trombones/Bass Tuba
- 6 Trumpets
- 6 Viola
- 6 Violas
- 6 Violoncellos (or String Sextet)
- 6 Voices (smezatbarb) Or A Cappella Chamber Choir
- 6 Voices (soprano
- 7 Cellos
- 7 Equal Instruments (vocal Version: 7 Sopranos And 7 Basses)
- 7 Female Voices
- 7 Flutes And Tambourin (piccolo
- 7 Flutes/Piccolo
- 7 Instruments
- 7 Recorders (ssaattb); Basso Continuo And Cello Ad Libitum
- 7 Thail. Gongs
- 7 Vocal Groups (sab/at/st/tb/ab/as/stb
- 8 (16
- 8 Brass Instruments (3 Horns
- 8 Brass Quintets
- 8 Cellos
- 8 Clarinets And Piano
- 8 Congas Drums (4 Player)
- 8 Double Basses
- 8 Flutes (1. Also Piccolo)
- 8 Flutists With Additional Votes For Flute Ensembles At Any Size
- 8 Hands
- 8 Saxophones and Timpani
- 8 Soloists
- 8 Soloists (ssaattbb)
- 8 Voices
- 8 Wind Instruments
- 8 Wind Instruments (2 Oboes
- 8 Wind Instruments (flute
- 9 Brass Instruments
- 9 Brass Instruments And Timpani
- 9 Clarinets
- 9 Flutes (2 Piccolo/6 Flutes/1 Altoflute)
- 9 Organs (8 Positivorgans And 1 Big Organ) And Percussion (3 Player: 2 Crotales
- A
- A And Eb
- A Basset Horn
- a capella
- a cappella
- A Clarinet/Cello/Piano
- Aaa
- Accordeon
- Accordion
- Accordion (2. Accordion Ad Libitum)
- Accordion (m Ii / Iii)
- Accordion (m Ii Or M Iii)
- Accordion (m Ii)
- Accordion (m Iii)
- Accordion (m Iii) And Percussion
- Accordion (m Iii) And Piano
- Accordion (m Iii) And String Quartet
- Accordion (mii)
- Accordion (with 2. Voice Ad Libitum) (m Ii)
- Accordion And Cello
- Accordion And Clarinet
- Accordion And Double-bass
- Accordion And Orchestra
- Accordion And Organ
- Accordion And Piano
- Accordion And String Quartet
- Accordion And Violin
- Accordion M Iii
- Accordion Mii
- Accordion Orchestra
- Accordion Orchestra/Cello
- Accordion Orchestra/Electric Bass
- Accordion Solo
- Accordion With 2. Voice Ad Libitum
- Accordion)
- Accordion-solo And Orchestra
- Accordion/Easy Piano
- Actor
- Actors
- Ad Libitum Men's Choir) A Cappella
- Adapted Viola And Chromelodeon
- Afro-Cuban Ensemble
- Almbel
- Also A Cap.
- Also Divided)
- Also Female Choir Or Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano
- Also Female Choir Or Men's Choir And Piano
- Also With Piano
- Alto
- Alto (baritone)
- Alto (baritone) And Piano
- Alto (mezzo-soprano) And Piano
- Alto (or Bass / Baritone) And Orchestra
- Alto And 8 Instruments
- Alto And Baritone Saxophone
- Alto And Bass Solo
- Alto And Chamber Orchestra
- Alto And Chamber Orchestra Or Piano
- Alto And Instrumentalensemble
- Alto and Orchestra
- Alto and Piano
- Alto And Viola
- Alto And Viola (piano)
- Alto Clarinet
- Alto Clef Instrumental Solo/Piano
- Alto Flute And Percussion
- Alto Flute In G
- Alto Flute In G And Piccolo
- Alto Flute In G)
- Alto Flute Solo And Low Flute Ensemble
- Alto Flute/Double Bass
- Alto Horn In Eb (natural Horn Or Alto Saxophone) And Piano
- Alto Or Baritone And Piano
- Alto or Bass Solo/Choir/Piano
- Alto or Bass/Organ or Harmonium
- Alto or Bass/Piano
- Alto or Bass/Piano or Harmonium
- Alto or C Melody Sax/Piano
- Alto or C Melody Saxophone/Piano
- Alto recorder
- Alto Recorder Ad Lib.
- Alto Recorder/Flute
- Alto Recorder/Guitar
- Alto Sax
- Alto Sax and Piano
- Alto Sax/Piano
- Alto Saxophone
- Alto Saxophone (cor Anglais) And Organ
- Alto Saxophone (cor Anglais) And Piano
- Alto Saxophone (in Eb) And Piano
- Alto Saxophone (or Other Saxophones) Solo
- Alto Saxophone / Brass Quintet
- Alto Saxophone And Bassclarinet
- Alto Saxophone And Cello
- Alto Saxophone And Organ
- Alto Saxophone And Piano
- Alto Saxophone In Eb (clarinet In Bb) And Piano
- Alto Saxophone In Eb And Piano
- Alto Saxophone Solo
- Alto Saxophone) And Piano
- Alto Saxophone/Accordion
- Alto Saxophone/B-flat Clarinet/Piano
- Alto Saxophone/Baritone Saxophone or Bass Clarinet
- Alto Saxophone/Harp/Percussion
- Alto Saxophone/Orchestra
- Alto Saxophone/Piano
- Alto Saxophone/Piano/Double Bass
- Alto Saxophone/Piano/Percussion
- Alto Solo and Piano
- Alto solo/Piano
- Alto Voice
- Alto Voice And 5 Instruments (recorder
- Alto Voice and Piano
- Alto Voice With Flute
- Alto-
- Alto- (bass-) Recorder And Piano
- Alto- And Bass Recorder
- Alto- And Tenor Recorder
- Alto- And Tenor Recorder (violin)
- Alto- Or Tenor Recorder
- Alto- Or Tenor Saxophone (trumpet In Bb) And Piano
- Alto-(soprano-)recorder And Basso Continuo (piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Alto-)recorder And Piano (harpsichord); 2 Violins And Cello Ad Libitum
- Alto-flute
- Alto-flute (ad Libitum With Japanese Temple Bells Or Vibraphone)
- Alto-glockenspiel
- Alto-solo
- Alto-trombone And Small Ensemble
- Alto-xylophone And Glockenspiel
- Alto-xylophone And Percussion
- Alto/Baritone/Piano
- Alto/Bassoon
- Alto/English Horn or Viola
- Alto/Flute/English Horn
- Alto/Piano
- Alto/String Ensemble
- Alto/Tenor solo/Piano
- Alto/Tenor/Bass/Organ
- Altoflute
- Altoflute (violin) And Piano
- Altoflute And Bassflute (bassflute
- Altoflute And Piano
- Altoflute In G
- Altoflute In G (violin
- Altoflute In G And Bassflute In C
- Altoflute In G And Bassflute In C)
- Altoflute In G And Piano
- Altoflöte
- Altohorn
- Altorecorder (flute
- Altorecorder (flute) And Piano (guitar/accordion)
- Altorecorder And Piano
- Altorecorder And Piano (organ)
- Altosaxophone
- Altosaxophone Solo (cor Anglais) And Saxophone Quartet (satbar)
- Altovoice And 8 Soloinstruments
- Altovoice And Orchestra
- Ambo
- And 2 Bassoons
- And 9 Boys' Voices
- and Bass
- and opt. flute/violin
- Ant. Cymbals
- Ant. Cymbals - 2. Player: Marimba
- Anti
- Any 4 Instruments (consorts Of Fiddles
- Any Instrument
- Any Klezmer instrumentation
- Archaic And Exotic Instruments (1 Wind Instruments
- Assorted Instruments
- AT/Orchestra/Organ
- ATB/Orchestra
- ATTB Choir
- B
- B-flat Bass Clarinet
- B-flat Bass Clarinet/Harp
- B-flat Clarinet
- B-flat Clarinet or Saxophone/Cello/Piano
- B-flat Clarinet/Bassoon/Piano
- B-flat Clarinet/Cello/Accordion
- B-flat Clarinet/Ensemble
- B-flat Clarinet/F Basset Horn
- B-flat Clarinet/Harp
- B-flat Clarinet/Percussion/Piano
- B-flat Clarinet/Piano
- B-flat Clarinet/Piano/Frequency
- B-flat Clarinet/Viola/Cello/Piano
- B-flat Clarinet/Violin/Percussion/Piano
- B-flat Clarinet/Violin/Piano
- B-flat Clarinet/Violin/Viola/Cello
- B-flat Cornet/Piano
- B-flat Instrument
- B-flat Instrument/Piano
- B-flat Instruments - Lead Sheet
- B-flat Lead Sheet
- B-flat Trumpet/2 B-flat Clarinets/2 Bassoons
- B-flat Trumpet/Clarinet
- B-flat Trumpet/Organ
- B-flat Trumpet/Piano
- B-flat Trumpet/Piano or Organ
- B-flat Trumpet/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
- Balalaika
- Balalaika/C Trumpet/Piano
- Banjo Tab
- Banjo/Guitar Tab
- Banjo/Piano
- Barbershop Quartet
- Baritone
- Baritone (ad Libitum)
- Baritone And 8 Instruments (clarinet In Bb
- Baritone And Bassflute
- Baritone And Chamber Orchestra
- Baritone And Ensemble
- Baritone And Orchestra
- Baritone And Piano
- Baritone And Piano (or Ensemble)
- Baritone And Piano; Flute
- Baritone And String Quartet
- Baritone BC/Piano
- Baritone Or Bass And Piano
- Baritone or Bass Solo/Choir
- Baritone Sax/Piano
- Baritone Saxophone
- Baritone Saxophone/Piano
- Baritone Solo
- Baritone Solo And Bass Solo
- Baritone Solo And Organ Or Piano
- Baritone Solo/Choir/Ensemble
- Baritone Solo/Choir/Organ
- Baritone T.C.
- Baritone Vocal/Piano
- Baritone)
- Baritone/Chorus/Piano
- Baritone/Flute/Cello/Bass Clarinet/Piano
- Baritone/Male Choir/Piano
- Baritone/Organ
- Baritone/Organ or Piano
- Baritone/Piano
- Baroque Guitar
- Baryton (violin
- Baryton)
- Bass
- Bass (baritone) And Piano
- Bass Ad Libitum
- Bass And Basso Continuo
- Bass and Choir
- Bass And Harpsichord
- Bass And Harpsichord (piano)
- Bass And Lute
- Bass And Orchestra
- Bass and Organ
- Bass And Piano
- Bass and Piono
- Bass And Timpani
- Bass Clarinet
- Bass Clarinet (bassoon) And Piano
- Bass Clarinet And Bassoon
- Bass Clarinet And Cello
- Bass Clarinet And Piano
- Bass Clarinet And String Orchestra
- Bass Clarinet In Bb
- Bass Clarinet In Bb (or Cello) And Piano
- Bass Clarinet In Bb And Orchestra
- Bass Clarinet/Piano
- Bass Clef Instrumental Solo/Piano
- Bass Clef Instruments
- Bass Drum
- Bass Drum) (1 Player)
- Bass Duo
- Bass Flute
- Bass Flute) And Percussion (1 Player): Xylophon
- Bass Guitar
- Bass Guitar And Strings
- Bass or Alto/Piano
- Bass Recorder
- Bass Recorder And Piano
- Bass Solo
- Bass Solo And Choir (satb)
- Bass Solo and Piano
- Bass Solo/Choir
- Bass Solo/Choir/Organ
- Bass solo/Piano
- Bass solo/Violin/Viola/Continuo
- Bass Tab
- Bass Tab/Vocal
- Bass Trio
- Bass Trombone
- Bass Trombone And Orchestra
- Bass Trombone And Organ
- Bass trombone/Piano
- Bass Trombone/Strings
- Bass Trumpets (c)
- Bass Tuba And Piano
- Bass Tuba/Ensemble
- Bass Vocal/Orchestra
- Bass Vocal/Piano
- Bass Voice and Continuo
- Bass Voice And Ensemble
- Bass Voice and Organ (Piano)
- Bass)
- Bass-clarinet
- Bass-clarinet And Bassoon
- Bass-instruments (cellos
- Bass-instruments); Percussion Instruments Ad Li
- Bass-lute And Organ
- Bass-solo
- Bass-solo And Orchestra
- Bass/2 Violins/Organ
- Bass/Choir/Organ/Strings
- Bass/Continuo
- Bass/Oboe d'amore/Piano or Organ
- Bass/Orchestra
- Bass/Organ
- Bass/Piano
- Bass/Piano or Organ
- Bass; Harpsichord Ad Libitum
- Bassbariton And Piano
- Bassclarinet
- Bassclarinet (in Bb)
- Bassclarinet And Baritone Saxophone
- Bassclarinet And Cello
- Bassclarinet In B Flat
- Bassclarinet In Bb
- Basset Clarinet In A Or Clarinet In A And Piano
- Basset Horn (or Bass Clarinet Or Bassoon) Solo
- Basset Horn And Bass Clarinet In Bb
- Basset Horn or Clarinet/Piano
- Bassettclarinet In A
- Bassflute
- Bassflute (1 Player)
- Bassflute (also Flute)
- Bassflute In C
- Bassflute In F
- Bassflute Or Cello)
- Bassgitarre
- Bassgui
- Bassguitar
- Bassi And Harpsichord
- Bassi; Harpsichord Ad Libitum
- Basso Ad Lib.
- Basso Ad Libitum
- Basso Continuo
- Basso)
- Bassoon
- Bassoon (alt-/bariton- Or Tenor Saxophon) And Piano
- Bassoon (cello
- Bassoon (cello) And Basso Continuo
- Bassoon (cello) And Piano
- Bassoon (or Bassclarinet) And Rototoms
- Bassoon / Piano
- Bassoon And 11 Strings (or Piano)
- Bassoon And Basso Continuo
- Bassoon and Cello
- Bassoon And Chamber Orchestra
- Bassoon and Continuo
- Bassoon And Contrabassoon
- Bassoon And Double Bass
- Bassoon And Guitar
- Bassoon And Harpsichord
- Bassoon And Harpsichord/piano
- Bassoon And Horn
- Bassoon And Horn (also Alpenhorn)
- Bassoon And Obligatory Harpsichord
- Bassoon and Orchestra
- Bassoon And Organ
- Bassoon And Piano
- Bassoon And Piano (basso Continuo)
- Bassoon And String Orchestra
- Bassoon And String Quartet
- Bassoon And String Quintet
- Bassoon And String Quintet Or String Orchestra
- Bassoon And Strings
- Bassoon or Alto Saxophone/Piano
- Bassoon or Euphonium/Wind Ensemble
- Bassoon or Tenor Saxophone/Piano
- Bassoon Quartet
- Bassoon Solo
- Bassoon Trio
- Bassoon)
- Bassoon) Ad Libitum
- Bassoon) And Basso Continuo
- Bassoon/Harp
- Bassoon/Piano
- Bassoon/Strings
- Bassoon/Tuba Duet
- Bassoons)
- Basstrombone And Tuba
- Bb Bass Clarinet/Piano
- Bb Clarinet
- Bb Clarinet / Bass Clarinet
- Bb Clarinet/Piano
- Bb Cornet/Piano
- Bb Instrumen
- Bb Instrument
- Bb Instrument Solo
- Bb Instrumental Solo/Piano
- Bb Tenor Sax/Piano
- Bb Tenor Saxophone
- Bb Trumpet
- Bb Trumpet/Piano
- Bc.
- Bc. Vcl. E Db.
- Beat-percussion (bass Drum
- Beginning Band
- Beginning Concert Band
- Bells
- Bells And Percussion
- Bells And Piano
- Bewegliche Stimmen And Instruments In Polyphonen Räumen
- Bewegliche Voices And Instruments
- Big (parforc-) Hunting Horn Or French Horn
- Big Note Piano
- Big Note Piano/Vocal
- Blas-instruments
- Bombardon Sousaphon)
- Bongo Drum
- Book
- Book / MP3
- Boy's Voice Or One-part Boys' Choir And 9 Solo Instruments
- Boy's Voices And Orchestra
- Boys' Choir
- Boys' Choir (sa) With 2 Soprano Recorders
- Boys' Choir (ssa) A Cappella
- Boys’ Choir
- Boys’ Choir And Orchestra
- Brass And Strings With Solo Baritone
- Brass and Timpani
- Brass Band
- Brass Choir
- Brass Choir and Organ
- Brass Choir/Timpani
- Brass Duet
- Brass Ensemble
- Brass Ensemble and Guitar
- Brass Ensemble/Timpani
- Brass Instruments
- Brass Instruments And Harps
- Brass Instruments And Timpani
- Brass Instruments-sextett
- Brass Octet
- Brass Octet/Percussion
- Brass Quartet
- Brass Quartet with Optional Descant
- Brass Quartet/Organ
- Brass Quartet/Organ/Percussion/Narrator
- Brass Quartet/Timpani
- Brass Quintet
- Brass Quintet and Organ
- Brass Quintet and Percussion
- Brass Quintet with Optional Organ/Opt. Handbell Choir/Opt. SATB Chorus
- Brass Quintet with Optional Percussion
- Brass Quintet/Organ with optional Percussion
- Brass Quintet/Timpani/Organ
- Brass Quintet/Voice/Guitars or Organ
- Brass Septet
- Brass Sextet
- Brass Trio
- Bugle
- Bügelhorn
- C
- C (helikon
- C And E Flat (5 Guitars) And Rhythm Section (bass-guitar
- C And E Flat) And Rhythm Section (bass-guitar
- C Flute/Piano
- C Instrument
- C Instrument/Piano
- C Instrumental Solo/Piano
- C Instruments - Lead Sheet
- C Melody Sax/Piano
- C or B-flat Trumpet/Piano
- C or F Recorder/Guitar
- C Pipe/Any Instrument
- C Pipe/Tabor
- C Recorder/Guitar
- C Trumpet/Organ
- C Trumpet/Piano
- C Trumpet/Violin/Organ
- Cajon
- Cantor(s)
- Carillons
- Carillons)
- Celesta
- Celesta (piano) And Percussion Ad Libitum
- Celesta And Guitar
- Celesta And Harp
- Cello
- Cello (1. Bis 4. Position) And Piano
- Cello (1.-4. Position) And Piano
- Cello (2. Cello Ad Libitum)
- Cello (bass)
- Cello (bassoon
- Cello (bassoon)
- Cello (bassoon) And Basso Continuo
- Cello (bassoon) And Harpsichord (piano); 2. Cello Or Bassoon Ad Libitum
- Cello (cello 2 Ad Lib)
- Cello (cello 2 Ad Libitum)
- Cello (statt Violin 4)
- Cello (tenor Saxophone) And Orchestra
- Cello (viola
- Cello (viola Da Gamb
- Cello (viola Da Gamba
- Cello (viola Da Gamba)
- Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Cello (viola Da Gamba) And Basso Continuo
- Cello (viola Da Gamba) And Piano (basso Continuo)
- Cello (viola Da Gamba) And Piano (harpsichord)
- Cello (viola) And Piano
- Cello (violin
- Cello (violin / Clarinet / Alto Saxophone In Eb) And Piano
- Cello (violin) And Organ (piano)
- Cello (violin) And Piano
- Cello / Piano Reduction
- Cello / Trombone
- Cello Ad Libitum
- Cello And 13 Solo Strings
- Cello And 13 Solo-strings
- Cello And 2 Horns
- Cello And Accordion
- Cello And Basso Continuo
- Cello And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
- Cello And Basso Continuo (harpsichord/piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Cello And Bassoon)
- Cello And Chamber Orchestra
- Cello And Clarinet
- Cello And D
- Cello And Double Bass
- Cello And Double Bass (soloistsstisch Or Choirisch)
- Cello And Double Bass)
- Cello And Ensemble
- Cello And Guitar
- Cello And Guitar (harpsichord)
- Cello And Harp
- Cello and Harpsichord
- Cello And Harpsichord (piano)
- Cello And He-drum
- Cello And Orchestra
- Cello and Organ
- Cello And Organ (piano); Double Bass Ad Libitum
- Cello And Percussion
- Cello And Percussion (7 Player)
- Cello and Piano
- Cello And Piano (2. Cello)
- Cello And Piano (cello 2 Ad Lib.)
