"Variationen über Weihnachtslieder" Sheet Music by Barbara Heller
On the initiative of flutist Anja Weinberger, Barbara Heller composed variations on Advent and Christmas carols for flute solo, which are also suitable for other melody instruments. Heller chose Maria durch ein' Donrwald ging, Vom Himmel hoch, Auf dem Berge da wehet der Wind, Stille Nacht and Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen as themes for her variations. Brought to life in a special way, the traditional carols are equally suitable for church services and Advent concerts. Anja Weinberger is a flutist and author. She studied music, musicology and art history, performs chamber music in a wide variety of formations, teaches pupils of all ages and works for a cultural platform. Her books Kulturgeschichten – nicht nur für Flötisten, Meine französischen Kulturgeschichten und Frauengeschichten – Kulturgeschichten aus Kunst und Musik have been published by Leiermann-Verlag.