- Cello And Piano (harpsichord)
- Cello And Piano (left Hand)
- Cello And Piano (narrator Ad Libitum)
- Cello And Piano (piano Trio)
- Cello And Piano Or 2 Cellos
- Cello and Piano or Organ
- Cello And Piano)
- Cello And Side/snare Drum
- Cello And Small Orchestra
- Cello And String Orchestra
- Cello And String Orchestra Or String Quartet
- Cello And String Orchestra; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- Cello And Viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
- Cello Duet
- Cello Duo
- Cello Ensemble
- Cello Obl.
- Cello Obl. And Basso Continuo
- Cello or Bassoon/Piano
- Cello or Flugelhorn
- Cello or Flute
- Cello or String Trio
- Cello Or Viola
- Cello Or Viola And Piano And Optional Electric Guitar
- Cello Or Viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
- Cello Or Violin And Piano
- Cello piccolo and Piano or Organ
- Cello Quartet
- Cello Quintet
- Cello Sextet
- Cello Solo
- Cello Solo (and Speakers Ad Libitum)
- Cello Studies
- Cello With Accompaniment Durch 2. Cello
- Cello)
- Cello) And Basso Continuo
- Cello) And Concertant Harpsichord (piano)
- Cello) And Piano
- Cello) And String Orchestra
- Cello) With Voice (medium Or High Voice) Ad Libitum
- Cello/Bass
- Cello/Continuo
- Cello/Continuo/Piano
- Cello/Guitar
- Cello/Harp
- Cello/Orchestra
- Cello/Organ
- Cello/Piano
- Cello/viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
- Cembalo (piano)
- Cencerro [kuhglocke]
- Chamber Choir
- Chamber Choir (ssaattbb
- Chamber Choir (ssatb)
- Chamber Choir And Small Instrumental-ensemble (oboe
- Chamber Ensemble (8–10 Player)
- Chamber Orchestra
- Chamber Orchestra And Basso Continuo
- Chamber winds with Timpani
- Children and Youth Choir
- Children and Youth Choir/Percussion/any Melody Instrument/Piano
- Children and Youth Choir/Piano
- Children and Youth or Female Choir
- Children and Youth or Female Choir/Piano
- Children Voice/Piano
- Children's Choir
- Children's Choir (1-3stg.) And Melody Instruments (violins
- Children's Choir (female Choir
- Children's Choir (female Choir) A Cappella
- Children's Choir (for One Part) And Piano
- Children's Choir (mez) (choirisch) With Instruments (recorders
- Children's Choir (mez) And 3 Recorders (ssa)
- Children's Choir (mez) And Instruments (bfl
- Children's Choir (mez) Unisono (voice) With Recorders (c'' Or F') Or Violin And Piano Or Recorder
- Children's Choir (mez) With Female Choir (ssaa) Or Men's Choir (ttbb)
- Children's Choir (mez) With Instruments (combo)
- Children's Choir (mez) With Men's Choir (tbarb)
- Children's Choir (mez) With Men's Choir (ttbb)
- Children's Choir (mez) With Recorders
- Children's Choir (mezmezmez) With 2 Soprano Recorders
- Children's Choir (s)
- Children's Choir (s) And Organ
- Children's Choir (sa) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Instruments (v I/fl
- Children's Choir (smez)
- Children's Choir (smez) Or Mixed Choir (unisiono) A Cap Or With Organ
- Children's Choir (smez) With Instruments
- Children's Choir (smez) With Instruments (2 Soprano Recorders
- Children's Choir (smez) With Melody Instruments (high
- Children's Choir (smez) With Men's Choir (ttbb)
- Children's Choir (smez) With Mixed Choir (ssa/ttb) And Orchestra
- Children's Choir (smez) With Orff-instruments Or Combo
- Children's Choir (smez) With Piano
- Children's Choir (smez) With Piano And Instruments
- Children's Choir (smez) With Recorders
- Children's Choir (smez) With Speakers And Instruments (2 Recorders Or Flutes
- Children's Choir (smez) With Speakers And Instruments (recorder
- Children's Choir (smez) With Speakers And Instrumentsn (recorder
- Children's Choir (smeza)
- Children's Choir (smeza) With 2 Soprano Recorders
- Children's Choir (smeza) With 9 Soloists And 5 Speakers
- Children's Choir (smeza) With Instruments (violins
- Children's Choir (smeza) With Men's Choir (ttbb) And String Orchestra
- Children's Choir (smeza) With Piano
- Children's Choir (smeza) With Recorder
- Children's Choir (smeza) With Soli
- Children's Choir (smeza) With Sollists
- Children's Choir (smeza) With Solo
- Children's Choir (smeza) With Solo Parts
- Children's Choir (smeza) With Solo Parts And Instruments
- Children's Choir (smeza) With Speakers
- Children's Choir (ss) And Piano
- Children's Choir (ssa)
- Children's Choir (ssa) And Percussion Instruments
- Children's Choir 3-stimmig
- Children's Choir Ad Libitum
- Children's Choir And Chamber Orchestra
- Children's Choir And Großeb Wind Band
- Children's Choir And Instruments
- Children's Choir And Orchestra
- Children's Choir And Orchestra (or 2 Pianos And Percussion Or Großeb Wind Band)
- Children's Choir And Orchestra (or 2 Pianos And Percussion Or Large Wind Band)
- Children's Choir And Piano
- Children's Choir And Strings
- Children's Choir And Wind Band
- Children's Choir Or Female Choir
- Children's Choir Or Female Choir (smeza)
- Children's Choir Or Female Choir (ssaa)
- Children's Choir Or Women's Choir (ssaa)
- Children's Choir Or Youth Choir
- Children's Choir Or Youth Choir (smez) With Soloists And Instruments (wind Instruments
- Children's Choir With Piano Or Instruments
- Children's Choir With Speaker
- Children's Choir With Speakers
- Children's Choir) With Soloists (ssatbarb) And Organ (or Small Orchestra)
- Children's Choir) With Soloists (ssatbarb) And Small Orchestra
- Children's Choir/Cello
- Children's Choir/Flute/Percussion
- Children's Choir/Percussion
- Children's Choir/Percussion/Piano
- Children's Choir/Piano
- Children's Choir/Recorder/Percussion/Piano
- Children's Choir/Recorder/Tambourine/Piano
- Children's Choir/Tambourine/Piano
- Children's Or Girl's Choir (ssa)
- Children's Voice
- Children's Voices (ssa) And Piano
- Children’s Choir (ssa) And Piano Or Organ (flute Ad Lib.)
- Chinesisches Cymbal
- Choir
- Choir (1-3 Equal Voices)
- Choir (3 Equal Voices) And Piano
- Choir (3-4 Voices)
- Choir (4 Voices)
- Choir (mez) With Organ
- Choir (mez/bar)
- Choir (mezbar) With Flute And Strings
- Choir (mezbar) With Flute And Stringsn
- Choir (mezmez) With Instruments (strings)
- Choir (sa Or Smez) With Flute
- Choir (sa)
- Choir (sa) And Organ
- Choir (sa) With Soprano Solo Or Violin; Piano Ad Libitum
- Choir (satb And Ttb) And Orchestra
- Choir (satb)
- Choir (satb) And Bassgambe
- Choir (satb) And Organ
- Choir (smez) With Instruments (recorders
- Choir (smez/sat) With Solo
- Choir (smezabar) And Instruments
- Choir (smezabar) And Instruments (bfl.
- Choir (ssaattbb)
- Choir (unisono)
- Choir (unisono) With Organ Or Orchestra Or Wind Band
- Choir (unisono) With Organ Or Wind Band
- Choir A Cappella
- Choir A Cappella (satb)
- Choir And 4 Soloists Ad. Lib.
- Choir And Basso Continuo
- Choir And Brass Instruments
- Choir And Chamber Orchestra
- Choir And Instruments
- Choir And Orchestra
- Choir And Organ
- Choir And Organ Or Piano
- Choir and Piano
- Choir For One Part
- Choir or Children's Choir
- Choir or Male Choir
- Choir Satb A Capella
- Choir Unisono And Mixed Choir Or Soloistssten (ssatb) A Cappella
- Choir Unisono With Organ Or Orchestra Or Wind Band
- Choir With Instruments
- Choir/2 Violins/Continuo
- Choir/Brass Ensemble
- Choir/Brass Quartet
- Choir/Brass Quintet/Bells
- Choir/Cello
- Choir/Ensemble
- Choir/Flute/Piano
- Choir/Guitar
- Choir/Instruments
- Choir/Lute
- Choir/Orchestra
- Choir/Organ
- Choir/Organ or Harmonium
- Choir/Organ/Strings
- Choir/Piano
- Choir/Piano or Harp
- Choir/Piano or Organ
- Choir/Piano/Organ
- Choir/Piccolo/Percussion/Organ/Guitar
- Choir/String Quintet
- Choir/strings
- Choirs (satb/sab/ssa/ttbb) A Cappella Or With Piano Accompaniment
- Chorus
- Chorus (satb)
- Chorus (satb) With Keyboard Or String Accompaniment
- Chorus and Orchestra
- Chorus and Piano
- Chromatic Button Key Or Piano Accordion With Bariton Basses
- Chromatic French Harp And Piano
- Chromatic Harmonica And Piano
- Chromatic Harmonica And Piano Or Accordion (m Ii)
- Chromatic Harmonica-trio
- Chromelodeon
- Chromelodeon And Flexaton
- Chromonika And Piano
- Clarinet
- Clarinet (a)
- Clarinet (a) And Bassoon
- Clarinet (a) And Cello
- Clarinet (also Bass Clarinet)
- Clarinet (also Bassclarinet)
- Clarinet (b Or C) Or Others Melody Instrument
- Clarinet (b)
- Clarinet (b) And Organ
- Clarinet (b) And Piano
- Clarinet (b/eb) And String Quartet
- Clarinet (bass Clarinet)
- Clarinet (bassclarinet) In A And Orchestra
- Clarinet (bb And Eb)
- Clarinet (bb) And Piano
- Clarinet (c Or B) And Strings; 2 Oboes And 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- Clarinet (c Or Bb) And Strings; 2 Oboes And 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- Clarinet (eb)
- Clarinet (eb) And Piano
- Clarinet (eb/d)
- Clarinet (flute
- Clarinet (flute)
- Clarinet (in A And B)
- Clarinet (in A And B) And Piano
- Clarinet (in A) And Piano
- Clarinet (in B) And Piano
- Clarinet (in Bb) And Piano
- Clarinet (in Bb/eb) And String Quartet
- Clarinet (or Saxophone) And Piano (congas Drums Ad Libitum)
- Clarinet (or Soprano Saxophone) And Piano
- Clarinet (or Violin) And Cello
- Clarinet (saxophone)
- Clarinet (trumpet/flugelhorn) And Piano
- Clarinet (viola) And Cello
- Clarinet (violin
- Clarinet (violin)
- Clarinet (violin) And Piano
- Clarinet 4/Piano
- Clarinet 4/Saxophone 4/Piano
- Clarinet 4/Trumpet 4/Piano
- Clarinet 4/Trumpet4 /Trombone 4/Piano
- Clarinet 5/Piano
- Clarinet 5/Saxophone 5/Trumpet 5/Piano
- Clarinet 5/Trombone 5/Piano
- Clarinet 5/Trumpet 5/Piano
- Clarinet And 13 Players
- Clarinet And 4 Cellos
- Clarinet And Accordion
- Clarinet And Bassoon
- Clarinet And Bassoon (cello)
- Clarinet And Bourdun (violoncello And Double-bass / Organ Or Harmonium Or Voice Parts)
- Clarinet And Cello
- Clarinet And Double Bass (cello)
- Clarinet And Horn
- Clarinet And Orchestra
- Clarinet And Percussion
- Clarinet And Piano
- Clarinet And Piano (guitar
- Clarinet And Piano (harp
- Clarinet And String Orchestra
- Clarinet And String Orchestra With Trumpet In Bb
- Clarinet And String Orchestra; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- Clarinet And String Quartet
- Clarinet And String Trio
- Clarinet And Strings
- Clarinet And Viola
- Clarinet Choir
- Clarinet Duet
- Clarinet Ensemble
- Clarinet I In A
- Clarinet In A
- Clarinet In A And Harp
- Clarinet In A And Orchestra
- Clarinet In A And Piano
- Clarinet In A And String Quartet
- Clarinet In A Or B (viola) And Guitar
- Clarinet In A Or B And Piano
- Clarinet In B Flat
- Clarinet In B Flat And Piano
- Clarinet In B Flat And Violin
- Clarinet In B Flat Or A And Piano
- Clarinet In Bb
- Clarinet In Bb (also Bassclarinet In Bb)
- Clarinet In Bb (cor Anglais
- Clarinet In Bb (or Violin) And Cello
- Clarinet In Bb (viola) And Guitar
- Clarinet In Bb (violin
- Clarinet In Bb (violin) And Guitar
- Clarinet In Bb (violin) And Organ
- Clarinet In Bb (violin) And Piano
- Clarinet In Bb And Accordion
- Clarinet In Bb And Organ
- Clarinet In Bb And Piano
- Clarinet In Bb And String Quartet
- Clarinet In Bb Or A
- Clarinet In Bb Or A And Piano
- Clarinet In Bb Solo
- Clarinet In Bb) And Piano
- Clarinet In Eb And Piano
- Clarinet or Saxophone
- Clarinet Quartet
- Clarinet Solo
- Clarinet Studies
- Clarinet Trio
- Clarinet)
- Clarinet) And Orchestra
- Clarinet) And Piano
- Clarinet/2 Violins/Viola/Cello/Double Bass
- Clarinet/Basset Horn/Piano
- Clarinet/Bassoon
- Clarinet/Bassoon/Cello/Piano
- Clarinet/Bassoon/Harpsichord
- Clarinet/Bassoon/Horn
- Clarinet/Bassoon/Horn/Cello/Double Bass
- Clarinet/Cello/Piano
- Clarinet/Horn/Piano
- Clarinet/Orchestra
- Clarinet/Piano
- Clarinet/String Quartet
- Clarinet/Strings
- Clarinet/Two Trumpets/Violin/Viola/Cello
- Clarinet/Viola/Piano
- Clarinet/Violin/Viola/Cello/Piano
- Clarinet/Vocal/Piano
- Clarinets- Or Saxophone Ensemble
- Clarinhorn And Piano
- Classical Guitar Studies
- Claves
- Clavichord
- Clavichord Or Organ)
- Clavichord)
- Coloratura Soprano
- Coloratura Soprano And Orchestra
- Coloratura Soprano And Piano
- Coloratura Soprano Solo
- Complementary Wind Instruments Or Strings Ad Libitum
- Complementary Wind Or Stringed Instruments Ad. Lib.
- Concert Band
- Concert Trumpet And Chamber Orchestra
- Concertina (40tönig
- Conductor Score
- Conga
- Conga / Conga-ensemble
- Congas Drums And Rhythmus- Instruments
- Congregation Ad Libitum
- Congregation And Choir (s/abar)
- Congregational Singing
- Continuo
- Contra-alto Or Bass And Organ
- Contrabassoon
- Contrabassoon (also 2. Bassoon
- Contrabassoon And 2 Horns
- Cor Anglais
- Cor Anglais And Cello
- Cor Anglais And Orchestra
- Cor Anglais And Piano
- Cor Anglais And String Orchestra
- Cor Anglais And String Trio
- Cor Anglais Solo
- Cor Anglais) And Guitar
- Cornet (Trumpet)
- Cornet In Eb (also Flugelhorn In Bb)
- Cornet or Trombone/Piano
- Cornet or Trumpet
- Cornet or Trumpet/Piano
- Cornet Solo And Brass Band
- Cornet À Pistons In Bb (or B-trumpet) And Piano
- Cornet À Pistons)
- Cornet/Piano
- Cornet/String Quartet
- Counter Tenor Or Contralto
- Countertenor
- Countertenor (or Alto)
- Countertenor (or Mezzo-soprano) And Piano
- Countertenor And Naturhorn
- Countertenor Or Alto And Piano
- Crash-cymbel
- Cym
- Cym.ant)
- Cymbal
- Cymbales Antiques
- D
- D Pipe or any Instrument
- D Pipe/Tabor
- Dance Orchestra
- Dancers And Orchestra
- Denatured Instruments
- Descant
- Descant and Piano
- Descant And Treble Recorder
- Descant And Treble Recorder Or Descant Recorder Solo
- Descant Or Treble Recorder
- Descant Recorder
- Descant Recorder (flute
- Descant Recorder (flute) And Guitar
- Descant Recorder (flute/oboe/violin) And Basso Continuo
- Descant Recorder (oboe
- Descant Recorder (tenor Recorder) And Basso Continuo
- Descant Recorder (tenor Recorder) And Piano
- Descant Recorder (treble Recorder/flute) And Recorder Quartet Or String Quartet (string Orchestra); Guitar Ad Libitum
- Descant Recorder (violin) And Basso Continuo
- Descant Recorder (violin) And Piano
- Descant Recorder And Basso Continuo
- Descant Recorder And Guitar
- Descant Recorder And Orff-instruments
- Descant Recorder And Percussion
- Descant Recorder And Piano
- Descant Recorder And Piano (guitar Ad Libitum)
- Descant Recorder And Piano (guitar)
- Descant Recorder And Piano Or Harpsichord
- Descant Recorder And Strings
- Descant Recorder Solo
- Descant Recorder(n)
- Descant Recorders
- Developing Band
- Diatonic French Harp
- Diatonic Single-action Accordion
- Diatonisch)
- Diatonische And Steirische Single-action Accordion
- Different Instruments (3 Violas And Basso Continuo; Violin
- Dirigent Solo
- Divisi
- Dixieland Band
- Djembe & Co.
- Doub
- Double Bass
- Double Bass (cello) And Piano
- Double Bass (with 4 Strings)
- Double Bass (with 5 Strings)
- Double Bass Ad Lib)
- Double Bass Ad Libitum
- Double Bass And 2 Horns
- Double Bass And Clarinet
- Double Bass And Harp
- Double Bass And Orchestra
- Double Bass and Organ
- Double Bass And Piano
- Double Bass And String Orchestra
- Double Bass And Timpani (also Violin I
- Double Bass And Wind Quintet
- Double Bass Clarinet Or Bass Clarinet Solo
- Double Bass Ensemble (minimum 8 Players)
- Double Bass Solo
- Double Bass Solo/String Ensemble
- Double Bass Studies
- Double Bass Trios/Quartets
- Double Bass)
- Double Bass/Organ or Harmonium
- Double Bass/Piano
- Double Bassflute
- Double Bassflute In F And Subdouble Bassflute)
- Double Brass Choir
- Double Brass Quintet
- Double Choir
- Double Choir/Organ
- Double Chorus
- Double Chorus (satb/satb)
- Double Chorus/Piano
- Double Reed Quartet
- Double Reed Trio
- Double-bass And Piano
- Drei Equal Voices
- Dreigesang
- Dreigesang Und Stubenmusik
- Dreivoice
- Drum
- Drum (trio)
- Drum Set (tom
- Drums
- Drums)
- Drumset
- Duet and Piano
- Duet/Piano
- Dulcimer Method
- E-bass And Percussion
- E-bass Or Double Bass And Percussion
- E-flat Cornet/Brass Band
- E-flat Instruments - Lead Sheet
- E-flat Lead Sheet
- E-flat Saxophone/Piano
- E-guitar
- E-organ
- E-piano)
- Early Intermediate Piano/Vocal
- Easy 2 Pianos
- Easy Guitar
- Easy Guitar Tab
- Easy Guitar Tab/Chords
- Easy Guitar Tab/Vocal
- Easy Guitar Tab/Vocal/Chords
- Easy Guitar/Chords
- Easy Guitar/Vocal
- Easy Organ
- Easy Organ/Vocal
- Easy Piano
- Easy Piano/Chords
- Easy Piano/Vocal
- Easy Piano/Vocal/Chords
- Eb (helikon)
- Eb Alto Clarinet/Piano
- Eb Alto Sax/Piano
- Eb Alto Saxophone
- Eb AltoSaxophone/Piano
- Eb Baritone Sax/Piano
- Eb Instrumental Solo/Piano
- Eb Or F
- Eb Saxes / Eb Clarinets
- Eb) And Piano
- Eb-dur
- Eight-part Mixed Chorus
- Eight-part Mixed Chorus/Piano
- Electric Bass Or Double Bass
- Electric Guitar
- Electric Guitar And Accordion
- Electric Guitar And Cello
- Electric Organ
- Elektrische Organ (harmonium) And Percussion (5 Player)
- Elementary / Late ElementaryPiano
- Elementary Piano Solo with Teacher Duet
- English Horn
- English Horn (viola) And Harp
- English Horn and Piano or Organ
- English Horn or Viola and Piano or Organ
- English Horn/3 Bassoons
- English Horn/Harp/Strings
- English Horn/Percussion
- English Horn/Piano
- English Horn/String Quartet
- English Horn/Strings
- English Horn/Vibraphone/Harp
- English Horn/Viola/Tuba
- Ensemble
- Ensemble (or Chamber Orchestra)
- Ensemble In Flexibler Besetzung (flutes
- Ensemble Of Flute (2 Große Flutes
- Ensemble Of Flute (5 Flutes And Bassflute Or Flute In C)
- Equal Voices
- Equal Voices (1-2stg. Women- Or Youth Choir) And Piano
- Equal Voices (smeza Or Tbarb)
- Equal Voices (smeza)
- Equal Voices (smeza) A Cappella
- Equal Voices (smeza) With 2 Solo Parts
- Equal Voices (smeza/ssaa)
- Equal Voices (ssa) A Cappella
- Equal Voices (ssa) With Accompaniment Ad Libitum
- Equal Voices (ssaa)
- Ethno Percussion
- Euphonium
- Euphonium / Tuba duet with Woodwind Ensemble
- Euphonium Duet
- Euphonium Duet/Piano
- Euphonium Ensemble
- Euphonium or Bassoon Duet
- Euphonium or Trombone Duet
- Euphonium or Trombone/Piano
- Euphonium Quartet
- Euphonium Solo
- Euphonium Solo with Piano
- Euphonium Solo with Tuba Quartet
- Euphonium Solo/Brass Quintet
- Euphonium Trio
- Euphonium/Brass Ensemble
- Euphonium/Organ
- Euphonium/Piano
- Euphonium/Piano or Organ
- Euphonium/Trombone Duet
- Euphonium/Trombone Studies
- Euphonium/Tuba
- Euphonium/Tuba Duet
- Euphonium/Tuba Quartet
- Euphonium/Tuba Sextet
- Euphonium/Tuba Solo with Piano
- Euphonium/Tuba Trio
- Euphonium/Tuba/Piano
- F - G Flat'') And Piano
- F Horn
- F Horn/Organ
- F Horn/Piano
- F Instrumental Solo/Piano
- F Recorder and Piano
- F Recorder/Guitar
- Female and Boy Chorus
- Female Choir
- Female Choir (4 Equal Voices)
- Female Choir (sa And Ssa) And Piano
- Female Choir (sa) And Organ
- Female Choir (sa) With Alto Solo And Kleinem Orchestra
- Female Choir (sa) With Alto Solo And Orchestra
- Female Choir (sa) With Organ
- Female Choir (sa) With Soloists (sa)
- Female Choir (sa) With Soloists (sa) And Organ
- Female Choir (sa) With String Orchestra Or String Quintet
- Female Choir (sa/smeza)
- Female Choir (saa) A Cappella
- Female Choir (saa/ssaa) A Cappella
- Female Choir (smez) And Piano (or Harp)
- Female Choir (smeza)
- Female Choir (smeza) A Cappella Or With Organ
- Female Choir (smeza) And Harp (or Piano)
- Female Choir (smeza) And Piano
- Female Choir (smeza) And Piano Ad Lib.
- Female Choir (smeza) And String Orchestra
- Female Choir (smeza) And Violin
- Female Choir (smeza) Or 3 Female Voices With Piano
- Female Choir (smeza) With 3 Solo-voices (smeza)
- Female Choir (smeza) With Harp (piano)
- Female Choir (smeza) With Piano
- Female Choir (smeza) With Piano Or Streich- Or Zupforchestra
- Female Choir (smeza) With Piano Or String Orchestra Or Zupforchestra
- Female Choir (smeza) With Solo Voice
- Female Choir (smeza) With Solovoice
- Female Choir (smeza) With Soprano Solo
- Female Choir (smeza) With Soprano-solo
- Female Choir (smeza) With Soprano-solo And Piano
- Female Choir (smeza/ssaa)
- Female Choir (ssa Or Ssaa) And Piano
- Female Choir (ssa)
- Female Choir (ssa) A Cappella
- Female Choir (ssa) And Piano
- Female Choir (ssa) And Piano Or Organ Accompaniment
- Female Choir (ssa) And Strings; Piano Ad Libitum
- Female Choir (ssa) Or 3 Solo Parts And Organ
- Female Choir (ssa) Or Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella
- Female Choir (ssa) With Children's Choir (smeza)
- Female Choir (ssa) With Piano Or String Orchestra
- Female Choir (ssaa)
- Female Choir (ssaa) A Capella
- Female Choir (ssaa) A Cappella
- Female Choir (ssaa) And Piano
- Female Choir (ssaa) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) With Alto- Or Baritone-solo And Piano
- Female Choir (ssaa) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) With Solo A Cappella Or With 4 Hornsn In F
- Female Choir (ssaa) Or Mixed Choir (satb)
- Female Choir (ssaa) With Piano (4 Hands)
- Female Choir (ssaa) With Solo A Cappella Or With 4 Hornsn In F
- Female Choir (ssaa) With Soprano-solo And String Quintet
- Female Choir (ssaa); Piano Ad Libitum
- Female Choir (ssaaa) A Cappella
- Female Choir (ssmeza)
- Female Choir (ssmezaa)
- Female Choir (sssaa)
- Female Choir (sssaa) A Cappella
- Female Choir (sssaaa)
- Female Choir (sssmezaa)
- Female Choir (ssssaaa) And Water-tuned Wine Glasses
- Female Choir (ssssaaaa)
- Female Choir (ssssaaaa) And Oboe
- Female Choir A Cappella
- Female Choir A Cappella (smeza)
- Female Choir A Cappella (sssaaa)
- Female Choir And Children's Choir (smeza)
- Female Choir And Men's Choir
- Female Choir And Men's Choir (sa/tb)
- Female Choir And Men's Choir (sa/tbb)
- Female Choir And Men's Choir (saa/tbb)
- Female Choir And Men's Choir (ssa/ttb)
- Female Choir And Orchestra
- Female Choir And Piano
- Female Choir And Youth Choir
- Female Choir And Youth Choir (ssaa) With 2 Solo Parts (ss)
- Female Choir Or 3 Solo Parts (ssa) And Organ
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (mezmezmez)
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (s Or Mez) With Organ
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smez) With Piano
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza)
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) A Cappella Or With Accompaniment (melody Instruments
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) A Cappella Or With Guitar And Percussion
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) A Cappella Or With Piano
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) With Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) With Piano
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza) With Piano Or Instrumentsn Ad Libitum
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (ssa) With Piano
- Female Choir Or Children's Choir (ssaa)
- Female Choir Or Girlschoir And Organ
- Female Choir Or Youth Choir
- Female Choir Or Youth Choir (mezmezmez)
- Female Choir Or Youth Choir (smeza)
- Female Choir Or Youth Choir (smeza) With Soprano Solo Ad Libitum
- Female Choir Or Youth Choir With 2 Recorders Or Other Instruments
- Female Choir/children's Choir
- Female Choirs
- Female Chorus
- Female Chorus/2 Saxophones/Piano 4 Hands
- Female Chorus/B-flat Clarinet/Violin/Cello/Piano
- Female Chorus/Narrator/Piano
- Female Chorus/Oboe/Strings
- Female Chorus/Orchestra
- Female Chorus/Organ
- Female Chorus/Organ/Piano
- Female Chorus/Piano
- Female Chorus/Strings
- Female Chorus/Strings/Organ
- Female Or Children's Choir Or 2 Solo Parts (sa) With Piano Or Organ
- Female Or Girl's Choir (ssa) A Cappella
- Female Or Girl's Choir (ssaa) And Organ
- Female or Male Choir
- Female Voice
- Female Voice (soprano Or Mezzosoprano) And Piano
- Female Voice And Ensemble
- Female Voice And Piano
- Female Voice And Violin
- Female Voices (ssaa Bis Sssaaa); Piano Ad Libitum
- Female Voices (ssaa); Piano Ad Libitum
- Female Voices (sssaa); Piano Ad Libitum
- Female Voices (sssaaa)
- Female Voices (sssaaa); Piano Ad Libitum
- Female Voices/Piano
- Fiddle
- Fiddle and Piano
- Fiddle-
- Fife
- Fingercymbals
- First Plus Band
- Five Finger Piano
- Five Finger Piano Duet
- Five Finger Piano/Vocal
- Five-part Mixed Chorus
- Five-part Mixed Chorus or Vocal Quintet
- Five-part Mixed Chorus/Harpsichord
- Flautino (recorder)
- Flexible Ensemble
- Flugelhorn
- Flugelhorn (b Flat)
- Flugelhorn or Trumpet/Piano
- Flugelhorn or Trumpet/Vibraphone
- Flugelhorn/Piano
- Flugelhorns
- Flute
- Flute & Chamber Ensemble
- Flute (2. Flute Or Violin Ad Libitum)
- Flute (also Alto Flute) And 12 Strings Or String Orchestra
- Flute (also Alto Flute) Solo
- Flute (also Altoflute)
- Flute (also Altoflute) And Harp
- Flute (also Bassflute) And Piano
- Flute (also Piccolo)
- Flute (alto Flute)
- Flute (alto- Or Tenor Recorder)
- Flute (clarinet
- Flute (clarinet In Bb) And Piano
- Flute (clarinet)
- Flute (clarinet) And Chamber Orchestra
- Flute (descant Recorder) And Piano
- Flute (doubling Bassflute) Baritone Saxophone (or Bass Clarinet) And String Trio
- Flute (oboe
- Flute (oboe)
- Flute (oboe) And Basso Continuo
- Flute (oboe) And Piano
- Flute (oboe/violin)
- Flute (oboe/violin) And Guitar
- Flute (or Others Melodieinstrument) And Guitar
- Flute (or Subbass Flute
- Flute (or Violin)/Piano
- Flute (piccolo
- Flute (piccolo)
- Flute (piccolo) And Bassoon
- Flute (recorder
- Flute (recorder)
- Flute (recorder) Solo
- Flute (tenor Recorder
- Flute (treble Recorder)
- Flute (treble Recorder) And Piano
- Flute (treble Recorder/txistu) And Piano
- Flute (txistu In F) And Piano
- Flute (violin
- Flute (violin Or Oboe) And Piano; Cello (bassoon) Ad Libitum
- Flute (violin)
- Flute (violin) And Basso Continuo
- Flute (violin) And Guitar
- Flute (violin) And Harp
- Flute (violin) And Harp (piano)
- Flute (violin) And Harpsichord
- Flute (violin) And Obligatoryeb Harpsichord
- Flute (violin) And Obligatoryes Harpsichord (piano)
- Flute (violin) And Piano
- Flute (violin) And Piano (harpsichord)
- Flute (with Obligatoryer Bassflute And Gong)
- Flute / Guitar Tab
- Flute / Piccolo
- Flute 1 & 2 and ( Alto Voice and ( Organ and Continuo ))
- Flute And 4 Horns (piano/harmonium)
- Flute And Accordion (m Iii)
- Flute And Alto Flute
- Flute And Altoflute
- Flute And Bassclarinet
- Flute And Basso Continuo
- Flute And Basso Continuo (guitar)
- Flute And Basso Continuo (harpsichord/pianoforte)
- Flute And Basso Continuo (piano)
- Flute And Bassoon
- Flute And Cello
- Flute And Chamber Orchestra
- Flute And Clarinet
- Flute And Clarinet In Bb
- Flute And Double Bass
- Flute And Guitar
- Flute And Guitar (voice Ad Libitum)
- Flute And Harp
- Flute And Harp (piano)
- Flute And Harpsichord (piano)
- Flute And Harpsichord Obligatory Or Flute
- Flute And Keyboard Instrument
- Flute And Obligatory Harpsichord (piano)
- Flute And Oboe Ad Lib. And Strings
- Flute And Orchestra
- Flute And Organ
- Flute And Organ (or Harmonium Ad Libitum)
- Flute And Other Instruments Ad Libitum
- Flute And Percussion
- Flute and Piano
- Flute And Piano (flute Solo)
- Flute And Piano (harp)
- Flute And Piano (harpsichord With Cello)
- Flute And Piano (harpsichord)
- Flute And Piano (organ)
- Flute and Piano or Organ
- Flute And Piano Solo
- Flute And String Orchestra
- Flute And String Trio
- Flute And Stringsensemble
- Flute and Trumpet
- Flute And Vibraphone
- Flute And Viola
- Flute And Viola Or Gambe
- Flute And Violin
- Flute And Violin (flute)
- Flute And Zheng
- Flute Duet
- Flute Duet or Oboe Duet
- Flute Ensemble
- Flute or Alto Flute
- Flute Or Cello Or Harpsichord
- Flute or Oboe
- Flute or Oboe Duet
- Flute or Oboe or Clarinet or Violin/Piano
- Flute or Oboe or Violin/Piano
- Flute or Oboe/Clarinet/Piano
- Flute or Oboe/Organ
- Flute or Oboe/Piano
- Flute or Oboe/Violin/Continuo
- Flute Or Other Melodic Instruments In Bb And C) And Piano
- Flute or Recorder and Continuo
- Flute or Tinwhistle
- Flute Or Violin (fiddle) And Piano; Guitar Ad Libitum
- Flute or Violin and Piano or Organ
- Flute or Violin or Viola/Piano
- Flute or Violin/Guitar
- Flute or Violin/Piano
- Flute or Violin/Viola/Guitar
- Flute Quartet
- Flute Solo
- Flute Solo And Flute Choir
- Flute Solo Or With Piano
- Flute Solo w/Piano Accomp.
- Flute Studies
- Flute Trio
- Flute(s) Or Recorder(s) And Accompaniment Ad Libitum (sting Instrument Or Keyboard/organ/accordion)
- Flute(s) Or Recorder(s) And Accompaniment Ad Libitum (string Instrument Or Keyboard/organ/accordion)
- Flute)
- Flute) And Basso Continuo
- Flute) And Basso Continuo (cello
- Flute) And Basso Continuo (piano)
- Flute) And Basso Continuo; Cello/viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
- Flute) And Guitar
- Flute/2 Marimbas
- Flute/A Clarinet/Piano
- Flute/Alto Flute/Frequency
- Flute/Alto Saxophone/F Horn/ Double Bass/Piano
- Flute/Alto Saxophone/Piano
- Flute/B-flat Clarinet/Bassoon/Percussion/Piano/Viola/Cello/Double Bass
- Flute/B-flat Clarinet/Piano
- Flute/B-flat Clarinet/Strings
- Flute/bassflute (or Clarinet)
- Flute/Bassoon
- Flute/Bassoon/Piano
- Flute/Cello/Harp
- Flute/Cello/Piano
- Flute/Clarinet/Bassoon
- Flute/Clarinet/Bassoon/Horn/Tuba
- Flute/Clarinet/Bassoon/Viola/Cello/Double Bass
- Flute/Clarinet/Harp/String Quartet
- Flute/Clarinet/Horn
- Flute/Clarinet/Horn/Bassoon/Piano
- Flute/Clarinet/Piano
- Flute/Clarinet/Violin/Cello/Piano
- Flute/Clarinet/Xylophone/Strings
- Flute/Continuo
- Flute/Double Bass
- Flute/English Horn/Guitar
- Flute/Guitar
- Flute/Guitar Tab
- Flute/Harp
- Flute/Harp and Orchestra
- Flute/Harp/Cello
- Flute/Harp/Piano
- Flute/Harpsichord
- Flute/Horn/Piano
- Flute/Marimba/Percussion
- Flute/Oboe
- Flute/Oboe/B-flat Clarinet
- Flute/Oboe/B-flat Clarinet/Piano
- Flute/Oboe/Bassoon
- Flute/Oboe/Clarinet/Bassoon
- Flute/Oboe/Clarinet/Trumpet/Bassoon
- Flute/Oboe/Piano
- Flute/Oboe/Viola/Cello/Glass Harmonica or Piano
- Flute/Oboe/Violin/Viola/Cello
- Flute/Orchestra
- Flute/Organ
- Flute/Percussion/Narrator
- Flute/Piano
- Flute/Piano or Harp
- Flute/Piano/Cello
- Flute/String Quartet
- Flute/String Trio
- Flute/String Trio/Piano
- Flute/Strings/Continuo
- Flute/Trumpet/Trombone/Harp/Celesta/Violin/Cello
- Flute/Tuba
- Flute/Vibraphone/Marimba
- Flute/Viola
- Flute/Viola or Cello/Harp
- Flute/Viola or Cello/Piano
- Flute/Viola/Cello/Piano
- Flute/Viola/DoubleBass
- Flute/Viola/Guitar
- Flute/Viola/Harp
- Flute/Viola/Piano
- Flute/Violin/Cello
- Flute/Violin/Continuo/Piano
- Flute/Violin/Harp
- Flute/Violin/Piano
- Flute/Violin/Piano/Continuo
- Flute/Violin/Piano/Strings
- Flute/Violin/Viola
- Flute/Violin/Viola da Gamba/Continuo
- Flute/Violin/Viola/Cello
- Flute/Violin/Viola/Cello/Harp
- Flute/Violin/Viola/Piano
- Flute/Wind Octet/Percussion
- Flute; Piano Ad Libitum
- Flutes
- Flutes And Oboes
- Flutes)
- Flutes) And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Flutes); Percussion Ad Libitum
- Flutes/Trumpets/Timpani
- Flöte
- Folk Choir
- Folk Harp Solo
- Folk Harp/Vocal
- For Eight Part Mixed Choir And Organ
- For One Part Choir
- For Percussion Quartet And Tape
- For Piano
- For Three Part Mixed Choir (sabar) A Cappella
- For Two Part Choir And Piano
- Four Female Voices
- Four Flutes
- Four Sopranos
- Four To Eight Part Mixed Choir A Cappella
- Four Trombones
- Four Violins/Piano/Continuo
- Four Voices
- Four-part Choir Of Equal Voices (ssaa) And Organ
- Four-part Chorus
- Four-part Female Chorus
- Four-part Female Chorus/Piano
- Four-part Female Chorus/Two Horns/Harp
- Four-part Male Chorus
- Four-part Male Chorus/Piano
- Four-part Mixed Chorus
- Four-part Mixed Chorus/Continuo
- Four-part Mixed Chorus/Lute/Piano
- Four-part Mixed Chorus/Orchestra
- Four-part Mixed Chorus/Organ
- Four-part Mixed Chorus/Piano
- Four-part Mixed Chorus/Strings
- Four-part Mixed Chorus/Strings/Continuo
- Four-part Mixed Chorus/Strings/Organ
- Free Bass Accordion
- Free Bass Or Standard Bass Accordion
- Free Instrumentation
- French Harp
- French Harp (chrom.)
- French Harp (diat./chrom.)
- French Harp And Kazoo (1 Player)
- French Harp-ensemble
- French Horn
- French Horn And Basso Continuo
- French Horn And Bassoon
- French Horn In F
- French Horn/Piano
- Full Concert Band
- Full Orchestra
- Full Score
- Further Instruments Ad Libitum
- Further Mallet Per
- G Pipe or any Instrument
- G Pipe/Tabor
- Gamben
- Gamben-
- Gemischtem Choir (ssatbb) And Small Orchestra
- Girl's Choir (ssmezaa) A Cappella
- Girl's Or Female Choir (sssaaa) A Cappella
- Girl's Or Women's Choir (ssaa) A Cappella
- Girls Choir (smeza) And Instruments (or Piano/keyboard)
- Girls' Choir
- Git
- Git.
- Glasharmonika
- Glass Harmonica
- Glockenspiel
- Glockenspiel (lyra)
- Glockenspiel [also Metallophon Or Vibra Senza Motor]
- Glsp
- Gong
- Gr. Flute
- Grancassa
- Großbass And Piano
- Große Castanets
- Guitar
- Guitar (7 String)
- Guitar (lute)
- Guitar Ad Lib.
- Guitar Ad Libitum
- Guitar And 15 Soloinstruments
- Guitar And 8 Solo Instruments
- Guitar And Bass Ad Libitum
- Guitar And Cello
- Guitar And Chamber Orchestra
- Guitar And Double Bass Ad Libitum
- Guitar And Harpsichord
- Guitar And Harpsichord (piano)
- Guitar And Orchestra
- Guitar And Organ
- Guitar And Percussion
- Guitar And Piano
- Guitar And Piano (harpsichord)
- Guitar And String Quartet
- Guitar And Strings
- Guitar And Tambourine
- Guitar And Treble Recorder (partly Changing Between Treble Recorder And Bass Recorder)
- Guitar And Violin
- Guitar And Voice Ad Libitum)
- Guitar Chord Chart
- Guitar Duo
- Guitar Ensemble
- Guitar Method
- Guitar Or Bass-xylophone
- Guitar Or Bass-xylophone A
- Guitar Or Electric Guita
- Guitar Or Lute
- Guitar Or Melody Instruments Ad Libitum
- Guitar Or Timpani
- Guitar Quartet
- Guitar Solo
- Guitar Solo ("tentos") And For Vocal And Guitar ("fragmente")
- Guitar Solo (unaccompanied)
- Guitar Solo (with optional accompaniment)
- Guitar Solo And 15 Solo Instruments
- Guitar Studies
- Guitar Tab
- Guitar Tab (2)
- Guitar Tab (3)
- Guitar Tab Legend
- Guitar Tab/2 Violins
- Guitar Tab/Bass
- Guitar Tab/Bass Tab/Vocal
- Guitar Tab/Bass/Vocal
- Guitar Tab/Chords
- Guitar Tab/Fingerstyle
- Guitar Tab/Flute
- Guitar Tab/Organ
- Guitar Tab/Piano
- Guitar Tab/Piano/Vocal/Chords
- Guitar Tab/Violin
- Guitar Tab/Voca
- Guitar Tab/Vocal
- Guitar Tab/Vocal and Piano/Vocal/Chords
- Guitar Tab/Vocal/Chords
- Guitar)
- Guitar/Bass
- Guitar/Continuo
- Guitar/Orchestra
- Guitar/Piano
- Guitar/Rhythm Guitar
- Guitar/Rythm Guitar/Bass/Drums
- Guitar/Rythm Guitar/Keyboard/Bass/Drum
- Guitar/String Ensemble
- Guitar/Strings
- Guitar/Ukulele Lead Sheet
- Guitar/Violin/Piano
- Guitar/Violin/Viola/Cello
- Guitar/Vocal
- Guitars)
- Guitars/Bass
- Hackbrett (or 2 Other Melody Instruments) And Guitar
- Hammond-organ And Orchestra
- Handbells
- Harmonetta
- Harmonic Canon Ii And Bass Marimba
- Harmonica
- Harmonica (violin) And Piano
- Harmonica And Piano
- Harmonicon
- Harmonika And Piano
- Harmonium
- Harmonium (organ)
- Harmonium (organ/piano)
- Harmonium (with Text)
- Harmonium Ad Libitum
- Harmonium And Piano
- Harmonium Or Accordion
- Harmonium Or Electric Organ (1 Manual)
- Harmonium Or Organ (pedal Ad Libitum)
- Harmonium Or Piano
- Harmonium With Lyrics
- Harp
- Harp And 2 Violas
- Harp And 4 Cellos
- Harp And Cello
- Harp And Flute
- Harp And Marimba
- Harp And Orchestra
- Harp And Percussion (1 Player)
- Harp And Piano
- Harp And String Orchestra
- Harp And String Quartet
- Harp And Strings
- Harp And Vibraphone
- Harp Or Piano
- Harp Quartet
- Harp Solo
- Harp)
- Harp/Chords
- Harp/Orchestra
- Harp/Organ
- Harp/Piano
- Harp/Strings
- Harp/Vocal/Chords
- Harp/Wind Quintet
- Harp; Violin Ad Libitum
- Harpsichord
- Harpsichord (organ)
- Harpsichord (organ) And Strings
- Harpsichord (piano)
- Harpsichord (piano) And Orchestra
- Harpsichord (piano) And String Orchestra
- Harpsichord And Double Bass
- Harpsichord And Kleine Stringsbebetzung
- Harpsichord And Large String Ensemble
- Harpsichord And Organ (or 2 Positive Or 2 Pianos)
- Harpsichord And Piano
- Harpsichord And Strings
- Harpsichord Concertanto And Strings
- Harpsichord Obligatory And Basso Continuo
- Harpsichord Or Flute Or Cello And Strings
- Harpsichord or Organ
- Harpsichord Or Other Tasten-instruments
- Harpsichord Or Piano
- Harpsichord Or Piano (4 Hands)
- Harpsichord Or Piano)
- Harpsichord Or Spinet
- Harpsichord)
- Harpsichord) Ad Libitum
- Harpsichord); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Harpsichord); Cello Ad Libitum
- Harpsichord); Cello/double Bass Ad Libitum
- Harpsichord.); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Harpsichord/Guitar
- Hawaiian Guitar
- Heckelphone (tenor Saxophon) And Piano
- Hi-hat
- Hi-hat)
- Hichiriki/Orchestra
- High Baritone And Piano
- High Male Voice (tenor) And Piano
- High Or Medium Voice And Piano
- High Solo-voice And Orchestra
- High Soprano
- High Tenor And Piano
- High Voice
- High Voice (male) With Piano
- High Voice (orig.) And Guitar
- High Voice (original) And Guitar
- High Voice (original) And Piano
- High Voice And 8 Instrumentalisten
- High Voice And Guitar
- High Voice And Guitar Or Piano
- High Voice And Jazz-combo
- High Voice And Organ
- High Voice And Piano
- High Voice And Piano (organ)
- High Voice And Piano (organ/harmonium)
- High Voice And Piano; Violin (cello) Ad Libitum
- High Voice And String Quartet
- High Voice Part And Piano
- High Voice Soprano And Piano
- High Voice With Piano-accompaniment
- High Voice(n) And Piano
- Holzdrum
- Horn
- Horn (cello) And Piano
- Horn (cello) And Piano (with Small Bells In C Ad Libitum)
- Horn (eb) And Piano
- Horn (f)
- Horn (f/b) And Piano
- Horn (in F)
- Horn Ad Libitum)
- Horn And Basso Continuo
- Horn And Bassoon
- Horn And Bassoon)
- Horn And Cello
- Horn And Harp
- Horn And Orchestra
- Horn And Piano
- Horn And Soprano-solo
- Horn And String Orchestra
- Horn And String Orchestra; 2 Flutes And 2 Horns
- Horn And Strings
- Horn Duet
- Horn Ensemble
- Horn In Eb
- Horn In Eb And Piano
- Horn in F
- Horn In F And Bassoon
- Horn In F And Piano
- Horn in F and Tuba
- Horn In F Or Cello And Piano
- Horn in F/Piano
- Horn Octet
- Horn or Cello/Piano
- Horn Quartet
- Horn solo
- Horn Solo And Chamber Orchestra (with 2 Basset Horns And 4 Obligatory Natural Horns)
- Horn Solo And Chamber Orchestra (with 2 Basset Hornsn And 4 Obligatoryen Naturhornsn)
- Horn Studies
- Horn Trio
- Horn/Brass Band
- Horn/Brass Ensemble
- Horn/Orchestra
- Horn/Organ
- Horn/Piano
- Horn/String Quartet
- Horn/Strings
- Horn/Viola
- Horn/Violin/Two Violas/Cello
- Horns) And Piano; Harmony- And Rhythm Accompanimen
- Hunting Horn
- I: Mixed Choir - Ii: Choir And Orchestra - Iii: Women's Choir - Iv: Double Choir And Orchestra
- Ii
- Ii Saatb)
- Instrument Studies
- Instrumental duet
- Instrumental or vocal solo with wind band
- Instrumental Quartet
- Instrumental Trio
- Instrumental-ensemble
- Instrumental/Vocal
- Instrumentalvoice Zu Ausgabe A
- Instruments/Continuo
- Intermediate Piano Solo
- Intermediate-Avanced Piano
- Ischter Choir (satb)
- Jazz Band
- Jazz Combo
- Jazz Ensemble
- Jazz Method
- Jazz Trumpet And Orchestra
- Jazz-ensemble
- Kammer-ensemble
- Kanon
- Kch (smezsa) And Wind Band
- Keyboard
- Keyboard (e-piano)
- Keyboard Instrument (piano
- Keyboard Instrument Or Harp
- Keyboard Instrument Or Melodic Instruments
- Keyboard Instrument Or Various Instruments
- Keyboard Or Guitar (melody Instrument Ad Lib.)
- Keyboards
- Kindergarten Flute (also Soprano Recorder)
- Kithara
- Klar.
- Kleinem Percussion And Piano
- Kleiner Choir (ttbb) And Speakers
- Knabensoprano
- Komplementäre Wind Instruments Or Strings Ad Libitum
- Kontra-alto
- Korean Buk
- Kudüm)
- Kuhglocken)
- Large Orchestra
- Large Orchestra And Choir (ad Libitum)
- Large Orchestra And Organ
- Large Orchestra And Turkish Instruments
- Large Wind Band
- Large Xylophone
- Late Elementary Piano
- Lead Sheet
- Lead Sheet with Guitar Grids
- Lever Harp
- Low Alto
- Low Brass Duet
- Low Brass Trio
- Low Brass/Piano
- Low Female Voice
- Low Female Voice And Piano
- Low Female Voice And String Quartet
- Low Male Voice And Orchestra
- Low Male Voice And Piano
- Low Voice
- Low Voice (original
- Low Voice And Orchestra
- Low Voice And Piano
- Low Voice And Piano (organ)
- Low Voice And Piano With Viola (or Violin) Accompaniment
- Low Voice And Piano; Violin (cello) Ad Libitum
- Low Voice And String Quartet
- Low Voice Part And Piano
- Low Voice Part And Piano (c Major
- Low Voice/Piano
- Low)
- Low) And Small Percussion
- Lower Voice
- Lows Wind Instrument In C (bassoon
- Lute
- Lute Solo
- Lutes
- Lutes)
- Lyric Baritone
- Löwengebrüll (soprano
- Male Choir
- Male Choir (attb)
- Male Choir (attbb)
- Male Choir (attbb) And Piano
- Male Choir (atttb)
- Male Choir (satb)
- Male Choir (ssa) And Piano Or Organ Accompaniment
- Male Choir (ttbb
- Male Choir and Piano
- Male Choir And Recorder
- Male Chorus/Cello
- Male Chorus/Harp/Harmonium or Organ
- Male Chorus/Organ
- Male Chorus/Piano
- Male or Female Chorus
- Mallet Percussion
- Mallet Percussion A
- Mallet Percussion And Percussion
- Mallet Percussion/Piano
- Mallets (glockenspiel
- Mandola
- Mandola And Guitar (piano Ad Libitum)
- Mandolin
- Mandolin Orchestra
- Mandolin Orchestra (mandolin I
- Mandolin/Guitar/Percussion
- Mandolin/Piano
- Mandolin/Tuba
- Mandolin/Vocal
- Mandoline
- Mandoline And Guitar
- Mandoline And Piano
- Mandoline Quartet
- Mandoline Quartet Or Mandolin Orchestras
- Mandoline) And Guitar
- Mandolines-quartett Or Mandolin Orchestras
- Mandoloncello/violoncello
- Manuscript Paper
- Marimba
- Marimba (5 Octaves) And Harp
- Marimba [evtl. Xylophone] - Player
- Marimba And 3 Cymbal
- Marimba And Organ
- Marimba And Percussion (2 Player)
- Marimba And Piano
- Marimba And String Orchestra
- Marimba And Vibraphone
- Marimba) And Percussion
- Marimba) And Piano
- Marimba/6 Percussions
- Marimba/Brass Ensemble
- Marimba/Orchestra
- Marimba/Percussion
- Marimba/Piano
- Marimba/Timpani/5 Percussions
- Marimba/Vibraphone
- Marimba/Xylophone
- Mch Or Fch) Ad Libitum
- Mechanical Organ
- Mechanical Piano
- Medium
- Medium (low) Voice And Piano
- Medium (low) Voice And Piano (organ/harmonium)
- Medium / Low Voice And Piano
- Medium Female Voice
- Medium Female Voice And Piano
- Medium Or High Voice With Piano-accompaniment
- Medium or Low Voice/Piano
- Medium Voice
- Medium Voice And Clarinet
- Medium Voice And Guitar
- Medium Voice And One Chord Instrument And/or One Low Melody Instrument
- Medium Voice And Orchestra
- Medium Voice And Organ
- Medium Voice And Piano
- Medium Voice And Piano Or Harpsichord
- Medium Voice And Piano With Violin (flute
- Medium Voice And Piano; Violin (cello) Ad Libitum
- Medium Voice And Recorders (satb)
- Medium Voice And String Quartet
- Medium Voice Part (or 1stg. Choir) And 3 Instrumentalists (strings Od. Wind Instruments)
- Medium Voice Part And Piano
- Melodic Instrument (violin
- Melodic Instrument And Congregation
- Melodie And Accompaniment (voice And Instrument
- Melody
- Melody Bass Accordion
- Melody Instrument (flute
- Melody Instrument And Guitar
- Melody Instrument And Instrument Or Singing Instrumentalist)
- Melody Instruments
- Melody Instruments (piano/keyboard/guitar/vibraphone)
- Melody Instruments And Percussion
- Men's Choir
- Men's Choir (4 Voices)
- Men's Choir (6 Parts)
- Men's Choir (attbarbb)
- Men's Choir (bar Solo
- Men's Choir (bar) And Piano
- Men's Choir (or 4 Male Voices) And Piano
- Men's Choir (s Or T Solo
- Men's Choir (s Solo
- Men's Choir (sort Solo
- Men's Choir (t Solo
- Men's Choir (tb And Tbarb) And Horn In F Ad Libitum
- Men's Choir (tbarb)
- Men's Choir (tbarb) And Organ
- Men's Choir (tbarb) And Piano
- Men's Choir (tbarb/ttb)
- Men's Choir (tbb)
- Men's Choir (tbb) (cello
- Men's Choir (tbb) And Children's Choir (smez)
- Men's Choir (tt(b)b)
- Men's Choir (ttb)
- Men's Choir (ttb) And Piano
- Men's Choir (ttb) Or Mixed Choir (atb) With Organ
- Men's Choir (ttb/ttbb) A Cappella
- Men's Choir (ttbarb)
- Men's Choir (ttbarbarbb A Cappella)
- Men's Choir (ttbarbarbb) And Organ
- Men's Choir (ttbb A Cappella)
- Men's Choir (ttbb)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cap. Or With Organ Or 4 Various Instruments
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella And Horn-quartett Or Piano
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With 2 Trumpets Ad Libitum
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Brass (2 Trp
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments (2 Trumpets
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments Or Piano
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments Or Wind Band
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Piano
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Piano Or Brass ( - Pk)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) A Cappella Or With Rhythm Section
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And 3 Horns In F
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Brass Instruments
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Children's Choir (sa)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Children's Choir (smez) Or Female Choir (sa)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Children's Choir (ss)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Female Choir Or Children's Choir (sa)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Instruments
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Orchestra
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Orchestra Or Piano (4 Hands)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Organ
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano (4 Hands)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano (volksmusikinstruments)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Piano Or Combo
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Precentors
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Small Orchestra
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Small Orchestra Or Accordion Orchestra
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Solo (b)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Solo (bar)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Solo (t)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Solo-quartett (kanonischer Echighor)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Soloists (tb)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Tenor Solo
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Violin
- Men's Choir (ttbb) And Wind Band
- Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Female Choir (smeza) With Piano Or Instruments (flute
- Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Female Choir (smeza) With Piano Or Instrumentsn (flute
- Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Men's Choir With Youth Choir (sa) Or Mixed Choir (sattbb)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments (4-2-3-1) Or Piano (organ)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Wind Band
- Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Mixed Choir (sattbb) A Cappella Or With Piano Or Brass ( - Pk)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Mixed Choir (sattbb) A Cappella Or With Piano Or Brass Instruments ( - Pk)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) Or Women's Choir (smeza) With Piano Or Instruments (flute
- Men's Choir (ttbb) Percussion And Piano
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With 4 Instruments (wind Instruments
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Brass Instruments (4-2-3-1) Or Piano (organ)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Children's Choir (mez)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Children's Choir (smez)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Double Bass And Tamb Ad Libitum
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Female Choir Or Children's Choir (sa)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Guitars-accompaniment
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Hand Drum Ad Libitum
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Oberchoir (sa) Or 2 Instruments Ad Libitum
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Piano Or Brass Instruments ( And Timpani
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Solo (bar)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Solo (t)
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Solo (t) And Small Orchestra
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Solo-soprano Or Children's Choir/female Choir A Cappella Or With Instrumentsn (oboe
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Soloists (tbar) And Piano Or Orchestra
- Men's Choir (ttbb) With Soloists (tbar) With Piano Or Differents Orchestra Types
- Men's Choir (ttbb); Accordion Ad Libitum
- Men's Choir (ttbb); Organ Ad Libitum
- Men's Choir (ttbb/tb) And Orchestra
- Men's Choir (ttbb/ttb)
- Men's Choir (ttbb/ttbb)
- Men's Choir (ttbb/ttbb); Organ Ad Libitum
- Men's Choir (ttbbb Or Ttbb) With Alto-solo
- Men's Choir (ttbbbb)
- Men's Choir (ttbbbb) And Soloists (tb)
- Men's Choir (tttbb)
- Men's Choir (tttbb) And Solo (t)
- Men's Choir (tttbbb)
- Men's Choir (tttbbb) A Cappella
- Men's Choir (tttbbb) And Solo (t)
- Men's Choir (tttbbb) And Soloists (tbarb)
- Men's Choir (ttttbarbb)
- Men's Choir (ttttbbbb) With Soloists (tt)
- Men's Choir / Mixed Choir
- Men's Choir A Cappella
- Men's Choir Ad Libitum And Small Orchestra
- Men's Choir And 2 Trumpets
- Men's Choir And 7 Brass Instruments (organ)
- Men's Choir And Blas- Or String Orchestra
- Men's Choir And Children's Choir
- Men's Choir And Guitar
- Men's Choir And Orchestra
- Men's Choir And Organ
- Men's Choir And Piano
- Men's Choir And Piano Ad Libitum
- Men's Choir And Piano Or Orchestra
- Men's Choir And Piano Or Wind Instruments
- Men's Choir And Solo (t)
- Men's Choir And Youth Choir
- Men's Choir Unisono And Organ Or Orchestra
- Men's Choir Unisono And Piano (4 Hands) Or Orchestra
- Men's Choir With Tenor- Or Baritone-solo
- Men's Choir; Piano Ad Libitum
- Men's Chorus
- Met
- Metall
- Metallmallet Percussion
- Metallophone (s/a) And Glockenspiel (s/a)
- Method book
- Mezzo Soprano And 4 Percussionists
- Mezzo Soprano And Organ Or Synthesizer/accordion
- Mezzo Soprano And Small Ensemble
- Mezzo-soprano
- Mezzo-soprano (baritone)
- Mezzo-soprano (baritone) And Piano
- Mezzo-soprano (baritone) And Piano; Choir (gch
- Mezzo-soprano And 8 Instruments
- Mezzo-soprano And Guitar
- Mezzo-soprano And Orchestra
- Mezzo-soprano And Organ
- Mezzo-soprano And Piano
- Mezzo-soprano And Piano Or Orchestra
- Mezzo-soprano And Wind Quintet
- Mezzo-soprano or Baritone
- Mezzo-soprano Or Baritone And Piano
- Mezzo-soprano or Baritone/Flute
- Mezzo-soprano or Baritone/Flute or Cello/Piano
- Mezzo-soprano or Baritone/Guitar
- Mezzo-soprano or Baritone/Piano
- Mezzo-soprano or Baritone/Piano or Organ
- Mezzo-soprano Solo
- Mezzo-soprano/Cello
- Mezzo-soprano/Flute
- Mezzo-soprano/Flute/Dancer
- Mezzo-soprano/Guitar
- Mezzo-soprano/Piano
- Mezzo-soprano/Piano or Organ
- Mezzo-soprano/TTBasrB Male Chorus/Viola/Organ
- Mezzo-soprano/Violin/Viola/Cello
- Mezzosoprano And Piano
- Minimum 12 Voices
- Minimum 8 Voices)
- Minorder0
- Minorder10
- Minorder12
- Minorder15
- Minorder2
- Minorder20
- Minorder3
- Minorder4
- Minorder5
- Minorder6
- Minorder7
- Minorder8
- Mittel
- Mixed Brass Quartet
- Mixed Choir
- Mixed Choir (1-2pts)
- Mixed Choir (2 Equal Or 4 Mixed Voices) With Wind Instruments Or Organ
- Mixed Choir (3 Female Voices
- Mixed Choir (3-6 Voices) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (6 Parts)
- Mixed Choir (6s 6a 6t 6b) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (and Instruments)
- Mixed Choir (attbb/ssaab)
- Mixed Choir (each 4 Satb)
- Mixed Choir (for 8 Parts)
- Mixed Choir (for Four Part) And 5 Brass Instruments (2 Trumpets And 3 Trombones)
- Mixed Choir (kanon)
- Mixed Choir (mezbar)
- Mixed Choir (s(s)atb) And Piano
- Mixed Choir (s[s]atb[b])
- Mixed Choir (saab/atbb/tbbb)
- Mixed Choir (saabar)
- Mixed Choir (saat/atbb/attb/sttb)
- Mixed Choir (saat/attb)
- Mixed Choir (saatb)
- Mixed Choir (saatb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (saatb) And Organ
- Mixed Choir (saatb) With Baritone Solo
- Mixed Choir (saatbarb)
- Mixed Choir (saatbarb) Or 6 Solo Parts
- Mixed Choir (saatbb)
- Mixed Choir (saatbb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (saatbb) And 2 Pianos
- Mixed Choir (saatbb) Or 6 Solo Parts
- Mixed Choir (saatbb); Piano Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (saattb)
- Mixed Choir (saattb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (saattbb)
- Mixed Choir (saattbb) And Lightly Amplified Double Bass (sempre Pizz.)
- Mixed Choir (sab And Satb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (sab)
- Mixed Choir (sab) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (sab) And Piano
- Mixed Choir (sab) With Brass (2 Trumpets
- Mixed Choir (sab/ssattb)
- Mixed Choir (sabar)
- Mixed Choir (sabar) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (sabar) A Cappella An Organ
- Mixed Choir (sabar) A Cappella And Organ
- Mixed Choir (sabar) An 2 Violins
- Mixed Choir (sabar) And Instruments (for Four Part)
- Mixed Choir (sabar) And Organ
- Mixed Choir (sabar) And Piano
- Mixed Choir (sabar) And Piano Ad Lib.
- Mixed Choir (sabar) Or Children's Choir (smeza) With String Quartet Or Other Melody Instruments
- Mixed Choir (sabarb) And Piano (4 Hands)
- Mixed Choir (samst)
- Mixed Choir (sat)
- Mixed Choir (satb
- Mixed Choir (satb Div.) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (satb Div./saatbb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (satb Or Tratb) And Organ
- Mixed Choir (satb Or Unisono) A Cappella Or With Organ/piano (combo)
- Mixed Choir (satb Up To Ssaattbb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (satb)
- Mixed Choir (satb) (female Choir
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella (and 1 Percussion Ad Libitum)
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella And Balsodrum (ad Libitum)
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella And Interlude For Organ Or String Quintet
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Basso Continuo
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Blechwind Instrumentsn (4-2-3-1) Or Piano (organ)
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Blechwind Instrumentsn Or Wind Band
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Flute And Piano Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With Organ
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella Or With String Quartet Or 4 Woodwinds Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella; Instruments Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb) A Cappella; String Orchestra Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb) And 2 Pianos
- Mixed Choir (satb) And 4 Instruments (wind Instruments
- Mixed Choir (satb) And 8 Soloists (ssaattbb)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Basso Continuo
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Bell
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Clarinet
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Claves
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Combo
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Female Choir (smeza) With Piano (4 Hands)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Flute
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Generalbass (organ
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Instruments
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Instruments (ad Libitum)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Instruments (clarinet
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Kinder- Or Youth Choir With Small Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Men's Choir (ttbb)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Orchestra Or Organ
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Organ
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Organ (2. Organ Ad Libitum)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Organ (ad Libitum)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Organ Or Strings
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Percussion
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano (4 Hands)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano (4 Hands) Or Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano (ad Libitum)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano (harp)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano (organ)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano Or Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Piano; Percussion Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Schola
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Small Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Small Orchestra Or Piano
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Soloistic Organ
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Soloists (stb)
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Soprano Solo
- Mixed Choir (satb) And String Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) And String Orchestra Or Organ
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Strings
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Strings; Timpani Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Tango Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Vibraphone
- Mixed Choir (satb) And Wind Instruments; Organ Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb) Or 4 Solo Parts
- Mixed Choir (satb) Or Female Choir (s/sa) And Organ Or Orchestra Or Wind Band
- Mixed Choir (satb) Or Female Choir (smeza) With Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) Or Female Choir (smeza) With Piano (organ) Or Strings With Flute
- Mixed Choir (satb) Or Men's Choir (ttbb)
- Mixed Choir (satb) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) With Boys' Choir (mez) And Organ (piano) Or Brass (
- Mixed Choir (satb) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) With Boys’ Choir (mez) And Organ (piano) Or Brass (
- Mixed Choir (satb) Or Men's Choir (ttbb) With Piano Or Brass Instruments ( And Timpani
- Mixed Choir (satb) Or Men's Choir (ttbb/tb) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) Or Women's Choir (smeza) With Piano (organ) Or Strings With Flute
- Mixed Choir (satb) Unisono
- Mixed Choir (satb) With 2 Soloists (ss)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With 2 Trumpets And 2 Trombones Or Organ
- Mixed Choir (satb) With 3 Trumpets And 2 Trombones Or Piano (4 Hands)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With 9 Instrumentalists
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Alto Or Bass Solo
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Brass Instruments
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Children's Choir
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Children's Choir (mez)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Children's Choir (sa)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Combo (guitar
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Combo (piano
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Echo Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Flute
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Men's Choir (ttbb)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Optional Organ
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Organ
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Organ Ad Libitum Or Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Organ Or 2 Trumpets
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano (4 Hands)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano Accompaniment
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano And Rhythm Group
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano Or Blechwind Instruments ( And Timpani
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano Or Differents Orchestra Types
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano Or String Orchestra And Harp
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Piano Or Wind Instruments ( And Timpani
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo (a)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo (bar) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo (mez)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo (t) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo And Piano Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Solo Parts (ssatb) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (ab)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (at)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (mezbar)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (mezbar) And Combo
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (mezbar) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (satb)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (sb)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (sbar) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (smeztb)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (ssatb)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (st)
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (st) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (st) And Small Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (stb) And String Orchestra; Flute And Harpsichord Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soloists (stbar) Ad Libitum And Piano
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soprano Solo And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Soprano Solo And Piano
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Tenor Solo
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Tenor-solo And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (satb) With Trumpet In D
- Mixed Choir (satb); Hand Drum Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb); Organ Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb); Saxophone Or Clarinet Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb/atbb)
- Mixed Choir (satb/atbb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (satb/sab)
- Mixed Choir (satb/sab) And Basso Continuo
- Mixed Choir (satb/sab))
- Mixed Choir (satb/satb)
- Mixed Choir (satb/satb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (satb/satb) And Basso Continuo
- Mixed Choir (satb/satb) With Soloists (satb)
- Mixed Choir (satb/satb) With Soloists (satb/satb)
- Mixed Choir (satb/satb); Basso Continuo And/or Instruments Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (satb/satb/satb)
- Mixed Choir (satb/satb/satb/satb)
- Mixed Choir (satb/ssaattbb)
- Mixed Choir (satbarb)
- Mixed Choir (satbarb) And 2 Oboes
- Mixed Choir (satbarb) And Piano
- Mixed Choir (satbarbarb)
- Mixed Choir (satbb)
- Mixed Choir (satbb) With Tenor-solo
- Mixed Choir (satbb/ssatbb)
- Mixed Choir (sattb)
- Mixed Choir (sattb) A Cappella And Organ
- Mixed Choir (sattb) Or 5 Solo Parts
- Mixed Choir (sattb/sattb)
- Mixed Choir (sattbb)
- Mixed Choir (sattbb) With Piano Or Differentn Orchestratypen
- Mixed Choir (sattbb) With Soloists (sattbb); Harmonium Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (smezab)
- Mixed Choir (smezabar)
- Mixed Choir (smezatb)
- Mixed Choir (smezatb) And Piano
- Mixed Choir (smezatbarb)
- Mixed Choir (smezatbarb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (smezatbarb) And Piano
- Mixed Choir (smezatbarb) Or 6 Solo Parts
- Mixed Choir (smezattbb)
- Mixed Choir (smezattbb) With Tenor-solo
- Mixed Choir (smsatb)
- Mixed Choir (smsatbarb)
- Mixed Choir (smwatbarb)
- Mixed Choir (ss(a)a) And Male Voice
- Mixed Choir (ssa
- Mixed Choir (ssa/satb Or Sat/attb)
- Mixed Choir (ssa/satb) With Flute
- Mixed Choir (ssa/ttbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssaa)
- Mixed Choir (ssaa/ttbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssaaattbbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssaaattbbb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssaat/sttb/attbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssaatb)
- Mixed Choir (ssaatb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssaatb) And Basso Continuo
- Mixed Choir (ssaatbarb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssaatbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssaatbb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssaattb)
- Mixed Choir (ssaattb); Organ Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella And Soloisits
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella And Soloists (satb)
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella Or With Kleinem Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella Or With Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) And Orchestra Or 2 Pianos And Percussion
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) And Organ
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) And Soloists (st) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) And Soprano Solo A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) With Baritone Solo And Organ
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) With Children's Choir (mez)
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) With Solo (bar)
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) With Soloists (sbar)
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb); Instruments Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (ssaattbb); Organ Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (ssab)
- Mixed Choir (ssab/sattb)
- Mixed Choir (ssab/ssab)
- Mixed Choir (ssabar)
- Mixed Choir (ssat(t)bb)
- Mixed Choir (ssat/atbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssat/satb/atbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssat/satb/ttbarb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssatb)
- Mixed Choir (ssatb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssatb) And Basso Continuo
- Mixed Choir (ssatb) And Basso Continuo; Instruments Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (ssatb) And Keyboard Instrument
- Mixed Choir (ssatb) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (ssatb) And Piano
- Mixed Choir (ssatb) Or 5 Solo Parts
- Mixed Choir (ssatb) With Brass (
- Mixed Choir (ssatb) With Soloists (st) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (ssatb) With Strings
- Mixed Choir (ssatb); Organ Ad Lib
- Mixed Choir (ssatb/satbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssatb/ssaattbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssatb/ssatb)
- Mixed Choir (ssatb/ssatb) And Cantus-firmus-choir A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssatbarb)
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb) A Cappella Or With Organ Or Brass Instruments
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb) And 2 Ambosse
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb) And Piano (4 Hands)
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb) And Small Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb) With Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb) With Soloists (sa) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb) With Soloists (sssa) And Organ
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb) With Soprano Solo; Organ Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir (ssatbb) With Tenor-solo
- Mixed Choir (ssattb)
- Mixed Choir (ssattb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (ssattbar)
- Mixed Choir (ssattbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssb/stb) And Piano
- Mixed Choir (ssmezatbb)
- Mixed Choir (sssaaattbb)
- Mixed Choir (sssaaatttbbb)
- Mixed Choir (sssaaatttbbb) With Soloists (sssa)
- Mixed Choir (sssaatbbb)
- Mixed Choir (sssaattbb) A Cappella Or With Organ Or Different Orchestratyps (strings
- Mixed Choir (sssaattbbb)
- Mixed Choir (sssatb)
- Mixed Choir (sssatb) And Basso Continuo
- Mixed Choir (sssatttb)
- Mixed Choir (ssssaaaattttbbbb
- Mixed Choir (ssssaaaattttbbbb)
- Mixed Choir (ssssaaaattttbbbb/ssssaaaattttbbbb) With Percussion
- Mixed Choir (ssssaaatttbb)
- Mixed Choir (sssssaaaaatttttbbbbb) And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir (stb - Satb) A Cappella
- Mixed Choir (stb)
- Mixed Choir (stb) And Organ
- Mixed Choir (stbar) And Instruments
- Mixed Choir (stbbbb/sattbb)
- Mixed Choir (unisono) And Organ
- Mixed Choir (vv/ssa)
- Mixed Choir (women's-/children's Choir) With Piano Or 3 Violins
- Mixed Choir 12 Voices
- Mixed Choir A Capella
- Mixed Choir A Cappella
- Mixed Choir A Cappella (i And Iii Satb
- Mixed Choir A Cappella (satb / Ssatb / Ssattb)
- Mixed Choir A Cappella (satb Or Sabar)
- Mixed Choir A Cappella (satb) Or With Instrumental-ensemble (flute
- Mixed Choir A Cappella (satb); Flute Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir A Cappella Or With Brass Instruments; Timpani Ad. Lib.
- Mixed Choir A Cappella With Bass-solo
- Mixed Choir A Cappella With Soloists (satbar)
- Mixed Choir A Cappella; Piano Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir And 5 Woodwinds Or Harmonium
- Mixed Choir And 8 Wind Instruments
- Mixed Choir And Bass Drum Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir And Bassoon
- Mixed Choir And Brass Instruments
- Mixed Choir And Chamber Ensemble
- Mixed Choir And Chamber Orchestra
- Mixed Choir And Instruments
- Mixed Choir And Keyboard Instrument
- Mixed Choir And Large Orchestra
- Mixed Choir And Melody Instrument Ad Lib.
- Mixed Choir And Men's Choir
- Mixed Choir And Orchestr
- Mixed Choir And Orchestra
- Mixed Choir And Orchestra (flute
- Mixed Choir And Organ
- Mixed Choir And Organ (piano)
- Mixed Choir And Organ Or Orchestra
- Mixed Choir And Piano
- Mixed Choir And Piano (organ)
- Mixed Choir And Piano Or Salon Orchestra
- Mixed Choir And Side/snare Drum
- Mixed Choir And Soloistic Organ
- Mixed Choir And Soprano Solo
- Mixed Choir And Wind Instruments
- Mixed Choir Or Equal Voices (ssa/ttb)
- Mixed Choir Or Soloists (satb) And Organ
- Mixed Choir Or Soloists (sttbarb)
- Mixed Choir Or Vocal Quartet (satb) And Piano (4 Hands)
- Mixed Choir Satb
- Mixed Choir Satb With 4 Soloists (satb)
- Mixed Choir Unisono And Organ / Wind Band
- Mixed Choir With Accordion
- Mixed Choir With Guitar And Drum Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir With Organ Or Piano Or Cello
- Mixed Choir With Piano Or Organ Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir)
- Mixed Choir/Piano
- Mixed Choir; Basso Continuo Ad Libitum
- Mixed Choir; Piano Ad Libitum
- Mixed Chor (saatbb)
- Mixed Chor (sabar)
- Mixed Chor (smezatbarb) And Piano
- Mixed Chorus
- Mixed Chorus (ssaattbb) With Soloists
- Mixed Chorus (ssaatttbbb) With Soloists And 3 Boys’ Voices (ssa)
- Mixed Chorus And Orchestra
- Mixed Chorus/Organ
- Mixed Chorus/Piano
- Mixed Trio
- Mixed Voices (stttbarb)
- Mixed Voices A Cappella
- Mixed Voices/Organ
- Mixed Wi
- Männer-doppelchoir And Orchestra
- Narrator
- Narrator And Orchestra
- Narrator And Organ
- Narrator And Piano
- Narrator And String Quartet
- Narrator/Ensemble
- Natural Horn
- Natural Horn And Bassoon
- Natural Horn And Orchestra
- Natural Horn In Eb And Trombone (baritone)
- Natured Singing Voices
- Ney Flute (or Alto Flute/recorder)
- Nietencymbal
- Nonet
- Nonett (flute
- Northumbrian Pipes
- not transposable
- not-transposable
- Obligatory Harpsichord And Basso Continuo
- Obligatory Piano And 12 Solo Instruments
- Oboe
- Oboe "baroque" And Percussion
- Oboe (2 Violins/2 Treble Recorders) And Basso Continuo
- Oboe (2. Flute) And String Orchestra
- Oboe (2. Flute/2. Violin) And Piano
- Oboe (also Oboe D'amore And Cor Anglais) And Harp (individual Pieces Also For Flute/alto Flute
- Oboe (clarinet) And Guitar
- Oboe (cor Anglais)
- Oboe (cor Anglais) And Piano
- Oboe (flute
- Oboe (flute)
- Oboe (flute) And Basso Continuo (piano Or Harpsichord)
- Oboe (flute) And Guitar
- Oboe (flute) And Piano
- Oboe (flute) And String Orchestra
- Oboe (flute/violin) And Basso Continuo
- Oboe (flute/violin) And Guitar
- Oboe (or Soprano) And Cor Anglais
- Oboe (tenor Recorder
- Oboe (violin
- Oboe (violin)
- Oboe (violin) And Basso Continuo
- Oboe (violin) And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Oboe / Piano
- Oboe and ( Soprano and ( Organ and Continuo ))
- Oboe And 3 Magnetophones (or Live Electronics) (1 Player)
- Oboe And Basso Continuo
- Oboe and Bassoon
- Oboe And Clarinet
- Oboe And Cor Anglais
- Oboe And Harp
- Oboe And Harpsichord
- Oboe And Harpsichord (piano
- Oboe And Harpsichord Or Piano
- Oboe and Orchestra
- Oboe And Organ
- Oboe And Percussion
- Oboe And Piano
- Oboe And Piano (harpsichord)
- Oboe and Piano or Organ
- Oboe And Small Orchestra
- Oboe And String Orchestra
- Oboe and String Quartet
- Oboe And String Trio
- Oboe And Strings (violin
- Oboe d'amore
- Oboe d'amore and Piano or Organ
- Oboe d'amore or Violin and Piano or Organ
- Oboe da caccia (English Horn) and Piano or Organ
- Oboe Duo
- Oboe Duo/English Horn
- Oboe Duo/English Horn/BassoonDuo or Trio
- Oboe or C Clarinet/C Clarinet/Bassoon or Bass Clarinet
- Oboe or Clarinet/Clarinet/Basoon or Bass Clarinet
- Oboe or Clarinet/Piano
- Oboe or English Horn/Crystal Glasses/B-Flat Clarinet or E-flat Clarinet/Bassoon/Tambourine
- Oboe or Flute and Piano or Organ
- Oboe or Soprano Saxophone/Piano
- Oboe or Violin and Piano or Organ
- Oboe or Violin/Piano
- Oboe Quartet
- Oboe Solo
- Oboe Solo Or 2 Oboes (ad Libitum Also Oboe Solo With A Bordun Of 2 Horns Or 2 Clarinets Or 2 Strings)
- Oboe Studies
- Oboe With 2. Oboe Als Begleitvoice
- Oboe)
- Oboe) And Basso Continuo
- Oboe) And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
- Oboe) And Basso Continuo (piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Oboe) And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Oboe) And Basso Continuo; Cello And Viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
- Oboe) And Piano
- Oboe) And Piano; Cello (bassoon) Ad Libitum
- Oboe/B-flat Clarinet/Bassoon
- Oboe/Bass Clarinet/Horn
- Oboe/Bassoon/Piano
- Oboe/Bassoon/String Ensemble
- Oboe/Cello/Bass/Harp
- Oboe/Cello/Harp
- Oboe/Chamber Orchestra
- Oboe/Clarinet
- Oboe/Clarinet/Bassoon
- Oboe/Clarinet/French Horn/Percussion/String Quartet
- Oboe/Clarinet/Horn/Bassoon/Piano
- Oboe/Clarinet/Piano
- Oboe/Clarinet/Violin/Viola/Double Bass
- Oboe/Continuo
- Oboe/English Horn/Bassoon
- Oboe/Guitar
- Oboe/Harp/Organ
- Oboe/Opt. Bassoon
- Oboe/Organ
- Oboe/Piano
- Oboe/Piano/Continuo
- Oboe/Prepared Piano/Frequency
- Oboe/Strings
- Oboe/Timpani
- Oboe/Viola
- Oboe/Viola/Bass Clarinet/Harp
- Oboes
- Oboes Or Other Melodic Instruments
- Oboes)
- Oboes) And Basso Continuo
- Oboes) And Basso Continuo (cello)
- Oboes) Or Mixed Instrumentation
- Oboes) Or String Orchestra And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
- Oboes) Or String Orchestra And Basso Continuo; Harpsichord (piano)
- Octet
- Old Instruments
- Ondes Martenot
- Ondes Martenot/Orchestra
- One Or More Melodic Instruments (recorders
- Optional 3 Part Bass Chorus And Chamber Orchestra
- Optional Handbell and Trumpet
- Orchestra
- Orchestra / Chamber Orchestra
- Orchestra And Organ
- Orchestra And Organ (ad Libitum)
- Orchestra And Speakers
- Orchestra And Wind Band
- Orchestra And Wind Band; Organ Ad Libitum
- Orchestra Or String Orchestra
- Orchestra With Choir (ad Libitum)
- Orchestra/ Alto Soloist
- Orchestra/Bass Soloist
- Orchestra/Contralto Soloist
- Orchestra/Organ
- Orchestra/Soprano soloist
- Orchestra/Tenor Soloist
- Orchestra; Children's Choir (2 Equal Voices) And Speakers Ad Libitum
- Orchestration Studies
- Orff-instruments
- Orff-instruments And Cello; Recorder
- Orff-instruments And Organ; Strings Ad Libitum
- Orff-instruments And String Orchestra
- Organ
- Organ (2 Player)
- Organ (4 Hands)
- Organ (4 Hands) (2 Player)
- Organ (harmonium)
- Organ (harp)
- Organ (harpsichord
- Organ (harpsichord)
- Organ (harpsichord); 2 Horns In A Ad Libitum
- Organ (piano
- Organ (piano)
- Organ (piano) Ad Libitum
- Organ (without Pedal)
- Organ And 2 Percussion Instruments
- Organ And Brass Instruments-quintett
- Organ And Cello
- Organ And Chamber Orchestra
- Organ And Djembé
- Organ And Harp
- Organ And Mixed Choir (satb)
- Organ And Mixed Choir (satbarb) Ad Libitum
- Organ and Orchestra
- Organ and Percussion
- Organ And Percussion ( Triangles
- Organ And Percussion (2 Player) Ad Libitum
- Organ And Percussion (side/snare Drum
- Organ and Piano
- Organ and Piano Duet
- Organ And Piano Or Piano 4hd.
- Organ And Radios
- Organ And Speakers
- Organ And Strings
- Organ And Violin
- Organ Obl.
- Organ Or 2 Melody Instruments
- Organ or Harmonium
- Organ or Harpsichord
- Organ Or Harpsichord And Strings
- Organ or Piano
- Organ or Piano Solo
- Organ Or Various Instruments
- Organ Or Wind- And String Instruments And Other In
- Organ Or Woodwinds And Strings Ad Libitum
- Organ Solo
- Organ Solo/Choir
- Organ Vocal
- Organ With 2 Players
- Organ)
- Organ); Bass Ad Libitum (bass Recorder
- Organ); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Organ); Violoncello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Organ-positiv And Church Organ
- Organ/Orchestra
- Organ/Piano
- Organ/String Ensemble
- Organ/Vocal
- Organ/Vocal/Chords
- Organ; Timpani Ad Libitum
- Organd and Piano
- Organl And Orchestra
- Orgel.
- Original)
- Other Acoustic Sources And Audience
- Other Melodieinstruments And Begleitinstruments (guitar O.a.)
- Other String Instruments
- Pan Pipe
- Pan Pipe And Organ
- Pe
- Pedal Harp Solo
- Per
- Perc
- Percussion
- Percussion (1 Player)
- Percussion (1-3 Player And Groups)
- Percussion (2 Tom Toms
- Percussion (3 Player)
- Percussion (3 Player) (drum-set And Latin Percussion)
- Percussion (4 Player)
- Percussion (4-19 Player)
- Percussion (6 Player)
- Percussion (ad Libitum)
- Percussion (b.d
- Percussion (marimba
- Percussion (trio)
- Percussion Ad Libitum
- Percussion Ad Libitum ( Triangles
- Percussion And Cello
- Percussion And Orchestra
- Percussion And Organ
- Percussion And Piano
- Percussion And Piano (harpsichord); Guitar Ad Libitum
- Percussion And Piano Duet
- Percussion And String Orchestra
- Percussion And Strings
- Percussion And Synthesizers
- Percussion And Timpani
- Percussion Duo
- Percussion Ensemble
- Percussion Instruments
- Percussion Instruments (3 Player)
- Percussion Instruments (4 Or More Player)
- Percussion Instruments And Piano
- Percussion Quartet
- Percussion Sextet
- Percussion Solo
- Percussion Solo (bass Drum
- Percussion Solo And Chamber Orchestra
- Percussion Solo And Piano
- Percussion Trio (wood Blockdrum
- Percussion With 2 Players
- Percussion With 3 Players
- Percussion With 3 Players (1. Player: Schlagstäbe
- Percussion With 3 Players (temple Blocks
- Percussion With 3 Players And Piano
- Percussion With 4 Players
- Percussion With 6 Players (1. Player: 4 Chin. Cymbal
- Percussion With 6 Players (1. Player: Vibraphone Without Motor
- Percussion)
- Percussion-ensemble
- Percussion-ensemble (4 Player)
- Percussion-quartett
- Percussion-quintett
- Percussion-sextett
- Percussion/Piano
- Percussiontrio
- Pian
- Piano
- piano & cello (opt.)
- Piano (2 And 4 Hands)
- Piano (2 Pieces For 2 Pianos)
- Piano (2+4 Hands)
- Piano (2- And 4-hands)
- Piano (4 Hands)
- Piano (4 Hands) And Percussion
- Piano (6 Hands)
- Piano (also 4-hd.) Or Keyboard
- Piano (also For Harpsichord Or Organ)
- Piano (cembalo)
- Piano (clavichord
- Piano (harp) And Cello
- Piano (harpsichord
- Piano (harpsichord Or Organ)
- Piano (harpsichord)
- Piano (harpsichord) And Orchestra
- Piano (harpsichord) And String Orchestra
- Piano (harpsichord) And Strings; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- Piano (keyboard)
- Piano (left Hand)
- Piano (organ
- Piano (organ)
- Piano (organ) And Flute
- Piano (organ) And Flute (violin
- Piano (organ) And Melody Instrument (flute
- Piano (piano Trio)
- Piano (Rgiht hand)
- Piano (synthesizer/electric Organ)
- Piano (with Lyrics)
- Piano (with Text)
- Piano / Keyboard
- Piano 2- And 4-händig
- Piano 4 Hands
- Piano Accompaniment
- Piano Ad Lib.
- Piano Ad Libitum
- Piano And Bass; Flute And Percussion Ad Libitum
- Piano And Basso
- Piano and Cello
- piano and cello (opt.)
- Piano and chords
- Piano And Congas Drums
- Piano And Ensemble
- Piano And Guitar
- Piano And Marimba
- Piano And Melody Instrument
- Piano And Melody Instrument (flute
- piano and oboe (or violin)
- piano and opt. instruments
- Piano and Orchestra
- Piano And Organ
- Piano And Organ (harmonium)
- Piano and Organ Duet
- Piano And Other Instruments
- Piano And Percussion
- Piano And Percussion (bar Chimes
- Piano And String Orchestra
- Piano And String Orchestra With Flute Or Violin
- Piano And String Quartet
- Piano And String Quintet (2 Violins
- Piano And Strings
- Piano And Strings Ad Libitum
- Piano And Violin
- piano and violin (oboe or flute)
- Piano And Voice
- Piano Duet
- Piano Four Hands
- Piano Left Hand And Orchestra
- Piano Or 2 Pianos (4 Hands)
- Piano Or Accordion And Andere Instruments Ad Libitum (2 Melodic Instruments
- Piano Or Accordion And Other Instruments Ad Libitum (2 Melodic Instruments
- Piano Or Accordion And Other Instruments Ad Libitum (2 Melody Instruments
- Piano or Celeste
- Piano Or Clavichord
- Piano Or Harp
- Piano Or Harpsichord
- Piano Or Keyboard
- Piano Or Organ
- Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
- Piano Or Other Keyboard Instruments
- Piano Or Piano (4 Hands)
- Piano Quartet
- Piano Quartet (violin
- Piano Quintet
- Piano Score
- Piano Solo
- Piano Solo Or For A Melody Instrument (c
- Piano Solo or Guitar
- Piano Solo Or With 2 Voices (instruments) Ad Libitum
- Piano Solo Or With Voice
- Piano Solo/opt.duet
- Piano Studies
- Piano Trio
- Piano With 2 Oboes
- Piano With Lyrics
- Piano With Text
- Piano With Text; 1 Or 2 Violins
- Piano)
- Piano); Cello (viola Da Gamb
- Piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitu
- Piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Piano); Cello Ad Libitum
- Piano); Viola Da Gamba (cello) Ad Libitu
- Piano/Alto Saxophone
- Piano/Alto Saxophone/Drums
- Piano/Brass Band
- Piano/Chamber Orchestra
- Piano/Chords
- Piano/Conductor
- Piano/Drums
- Piano/Guitar/Chords
- Piano/Guitar/Drums
- Piano/keyboard
- Piano/Orchestra
- Piano/Organ/Bass/Vocal/Chords
- Piano/Piano Reduction
- Piano/String Orchestra
- Piano/Strings/Vocal/Chords
- Piano/Synth/Chords
- Piano/Vocal
- Piano/Vocal Chords
- Piano/Vocal Duet/Chords
- Piano/Vocal with String Quartet
- Piano/Vocal/Cello
- Piano/Vocal/Chords
- Piano/Vocal/Chords and Guitar Tab/Vocal
- Piano/Vocal/Chords and Violin
- Piano/Vocal/Chords with Fiddle
- Piano/Vocal/Chords/Drums
- Piano/Vocal/opt. flute
- Piano/Vocal/Uke
- Piano/Vocal/Ukulele
- Piano/Vocal/Violin
- Piano/Voice
- Piano; Violin And Cello Ad Libitum
- PianoTrio
- Piccolo
- Piccolo (also Alto-flute)
- Piccolo Flute (clarinet/soprano Saxophone)
- Piccolo Flute/Frequency
- Piccolo Flute/G Flute/Bass Trombone
- Piccolo Recorder (treble Recorder)
- Piccolo Trumpet or Cornet/Brass Ensemble
- Piccolo Trumpet/Brass Ensemble
- Piccolo Trumpet/Harpsichord/Cello
- Piccolo/Piano
- Piccolo/Tuba
- Piccoloflute (trumpet)
- Pictures
- Pipe
- Pipe/Piano
- Playback-cd
- Player Piano
- Portative
- Positive Organ
- Possible Ensemble Variations
- Preface
- Psaltery
- Querflute And Bassoon
- Rattlesdrum
- Recorder
- Recorder (also Alto And Bass) And Accordion (m Iii)
- Recorder (alternate Sopranino
- Recorder (alto
- Recorder (alto Or Soprano)
- Recorder (alto Recorder
- Recorder (alto/soprano)
- Recorder (flute
- Recorder (flute)
- Recorder (flute) Solo
- Recorder (s/a/t/b) And Guitar
- Recorder (s/t)
- Recorder (s/t) And Piano
- Recorder (s/t) And Piano; 2 Violins And Cello Ad Libitum
- Recorder (sopranoino-
- Recorder Ad Libitum And Children Instruments
- Recorder And Guitar
- Recorder And Percussion
- Recorder And Violin
- Recorder Or Tin Whistle
- Recorder Quartet
- Recorder Quartet (attb)
- Recorder Quartet (changing Instrumentation S/a/t/b)
- Recorder Quartet (satb)
- Recorder Quartet (string Quartet) And Voice
- Recorder Quartet (variously S/a/t/b)
- Recorder Quartet Or Other Melodic Instruments
- Recorder Solo
- Recorder Solo Or Other Melodieinstruments (flute
- Recorder(n)
- Recorder(n) (s/ss) And Drum
- Recorder(s) (s/ss) And Drum
- Recorder/Continuo
- Recorder/Guitar
- Recorder/Piano
- Recorders
- Recorders (sat
- Recorders (satb)-
- Recorders (ssaa) And Percussion Instruments
- Recorders (ssat/ssaa) And Side/snare Drum
- Recorders And Orff-instruments
- Recorders And Orff-instruments; Organ (piano
- Recorders And Percussion
- Recorders And Weitere Melodieinstruments In C Sowie In Bb
- Recorders-choir And Small Percussion (orff-instrumentarium)
- Recorders-quartett Or Other Melodic Instruments
- Rhythm Method
- Rhythm Section
- Ride-cymbel
- Räumliche Voices Variable Besetzung (mindestens 10 Vokalisten)
- S
- S/a) And Orchestra
- SA
- SA / Piano
- SAA Female Chorus
- Saa)
- SAATB Choir
- SAATB or SATTB Choir
- SAATBB Choir
- SAATTB Choir
- SAB Choir
- SABarMTB Choir
- Saite)
- Salon Orchestra
- Salteri
- Sat
- SAT Choir
- SAT or SAA Choir
- SATB and piano
- SATB Choir
- Satb Choir And Organ
- SATB Choir and Piano
- Satb Choir And String Orchestra
- Satb Choir Or 4 Solo Voices
- SATB Choir/Piano
- SATB Choir/Piano (or organ)
- SATB Choir/Piano/Chords
- SATB Choir/Strings
- SATB Chorus
- SATB Chorus (a capella)
- SATB Chorus/2 Pianos
- SATB Chorus/Lute
- SATB Chorus/Organ
- SATB Chorus/Organ/Orchestra
- SATB or Piano/Vocal
- SATB Quartet
- SATB Quartet/Harp
- SATB/Oboe (C instrument)/Piano
- SATB/Orchestra
- SATB/Orchestra/Soloists
- SATB/Piano
- SATBB Choir
- SATTB Choir
- SATTBarB Choir
- Sax/Piano
- Saxhorn)
- Saxophone
- Saxophone (in Eb) And Piano
- Saxophone (or Clarinet)
- Saxophone / Piano
- Saxophone 4/Piano
- Saxophone 5/Piano
- Saxophone And Percussion
- Saxophone and Piano
- Saxophone Ensemble
- Saxophone In Bb
- Saxophone In Bb And Piano
- Saxophone In Eb And Piano
- Saxophone or Clarinet Quartet
- Saxophone Orchestra And Organ
- Saxophone Quartet
- Saxophone Quartet (satbar)
- Saxophone Quartet And 2 Percussion
- Saxophone Quartet And Piano
- Saxophone Quartet/Percussion
- Saxophone Quintet
- Saxophone Quintet/Rhythm Section
- Saxophone Sextet
- Saxophone Solo
- Saxophone Studies
- Saxophone Trio
- Saxophone-ensemble
- Saxophone-quartet
- Saxophone-quartett (satbar) And Organ
- Saxophone-trio
- Saxophone-trio (atbar)
- Saxophone/Piano
- Saxophones
- SB and Orchestra
- Schlgazeug(1-2 Player))
- Schlgw)
- Schola
- School Choir
- School Orchestra
- School Orchestra/Children's Choir
- School Orchestra: 2 Flutes (treble Recorders)
- Score
- Septet
- Seven-part Mixed Chorus
- Sextet
- Shakuhachi And Guitar
- Shawm And Accompaniment
- Sheng And Piano
- Side/snare Drum
- Singers
- Singers And Orchestra
- Single-action Accordion
- Six Sopranos
- Six Trumpets
- Six-part Mixed Chorus
- Small Choir Or Soloists (satb)
- Small Mixed Choir (satb) And 11 Solo Instruments
- Small Mixed Choir And Instruments (1) - Flute And Small Orchestra (2) - Speaker
- Small Orchestra
- Small Percussion
- SMATB Choir
- SMATBarB Choir
- SMTBar Quartet/Piano
- Snare Drum
- Snare Drum/Piano
- Soli
- Soli And Orchestra
- Soli/Choir/Orchestra
- Soli/SATB/Orchestra
- Soli/SATB/Organ
- Soli/SATB/Piano
- Soli/TBarB Male Chorus/Organ
- Soli/TTB Male Chorus/Flute/Organ
- Soli/TTB Male Chorus/Orchestra
- Soli/TTB Male Chorus/Organ
- Solist
- Solo
- Solo (bar) And Children's Choir (sa)
- Solo (bar) And Orchestra
- Solo (mezzo) And Piano (organ)
- Solo (s Or T)
- Solo (s)
- Solo (s) And Piano Or Strings Accompaniment
- Solo (soprano)
- Solo (t) And 3 Speakers
- Solo (t) And Piano
- Solo (t) And Small Orchestra
- Solo a cappella
- Solo And Mixed Choir (satb) (organ)
- Solo Cello or Euphonium and Orchestra
- Solo Double Bass
- Solo Euphonium
- Solo Euphonium and Brass Ensemble
- Solo Instrument
- Solo Instrument/Piano
- Solo Or Choral
- Solo Parts
- Solo Parts (stbar)
- Solo Parts And Orchestra
- Solo Saxophone
- Solo Snare Drum
- Solo Soprano And Piano/organ
- Solo To Group (melody- And Keyboard Instruments
- Solo Transposable
- Solo Trombone
- Solo Tuba
- Solo Tuba or Euphonium
- Solo Tuba/Tuba Quartet
- Solo Viola And Large Chamber Orchestra
- Solo Violin
- Solo Violin & String Orchestra
- Solo-bass
- Solo-cello
- Solo-cello/double Bass
- Solo-flute And 7 Flutes
- Solo-instrument (violin Or Flute) And Organ Or Ensemble (strings)
- Solo-trumpet
- Solo-trumpet (c Or B)
- Solo-trumpet In C Or Koloratursoprano And Chamber Orchestra
- Solo-trumpet In C Or Koloratursoprano And Orchestra
- Solo-viola
- Solo-violin And String Orchestra
- Solo-violoncello/contrabass
- Solo/SATB/Piano
- Sologuitar
- Soloist And 2-part Children's Choir; 2 Instruments (a-bfl
- Soloists
- Soloists (abar) And Instruments
- Soloists (atb)
- Soloists (countertenor
- Soloists (ctttbb)
- Soloists (mezbarb)
- Soloists (sa)
- Soloists (saab) And Orchestra
- Soloists (saatbb) And Orchestra
- Soloists (sab)
- Soloists (sat)
- Soloists (sat/saa) And 3 Recorders (sst/stt/sat)
- Soloists (satb)
- Soloists (satb) And Combo (trumpet
- Soloists (satb) And Mixed Choir (satb)
- Soloists (satb) And Mixed Choir (ssaattbb) A Cappella
- Soloists (satb) And Orchestra
- Soloists (satbb)
- Soloists (sb)
- Soloists (sb) And Orchestra
- Soloists (sbar) And Orchestra
- Soloists (smez)
- Soloists (smezatb)
- Soloists (ss/tt)
- Soloists (ssaatb)
- Soloists (ssaattbb) And Orchestra
- Soloists (ssab)
- Soloists (ssattb) And Orchestra
- Soloists (ssb)
- Soloists (sstb)
- Soloists (st)
- Soloists (st) And Piano
- Soloists (stbar)
- Soloists (tb
- Soloists (tb)
- Soloists (tb); Piano Ad Libitum
- Soloists (ttb Or Ssb)
- Soloists And Orchestra
- Soloists With Accompaniment Einer Combo
- Soloists With Accompaniment Einer Combo-bebetzung
- Soloistss (satb)
- Solovoice And Orchestra
- Sopranino
- Sopranino Recorder
- Sopranino Recorder (treble Recorder/flute)
- Sopranino Saxophone
- Sopranino- (soprano-
- Soprano
- Soprano (cis-moll) And Piano
- Soprano (mezzo-soprano) And Piano
- soprano (opt.)
- Soprano (or Tenor) And Piano
- Soprano (or Tenor) Solo
- Soprano (or Violin/viola)
- Soprano (tenor)
- Soprano (tenor) And 2 Instruments (in C) Or 3 Instruments
- Soprano (tenor) And Organ
- Soprano (tenor) And Piano
- Soprano (tenor) And Piano (organ)
- Soprano (tenor) And Piano; Choir (gch
- Soprano (tenor) Or Alto (baritone) And Piano
- Soprano (voc.)
- Soprano And 5 Instruments
- Soprano And 6 Singers (sopranos)
- Soprano And Alto And Organ
- Soprano And Alto Or Female Choir (children's Choir) With Piano
- Soprano And Alto Solo
- Soprano And Baritone With Piano
- Soprano And Chamber Orchestra
- Soprano And Ensemble
- Soprano And Female Choir (smeza)
- Soprano And Guitar
- Soprano And Harp
- Soprano And Harp (piano)
- Soprano And Large Orchestra
- Soprano And Mixed Choir
- Soprano And Orchestra
- Soprano And Orchestra Or Piano
- Soprano And Organ
- Soprano And Organ (piano)
- Soprano And Piano
- Soprano And Piano (3 Instruments Ad Libitum)
- Soprano And Piano (organ)
- Soprano And Piano Or Orchestra
- Soprano And String Orchestra
- Soprano And String Orchestra With Percussion
- Soprano And String Quartet
- Soprano And String Quintet
- Soprano And Tenor Recorder
- Soprano And Treble Recorder
- Soprano And Violin
- Soprano Duet and Piano
- Soprano Or Alto Saxophone Solo
- Soprano or Alto/Guitar
- Soprano Or Mezzo-soprano And Piano Quintet
- Soprano or Mezzo-soprano/Mezzo-soprano or Alto/Piano
- Soprano or Mezzo-soprano/Mezzo-soprano/Baritone/B-flat Trumpet
- Soprano Or Mezzosoprano And Piano
- Soprano Or Tenor
- Soprano or Tenor /Piano
- Soprano Or Tenor And Piano
- Soprano Or Tenor Solo
- Soprano or Tenor/Bass/Continuo
- Soprano or Tenor/Choir
- Soprano or Tenor/Choir/Orchestra
- Soprano or Tenor/Choir/Organ
- Soprano or Tenor/Guitar
- Soprano or Tenor/Oboe
- Soprano or Tenor/Organ
- Soprano or Tenor/Piano
- Soprano or Tenor/Piano or Organ
- Soprano or Tenor/Piano/Organ
- Soprano or Tenor/Recorder
- Soprano or Tenor/Strings/Chime
- Soprano or Tenor/Violin/Cello/Piano
- Soprano Recorder
- Soprano Recorder (flute
- Soprano Recorder (tenor Recorder) And Piano
- Soprano Recorder (treble Recorder/flute) And Recorder Quartet Or String Quartet (string Orchestra); Guitar Ad Libitum
- Soprano Recorder (violin) And Piano
- Soprano Recorder And Basso Continuo
- Soprano Recorder And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
- Soprano Recorder And Guitar (also For Tenor Recorder And Partly Treble Recorder)
- Soprano Recorder And Piano
- Soprano Recorder And Piano (harpsichord)
- Soprano Recorder And Violin (recorder)
- Soprano Saxophone
- Soprano Saxophone (clarinet) And Piano
- Soprano Saxophone (clarinet) Solo
- Soprano Saxophone And Percussion
- Soprano Saxophone And Piano
- Soprano Saxophone Or Clarinet And Percussion
- Soprano Saxophone) And Organ
- Soprano Saxophone) And Piano
- Soprano Saxophone/clarinet In Bb
- Soprano Saxophone/Piano
- Soprano Solo
- Soprano Solo And 3 Sopranos
- Soprano Solo And Chorus (satb) With Keyboard Or String Accompaniment
- Soprano Solo And Combo
- Soprano Solo And Mixed Choir (satb)
- Soprano Solo And Mixed Choir (ssaattbb)
- Soprano Solo And Orchestra
- Soprano Solo/Choir
- Soprano Solo/Choir/Oboe/Organ
- Soprano Solo/Choir/Organ
- Soprano Solo/Choir/Piano
- Soprano Solo/Female Choir/Children and Youth Choir/ Horn or Flugelhorn/Harp
- Soprano Solo/Male Choir/Organ
- Soprano solo/Piano
- Soprano Solo/Tenor Solo/Female Chorus/Lute/Hurdy-Gurdy/Percussion
- Soprano Voice and ( Violin 1 & 2 and ( Viola and ( Organ and Continuo )))
- Soprano-
- Soprano- (alto/tenor) Recorder Or Violin/oboe/flute And Basso Continuo
- Soprano- (tenor-) Recorder And Piano
- Soprano- And Alto- (tenor-)recorder Or Violin
- Soprano- And Altorecorder
- Soprano- And Baritone-solo And Orchestra
- Soprano- And Treble Recorder
- Soprano- And Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo
- Soprano- And Treble Recorder And Piano
- Soprano- And Treble Recorder And Piano Or 3 Recorders (sat) And Piano Ad Libitum
- Soprano- And Treble Recorder With Piano (harpsichord)
- Soprano- And Treble Recorder; Guitar Ad Libitum
- Soprano- And Treble Recorder; Voice And Piano Ad Libitum
- Soprano- Or Altosaxophone Solo
- Soprano- Or Bass Recorder)
- Soprano- Or Tenor Recorder
- Soprano- Or Tenor Recorder (or Other Melodic Instruments) And Basso Continuo
- Soprano- Or Tenor Recorder (or Other Melody Instruments) And Guitar
- Soprano- Or Tenor Recorder And Piano
- Soprano- Or Treble Recorder
- Soprano- Or Treble Recorder And Guitar
- Soprano- Or Treble Recorder And Orff-instruments
- Soprano-instrument (recorder
- Soprano-solo
- Soprano-solo And Organ
- Soprano/2 Pianos
- Soprano/6 to 12 Cellos
- Soprano/Alto
- Soprano/Alto/2 Pianos
- Soprano/Alto/Choir
- Soprano/Alto/Piano
- Soprano/Alto/Recorder/Violin/Female Choir/Piano or Lute
- Soprano/alto/tenor Sax
- Soprano/Baritone/Choir/Organ
- Soprano/Baritone/Narrator/Chamber Orchestra
- Soprano/Baritone/Narrator/Piano
- Soprano/Bass/Choir/Organ
- Soprano/Bass/Continuo
- Soprano/Bass/Piano
- Soprano/Choir/Accordion or Organ
- Soprano/Choir/Percussion
- Soprano/Clarinet/Piano
- Soprano/Continuo
- Soprano/English Horn
- Soprano/Harp
- Soprano/Male Choir/Chamber Orchestra
- Soprano/Male Choir/Piano
- Soprano/Mezzo-soprano/ Tenor/Orchestra
- Soprano/Oboe/Horn/Two Violins/Viola/Continuo
- Soprano/Orchestra
- Soprano/Organ
- Soprano/Piano
- Soprano/Piano (reduction)
- Soprano/Piano/Organ
- Soprano/Piano/Percussion
- Soprano/SAATBB Chorus/Piano
- Soprano/SATB/Piano
- Soprano/Soprano or Tenor/Piano
- Soprano/SSA/Four Horns/Two Bassoons
- Soprano/Strings
- Soprano/Strings/Continuo
- Soprano/Tenor/Bass/Continuo
- Soprano/Tenor/Bass/Orchestra
- Soprano/Tenor/Choir
- Soprano/Tenor/Orchestra
- Soprano/Tenor/Piano
- Soprano/Tenor/Strings/Continuo
- Soprano/Tenor/Strings/Organ
- Soprano/Trumpet/Organ
- Soprano/Viola/Cello
- Soprano/Violin/Viola/Cello/Piano
- Sopranoino And Bass) And String Orchestra
- Sopranoino And Piano
- Sopranoino- Or Bass Recorder
- Sopranoino- Or Treble Recorder
- Sopranoino- Or Treble Recorder And Piano
- Sopranorecorder (tenorrecorder) And Piano
- Sopranosaxophone In Bb) And Piano
- Speaker
- Speakerchoir And Percussion
- Speakers
- Speakers And 5 Percussionists
- Speakers And 5 Percussionr
- Speakers And Bassflute
- Speakers And Instruments
- Speakers And Instruments (3 Violins
- Speakers And Mixed Choir (ssattb) A Cappella
- Speakers And Orchestra
- Speakers And Organ
- Speakers And Piano Or Orchestra
- Speakers And Small Orchestra
- Speakers And Small Orchestra Or 2 Pianos And Percussion
- Speakers And String Orchestra
- Speakers-choir
- Speaking Choir)
- Speaking Chorus And Percussion
- Speaking Voice And Piano
- Speech Song And Orchestra
- Spoken Voice
- Spoken Voice And Ensemble
- Spoken Voice And Piano (4 Hands)
- Spreaking Choir
- SSA Choir and Piano
- SSA Female Chorus
- SSAA Female Chorus
- SSAATTBB Choir/Piano
- SSTTBB Choir and Piano
- STB Choir
- STB Choir/Violin/Cello/Piano
- String And Wind Instruments
- String Duo
- String Ensemble
- String Ensemble (string Quartet)
- String Ensemble (string Quintet)
- String Octet
- String Orchestra
- String Orchestra (2 Violins And Bass)
- String Orchestra (viola Also Solo)
- String Orchestra (wind Instruments Ad Lib) And Basso Continuo
- String Orchestra And 2 Horns In D Ad Libitum
- String Orchestra And 3 Trumpets Ad Libitum
- String Orchestra And B.c.
- String Orchestra And Basso Continuo
- String Orchestra And Basso Continuo (harpsichord Or Organ)
- String Orchestra And Basso Continuo (harpsichord/piano)
- String Orchestra And Basso Continuo; Woodwinds Ad Libitum
- String Orchestra And Harpsichord
- String Orchestra And Harpsichord (organ)
- String Orchestra And Harpsichord (piano)
- String Orchestra And Organ
- String Orchestra And Piano
- String Orchestra and Rhythm Section
- String Orchestra And Wind Instruments
- String Orchestra And Wind Instruments (2 Oboes And Bassoon) Ad Libitum
- String Orchestra or Quartet
- String Orchestra Or Recorder Ensemble With Percussion; Cello/bass Or Guitar/bassguitar Ad Libitum
- String Orchestra Or String Quintet
- String Orchestra With 2 Obligatory Violins
- String Orchestra With 4 Obligatory Violins
- String Orchestra With Piano And Percussion
- String Orchestra Without Basses
- String Orchestra/Percussion
- String Orchestra; Wind Instruments Ad Libitum And B.c.; Harpsichord (piano)
- String Quartet
- String Quartet (and Double Bass Ad Lib.)
- String Quartet (double Bass Ad Lib.)
- String Quartet (double Bass Ad Libitum)
- String Quartet (double Bass Ad Libitum) Or String Orchestra
- String Quartet And Marimba
- String Quartet And Percussion (1-2 Player)
- String Quartet And Piano
- String Quartet And String Orchestra
- String Quartet or String Orchestra
- String Quartet Or String Orchestra (violin 3 / Viola Ad Lib.)
- String Quartet Or String Quintet (string Orchestra)
- String Quartet/Piano
- String Quartet; Double Bass Ad Libitum
- String Quintet
- String Quintet (Variable Instrumentation)
- String Quintet And String Orchestra
- String Quintet Or String Orchestra
- String Sextet
- String Trio
- String Trio (violin
- String Trio Or Other Instruments
- Strings
- Strings [accordion]
- Strings Ad Libitum
- Strings and 2 Horns
- Strings And Basso Continuo
- Strings And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
- Strings And Basso Continuo (harpsichord/organ); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Strings And Harpsichord
- Strings And Harpsichord (piano)
- strings and opt. piano
- Strings And Organ
- Strings And Other Instruments Ad Libitum
- Strings And Piano
- Strings And Wind Instruments
- Strings)
- Strings) Or Organ
- Strings) Or Organ (piano)
- Strings/Continuo
- Strings/Harp
- Strings/Percussion
- Study Score
- Suspended Cymbal
- Symphonic Band
- Symphonic Orchestra
- Symphony Orchestra
- Tambourine And Castanets)
- Tamtam
- Temple Blocks
- Tenor
- Tenor (soprano)
- Tenor And Guitar
- Tenor And Orchestra
- Tenor And Piano
- Tenor And String Quartet
- Tenor Horn
- Tenor or Baritone/Soprano/Flute or Piccolo/Violin/Bassoon/Piano
- Tenor or Baritone/Tenor Saxophone/Piano/Percussion
- Tenor or Baritone/Violin/Flute/F Basset Horn/Piano
- Tenor Recorder
- Tenor Recorders)
- Tenor Sax/Piano
- Tenor Saxophone
- Tenor Saxophone And Piano
- Tenor Saxophone In Bb And Piano
- Tenor Saxophone or Basset Horn/Piano
- Tenor Saxophone/Piano
- Tenor Solo
- Tenor Solo and Piano
- Tenor Solo/Children's Choir/Chamber Orchestra
- Tenor Solo/Choir
- Tenor solo/Piano
- Tenor Voice and Organ (Piano)
- Tenor- And Bass Recorder Or Fiddles
- Tenor-banjo
- Tenor-solo
- Tenor/Baritone/Cello/Piano
- Tenor/Baritone/TTB Male Choir/Organ
- Tenor/Bass/ATTB Chorus/Orchestra
- Tenor/Bass/Continuo
- Tenor/Bass/Piano
- Tenor/Cello/Piano
- Tenor/Choir
- Tenor/Female Chorus/Piano
- Tenor/Flute/Orchestra
- Tenor/Orchestra
- Tenor/Piano
- Text
- Text Document
- Three Guitars
- Three Voices/Piano
- Three Women's Voices/Piano
- Three-part Female Chorus
- Three-part Mixed Chorus
- Three-part Mixed Chorus/Piano
- Timpani
- timpani (opt.)
- Timpani And Basso Continuo
- Timpani And Cymbal
- Timpani And Organ
- Timpani And Percussion
- Timpani And Percussion (10-12 Player)
- Timpani/Percussion Quintet
- Timpani/Piano
- Timpanis And Basso Continuo
- Tin Whistle)
- Tom-toms
- transposable
- Transverse Flute or Flute/Harpsichord or Piano
- Treble Recorder
- Treble Recorder (flute
- Treble Recorder (flute)
- Treble Recorder (flute) And Basso Continuo
- Treble Recorder (flute) And Piano
- Treble Recorder (oboe
- Treble Recorder (violin
- Treble Recorder And Accordion
- Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo
- Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo (piano)
- Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo (piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Treble Recorder And Basso Continuo; Cello Ad Libitum
- Treble Recorder And Guitar
- Treble Recorder And Harpsichord (piano)
- Treble Recorder And Piano
- Treble Recorder And Piano (harpsichord)
- Treble Recorder And String Trio
- Treble Recorders Or Flute And Oboe) And String Orchestra
- Triangles
- Trio
- Trio Sonata
- Triple Choir/Piano
- Triple Harp
- Trombone
- Trombone (bassoon) And Piano
- Trombone 4/Piano
- Trombone 5/Piano
- Trombone And Orchestra
- Trombone And Organ
- Trombone And Piano
- Trombone And Tenor Tuba
- Trombone And Tuba
- Trombone Choir
- Trombone Duet
- Trombone Ensemble
- Trombone Octet
- Trombone or Baritone/Piano
- Trombone or Euphonium/Piano
- Trombone or Tenor Saxophone or Bass Clarinet/Piano
- Trombone Quartet
- Trombone Quartet and Piano
- Trombone Quartet/Piano
- Trombone Quintet
- Trombone Sextet
- Trombone Solo
- Trombone Trio
- Trombone/Euphonium Duet with Piano
- Trombone/Orchestra
- Trombone/Organ or Piano
- Trombone/Piano
- Trombone/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
- Trombone/tuba
- Trombone/Tuba Duet with Piano
- Trumpet
- Trumpet (bb) And Piano
- Trumpet (c)
- Trumpet (flugelhorn/cornet)
- Trumpet (in Bb Or In C) And Basso Continuo
- Trumpet (in Bb) And Piano
- Trumpet (oboe)
- trumpet (or flute)
- Trumpet 4/Piano
- Trumpet 5/Piano
- Trumpet And Orchestra
- Trumpet And Organ
- Trumpet and Piano
- Trumpet and Piano or Organ
- Trumpet And String Orchestra
- Trumpet Choir
- Trumpet Duet
- Trumpet Duet/Piano
- Trumpet Ensemble
- Trumpet In Bb
- Trumpet In Bb And Piano
- Trumpet In Bb And Timpani Or Brass Instruments
- Trumpet In C
- Trumpet In C And Piano
- Trumpet In D
- Trumpet Octet
- Trumpet Or Clarinet And Strings (high
- Trumpet or Cornet/Brass Ensemble
- Trumpet or Cornet/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
- Trumpet or Euphonium & Tuba
- Trumpet or Flute or Violin/2 Guitars
- Trumpet Quartet
- Trumpet Quintet
- Trumpet Septet
- Trumpet Sextet
- Trumpet Solo
- Trumpet Solo with Brass Quintet
- Trumpet Studies
- Trumpet Trio
- Trumpet Trio and Piano
- Trumpet Trio/Piano
- Trumpet/Brass Band
- Trumpet/Chamber Orchestra
- Trumpet/Concert Band
- Trumpet/Cornet and Piano
- Trumpet/Double Wind Quintet/Bass
- Trumpet/Euphonium Solo with Brass Band
- Trumpet/Euphonium Solo with Concert Band
- Trumpet/Harpsichord/Cello
- Trumpet/Horn/Trombone
- Trumpet/Organ
- Trumpet/Piano
- Trumpet/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
- Trumpet/Trombone/Piano
- Trumpet/Violin
- Trumpets
- TTB Male Chorus
- TTB Male Chorus/Orchestra
- TTB Male Chorus/Organ
- Ttbb A Cappella)
- TTBB Choir and Four Horns
- TTBB Choir/Piano
- TTBB Male Chorus
- Ttbb) And Piano
- TTBB/Piano
- Ttttbbbb A Cappella)
- Tuba
- Tuba Ad Libitum)
- Tuba and Orchestra
- Tuba and Piano
- Tuba Duet
- Tuba Ensemble
- Tuba Quartet
- Tuba Quartet with optional Chimes
- Tuba Quartet with optional Drums
- Tuba Quartet/Piano/Drums
- Tuba Quintet
- Tuba Solo
- Tuba Solo with Brass Choir
- Tuba Studies
- Tuba Trio
- Tuba/Euphonium Choir
- Tuba/Euphonium Quartet
- Tuba/Euphonium Sextet
- Tuba/Organ
- Tuba/Piano
- Tuba/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
- Tubular Bells) And Timpani
- Two Euphoniums/Piano
- Two Flutes
- Two Flutes or Two Violins/Continuo
- Two Flutes/Cello
- Two Flutes/Piano
- Two Flutes/Violin/String Orchestra
- Two Horns
- Two Oboes and Piano or Organ
- Two Piccolos/Piano
- Two Recorders/Piano
- Two Sopranos/Piano
- Two Trumpets in C and Organ
- Two Violas
- Two Violins
- Two Violins and Piano or Organ
- Two Violins/Cello
- Two Violins/Piano
- Two Violins/Two Violas/Continuo
- Two Violins/Viola
- Two Voices
- Two Voices/Piano
- Two-part Chorus/Piano
- Two-part Mixed Chorus
- Ukulele
- Ukulele/Tab/Vocal
- Ukulele/Vocal
- Unaccompanied Violin
- V Ii/va
- V) Ad Libitum
- Various Instruments (3 Violas And Basso Continuo; Violin
- Various Instruments (satb); Basso Continuo Ad Libitum
- Various Options For Instrumentation
- Vc/kb)
- Vibraphone
- Vibraphone And Marimba (1 Player) And String Orchestra
- Vibraphone/Cello/Strings
- Vibraphone/Piano
- Vielles
- Vioin and Piano
- Viola
- Viola (cello
- Viola (violin
- Viola Ad Libitum)
- Viola And Bassi
- Viola And Basso Continuo
- Viola And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Viola And Basso Continuo; Harpsichord (piano)
- Viola And Bigger Chamber Orchestra
- Viola and Cello
- Viola And Chamber Orchestra
- Viola And Guitar
- Viola And Harp
- Viola And Orchestra
- Viola And Organ
- Viola and Piano
- Viola And Piano (harpsichord)
- Viola and Piano or Organ
- Viola And Small Orchestra
- Viola And String Orchestra
- Viola And Strings With Harpsichord; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- Viola and violin ensemble
- Viola And Violoncello
- Viola d'Amore/Harpsichord
- Viola Da Gamba (cello
- Viola Da Gamba (cello) And Basso Continuo
- Viola Da Gamba (viola
- Viola Da Gamba)
- Viola Da Gamba) And Basso Continuo
- Viola da Gamba/Piano
- Viola ensemble
- Viola or Violin/Piano
- Viola Quartet
- Viola Solo
- Viola Studies
- Viola/Cello
- Viola/Harp
- Viola/Harp/Organ
- Viola/Orchestra
- Viola/Organ
- Viola/Piano
- Viola/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord or Harp
- Violas Da Gamba
- Violin
- Violin (2. Flute
- Violin (cello) And Piano
- Violin (flute
- Violin (flute)
- Violin (flute) And Basso Continuo
- Violin (flute) And Piano
- Violin (oboe
- Violin (oboe) And Basso Continuo
- violin (opt.)
- Violin (or Cello) And Piano
- Violin (piano Ad Libitum)
- Violin (tenor Recorder
- Violin (viola) And Piano
- Violin And Accordion
- Violin And Amplified Narrator
- Violin and Basso Continuo
- Violin And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
- Violin And Basso Continuo (piano
- Violin And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Violin And Basso Continuo; Cello Ad Libitum
- Violin And Basso Continuo; Harpsichord (piano)
- Violin and Cello
- Violin And Chamber Orchestra
- Violin And Double Bass
- Violin And Guitar
- Violin And Harp
- Violin And Harpsichord
- Violin And Harpsichord (piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Lib.
- Violin And Harpsichord (piano); Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Violin And Harpsichord (pianoforte)
- Violin And Men's Choir
- Violin And Obligatory Harpsichord
- Violin And Orchestra
- Violin And Organ
- Violin And Organ; Timpani Ad Libitum
- Violin and Piano
- Violin and Piano or Organ
- Violin And Piano; Cello Ad Libitum
- Violin and String Orchestra
- Violin And String Orchestra; 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- Violin And String Orchestra; 2 Horns In F Ad Libitum
- Violin And String Orchestra; 2 Oboes And 2 Horns Ad Libitum
- Violin And Strings
- violin and viola
- Violin Duet
- Violin I
- Violin Or Cello And Chamber Orchestra
- Violin or Cello and Piano or Organ
- Violin or Flute and Piano or Organ
- Violin or Flute/Cello/Piano
- Violin or Oboe d'amore and Piano or Organ
- Violin or Viola and Piano or Organ
- Violin Quartet
- Violin Solo
- Violin Solo And Large Chamber Orchestra
- Violin Solo And String Quartet (with Double Bass Ad Libitum) Or String Orchestra
- Violin Solo With Flute
- Violin Studies
- Violin With Oboe
- Violin)
- Violin) And Basso Continuo
- Violin) And Basso Continuo (harpsichord
- Violin) And Basso Continuo; Cello/viola Da Gamba Ad Libitum
- Violin) And Piano
- Violin-ensemble (3-4 Violins)
- Violin/2 Violas/Continuo
- Violin/B-flat Clarinet/Piano
- Violin/Cello
- Violin/Cello/Continuo
- Violin/Cello/Piano
- Violin/Clarinet/Piano
- Violin/Continuo
- Violin/Guitar
- Violin/Guitar/Cello
- Violin/Harp
- Violin/Horn/Piano
- Violin/Orchestra
- Violin/Organ
- Violin/Piano
- Violin/Piano or Organ
- Violin/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord
- Violin/Piano or Organ or Harpsichord or Harp
- Violin/Piano/Orchestra
- Violin/Piano/Suspended Cymbal
- Violin/Strings
- Violin/Strings/Continuo
- Violin/Trumpet/Double Bass
- Violin/Viola
- Violin/Viola or Violin/Guitar
- Violin/Viola/Cello
- Violin/Viola/Cello/Double Bass/Piano
- Violin/Viola/Cello/Guitar
- Violin/Viola/Harp
- Violin/Viola/Oboe/Clarinet/Double Bass
- Violins
- Violins And Percussion
- Violins)
- Violins) And Basso Continuo
- Violins) And Basso Continuo; Cello (viola Da Gamba) Ad Libitum
- Violoncello
- Violoncello (tenor Saxophon) And Orchestra
- Violoncello And Double Bass
- Violoncello And Double-bass
- Violoncello And Orchestra
- Violoncello And Piano
- Violoncello And Strings
- Violoncello Obl.
- Violoncello Obl. And Basso Continuo
- Violoncello Obligatory
- Violoncello Solo
- Violone (double Bass)
- Violone (double Bass) And String Orchestra
- Viols
- Vocal
- Vocal Duet
- Vocal Duet & Piano
- Vocal duet and piano
- Vocal Duet/Piano
- Vocal Method
- Vocal Method (Voice and Piano)
- Vocal or Choir/Piano or Organ
- Vocal Quintet or Chamber Choir (SMATBar)
- Vocal Score
- Vocal Solo
- Vocal Studies
- Vocal/Chords
- Vocals/Flute/Alto Flute/Percussion/Guitar Ensemble/Frequency
- Voice
- Voice (baritone)
- Voice (baritone) And Piano
- Voice (bass)
- Voice (choir)
- Voice (female Choir
- Voice (mezzo-soprano)
- Voice (mezzosoprano)
- Voice (middle Range) And Ensemble
- Voice (s/t) And Piano
- Voice (soprano Or Tenor) And Organ
- Voice (soprano)
- Voice And Breath(ad Libitum Amplified)
- Voice And Ensemble
- Voice And Guitar
- Voice And Instruments
- Voice and Orchestra
- Voice And Orff-instruments
- Voice And Organ
- Voice and Piano
- Voice And Piano (or Orchestra)
- Voice And Piano (organ)
- Voice And String Quartet
- Voice And String Trio
- Voice And Strings (string Quartet With Double Bass Ad Libitum Or String Orchestra)
- Voice Part And Orchestra Or Piano
- Voice Part And Piano
- Voice With Piano
- Voice(s)
- Voice(s) and organ or string quartet
- Voice/2 Recorders/Guitar
- Voice/Chamber Orchestra
- Voice/Continuo
- Voice/Ensemble
- Voice/Flute/Clarinet/Strings/Piano
- Voice/Guitar
- Voice/Guitar or Piano
- Voice/Lute or Organ
- Voice/Male Choir/Piano
- Voice/Organ
- Voice/Piano
- Voice/Piano or Organ
- Voice/Piano Trio
- Voice/Piano/Continuo
- Voices
- Voices And Instruments
- Voices/Flutes/1 or more Guitars/Percussion/Freqency
- Wind and String Ensemble
- Wind Band
- Wind Band Or Wind Instrumentsensemble
- Wind Bands
- Wind Bands (8-27 Parts)
- Wind Bands (8-27 Stimmen)
- Wind Ensemble
- Wind Instruments
- Wind Instruments Ad Libitum And Organ
- Wind Instruments And Percussion
- Wind Instruments And Percussion Ad Libitum
- Wind Instruments And Piano
- Wind Instrumentssextett
- Wind Octet
- Wind Quartet
- Wind Quartet (oboe/Clarinet/French Horn/Bassoon)
- Wind Quartet/Piano
- Wind Quintet
- Wind Quintet/Orchestra
- Wind Quintet/String Quintet
- Wind Quintet/Xylophone
- Wind Trio
- With Soloists Ad Libitum
- Womans Voice With 2 Violas And 2 Violoncellos
- Women's And Men's Choir (saa/tbb)
- Women's Choir (smeza)
- Women's Choir (smeza) With Piano
- Women's Choir (smeza) With Piano Or String Orchestra Or Plucked Orchestra
- Women's Choir Or Children's Choir (smeza)
- Woodwind Ensemble
- Woodwind Ensemble/Harpsichord
- Woodwind Quartet
- Woodwind Quintet
- Woodwind Trio
- Woodwind Trio/Piano
- Woodwinds
- Woodwinds And Harpsichord (lute Ad Libitum)
- Xylophone
- Xylophone (vibraphone
- Xylophone And Piano
- Xylophone/Piano
- Xylophones/Piano
- Young Band
- Youth Choir (mez/smeza) With String Orchestra And Organ (piano) Or Wind Band Or With Piano 2- Or 4-hands
- Youth Choir (mez/smeza) With String Orchestra And Organ Or With Piano 2- Or 4 Hands
- Youth Choir (smez) With Flute Or Treble Recorder And 2 Violins
- Youth Choir (smeza) With Instruments (flute [treble Recorder]
- Youth Choir And Wind Instruments Or Piano
- Youth Choir Or Female Choir (smeza) With Flute And String Orchestra
- Zheng
- Zither